Mr. Cadenhead - 7th Grade Social Studies– Counts as three homework gradesp. 1 of 4

The Declaration of Independence(Adapted by Mr. Cadenhead from varous sources)

This article contains the following “tier 2” vocabulary words:

  • Declaration: an official statement about something
  • Resolution: a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do
  • Committee: a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do
  • Draft: a version of something (such as a document) that you make before you make the final version Debasement:
  • Derive: to have something as a source:to comefrom something
  • Oppress: to treat (a person or group of people) in a cruel or unfair way
  • Endowed: to freely or naturally provide (someone or something)with something
  • Instituted: Something that is created (such as a new law, rule, or system)
  • Lawful: allowed by the law
  • Consent: permission
  • Inalienable: impossible to take away or give up
  • Legitimate: allowed according to rules or laws
  • Excerpt: a small part of a longer written work

Directions: Read these articles and answer all the questions that follow
Document #1: “The Declaration of Independence”(adapted by Mr. Cadenhead from

The main purpose of America's Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War had already begun, and several major battles had already taken place. The American colonies had already cut most major ties to England, and had established their own congress, currency, army, and post office. On June 7, 1776, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Richard Henry Lee voiced a resolution that the United States ought to be completely free of England's influence, and that all political ties between the two countries should be dissolved. Congress agreed and began plans to publish a formal declaration of independence and appointed a committee of five members to draft the declaration.

Thomas Jefferson was chosen to draft the letter - which he did in a single day. Four other members, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams were part of the committee to help Jefferson. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson explained that a body of people has a right to change governments if that government becomes oppressive (unfair and controlling). He further explained that governments fail when they no longer have the consent of the governed. Since Parliament clearly lacked the consent of the American colonists to govern them, it was no longer legitimate.

The Declaration was presented to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 2, 1776. It was approved with a few minor changes. Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock, of Massachusetts was the first.

1 / Why was the Declaration of Independence written? / 2 / Which of the following HAD NOT taken place before the Declaration of Independence was written?
 / For the colonists /  / Battles
 / For the British /  / America had named a president
 / For the kings /  / The Revolutionary War
 / For other nations /  / American had cut most ties with England
3 / In the following sentence, what does the word “influence” mean? Richard Henry Lee voiced a resolution that the United States ought to be completely free of England's influence / 4 / Which of the following is an accurate description of what Thomas Jefferson described in the Declaration?
 / battle /  / That the King of England owes the colonists money
 / royal family /  / That America will win the war against England
 / under the effect of /  / People have the right to fair government
 / Money /  / The colonists have no rights
5 / According to Jefferson, when do governments fail? / 6 / Which of the following is NOT a reason the Declaration of Independence was written?
 / When they no longer have the consent of the people /  / A. Parliament lacked consent of the American people B.
 / When they fight wars /  / Parliament was unfair
 / When they issue taxes /  / Parliament taxed the Americans
 / When they owe money /  / Parliament had failed the American people
7 / The Continental Congress…. / 8 / Which of the following describes an illegitimate government according to the Declaration?
 / Agreed to the Declaration with a few changes /  / A government that taxes its people
 / Totally and completely agreed with the Declaration /  / A government that oppresses its people
 / Disagreed with the Declaration /  / A government that has the consent of its people
 / Agreed with the Declaration, but made major changes /  / A government run by the people
9 / The British were…. / 10 / Which of the following is FALSE?
 / Likely to agree to the declaration /  / Congress established a taxing system before the Declaration of Independence
 / Likely to disagree to the declaration /  / Congress established a post office before the Declaration of Independence
 / Likely to agree to the declaration with a few minor changes /  / Congress established an army before the Declaration of Independence
 / Likely to agree to the declaration with a few major changes /  / Richard Henry Lee voiced the resolution that American should dissolve its ties to England

Document #2: “Dear King George”(Adapted by Mr. Cadenhead from Reading Comprehension Worksheets: E-35 of 36)

In the late 1700s the American colonists were unhappy with King George III of England. They didn’t think he was doing what a good leader should do. He charged unfair taxes, would not allow trade with other countries and made colonists open their homes for soldiers to live with them. Colonists felt very far away from their king. Something needed to change. The colonists began to rebel.

The Second Continental Congress formed in 1775 after fighting began in the American Revolution. Made up of delegates from the 13 American colonies, the Congress met in Philadelphia to lead the colonies toward independence.

In 1776, a committee of the Congress selected Thomas Jefferson to write a letter to King George III. Jefferson had already proven himself to be an honorable and knowledgeable man. He was also an excellent writer. The letter was a dangerous thing, because it would be considered treason by the king. The Congress was opposing their lawful ruler. People who were associated with this letter could be imprisoned or killed for saying they wanted to be independent from the king.

Jefferson’s historic letter became known as the Declaration of Independence. It listed all the reasons that the colonists thought the king was not a very good king. It said that the king and the colonists should break their relationship with each other, and each should go their own way. Congress approved the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. All the members of the Second Continental Congress signed it at the bottom. One of the men would become famous for his signature. John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress, signed in large, bold letters. His name has become a synonym for signature

Short Response Questions:

11) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

12) What was the Second Continental Congress?

13) Why would sending the letter be considered treason?

14) Name one thing King George was doing that the colonists considered unfair.

15) What was John Hancock’s position in the Second Continental Congress?

Document #3: Three excerpts from the “Declaration of Independence”

1)“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these [rights] are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

2)“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

3)“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

16 / What does “unalienable rights” means? / 17 / According to the document, where do unalienable rights come from?
 / The right to remain silent /  / From the people
 / Freedom of speech /  / From god
 / Rights that men are born with that cannot be taken away /  / From elections
 / The right to end slavery /  / From your parents
18 / According to the document, What is the purpose of government? / 19 / According to the document, where does government get its power?
 / To punish criminals and fight wars /  / From the permission of the people
 / To protect the rights of the people /  / From the declaration of Independence
 / To eliminate the king /  / From god
 / To protect the rights of women /  / From the army

Document #4: “All Men Are Created Equal” (or are they?)
(Adapted by Mr. Cadenhead from “

“All Men Are Created Equal”. How did America’s Founding Fathers in 1776 understand thesewords? How do we understand them now? With this statement, the Founders explainedthat no one has the right torule over others without their permission. Thispermission is called consent of the governed.

Some say that the Declaration’s authors didn’tmean to include everyone when they wrote “allmen are created equal.” They say that ThomasJefferson (who wrote the Declaration of Independence) justmeant to include white men who owned property. But this is not true. Jefferson said he believed that all individuals (even African Americans) had equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, yet at the same time he owned slaves.

As a group, many of the Founders were conflictedabout slavery. Many of them knew it was eviland theyhoped it would die out in future generations. Yet they did not see a way to stop slavery in their lifetimes, though some (such as George Washington) freed their slaves after their deaths.

Below are some famous quotes from America’s Founding Fathers about slavery:

“He [the king] has waged cruel war against human nature… carrying (men) into slavery.…and determined to keep open a marketwhere MEN should be bought andsold (as slaves)” - Thomas Jefferson Original draft of the Declaration ofIndependence, 1776 (these words were removed from the final draft)

“There is not a man living who wishesmore sincerely than I do, to see a planadopted for the abolition of it [slavery].”

-President George Washington, 1786

“Slavery is … an atrocious debasement ofhuman nature”-Benjamin Franklin, 1789

"the contempt we have been taught to (have for) blacks, makes us (believe)many things that (are supported by neither) reason nor experience." - Alexander Hamilton, 1779

Short Response Question #1: The article states “many of the Founders were conflicted about slavery”. Do you agree? Use two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer.

Content Grading Rubric /
 3 Points: Author provides two pieces of evidence and 4 required vocabulary words
2 Points: Author provides one piece of evidence or less than 4 vocabulary words
 1 Points: Author provides Insufficient evidence
Word Clarity Choice and Style (the Flopsie test)
3 Points: Flopsie gets it
 2 Points: Flopsie’s a little confused
 1 Points: Flopsie’s totally confused

Total: ______out of 6 points