“Moving on Up”: A Solar Heated Birdhouse

By Richard Williams 10/20/07

What an exciting world we live in, when nothing is beyond our imaginations and everything is possible within our technology of the day. So as I go along with my own studies of MCAD applications and other associated software programs like CAE, CAM and even dabbing a little into AEC, I wonder why other people cannot get as excited as I do, about using them. Sure I get to play all the time and I do not have to producethings in a production environment which has to be a mighty big difference right there. But, I’m also not as skilled as most of you out there that use these MCAD applications and others all day long to make a living. You are right if that is your reason why you don’t get excited like you first did when you used your skills with MCAD applications. Remember the engineering term, KISS? Well that suits me to a tee. I have no other choice but to keep it simple ______. Since I don’t have the abilities yet to really design sophisticated things like most of you can, I am moving towards that direction. I’m learning things slowly but I am doing it for a particular reason in my retirement days.

There are school children out there that have terrific imaginations but no applications to use to draw with and document their ideas into a language thetech world can see and understand. That is my reason to get excited about learning something that I can possibly teach to youngsters. Our need for engineers, designers, technologists, scientists and others, are but one of the reasons why our businesses are reaching out to other countries to employ that expertise we cannot get enough of here within our own borders. I’m not going to expound on that topic, there is enough controversy out there on that without anyone hearing my two cents worth. However, I would like to elaborate on the school children of the world out there, that have to be challenged to get excited about doing somethinggreat. Without excitement there is little motivation or imagination about things of a positive nature. I know the argument can also be made for the negative or “darkside” as well but let us try here to visualize that science teacher that comes into his class early in the morning with the lesson plan of the day, ready to be teach to all those young ladies and gentlemen. In all my classes with the younger set I quickly address them as sir or ma’am. My reason is very simple. When I do that they really feel like they are something very special now as they sit in my class and indeed they are special. Those young people that sit in my classes will be the future inheritors of the earth, so aren’t they special? They could be your kids, kids of a neighbor, kids we see walking to school or getting on a school bus. All sizes and shapes and ethnic backgrounds and cultures but what is really the only important thing here is that they have minds that only have to be trained and directed towards the positive things in life.

Once I have their attention and the attendance sheet is filled out, I start with a question. A question that needs an answer and then the thinking starts. For instance: have you ever seen a bird outside in the cold on a windy and rainy day? How did that bird look to you and what was it trying to do to protect itselfor did it just sit there? Lots of answers and I keep on going with thatsame line of questioning until I have everyone’s attention solidly looking to find their answers. Observation is a key ingredient for any engineer or scientist to acquire in order to solve problems. I’m using the word Science here in its broadest sense and not just for engineers. Teachers always use this observation technique as they look upon the faces of their students looking for that non verbal expression of puzzlement or of being lost to the question. I love it because that is the very feedback I need to know if I must retrace my steps somewhat. When everyone is on board the same train and going in the right direction, even though they might be at different speeds, I continue with the line of questions for awhile with perhaps a little added tidbit as to why birds always face into a cold wind rather then turning their backs to the direction of thatwind flow? Mother Nature has pure science there and it is something birds need to learn quickly because they are warm blooded creatures too. Well now for sure I have their attention. So I introduce an idea about a birdhouse. Wow great idea, done about a zillion times before by much greater minds than myself. To protect oneself from any inclement weather force, you duck into an enclosure for protection if you can. We humans like to come in from the bad weather by going inside our homes. What does a bird do? He or she looks for a Bird House of course. When none is available they look to hide behind something or at the very least they face into the wind because their feathers are designed to be tilted backwards towards the tail. A nice jacket of sorts and one we do not have. Now, not only is a birdhouse a desirable place to be for a bird but most of them unfortunately are dark and kind of cold inside with only their own body heat being used for warming things up. Yes, this is nature’s way of course and it must be respected but for this science idea to have meaning for those young minds, I suggest to them another idea or way to help our little feathered friends. You will sometimes see birds inside of shopping malls, big buildings or inside of cubby holes trying to stay warm and secure from cold winter windswhen food hunting is set aside for now. They are very intelligent animalsand they know things will calm down in time. So let us plan forand build a solar heated birdhouse. A birdhouse without any moving parts or electricity needed to be generated forheating elements that would add too much cost for school kids and teachers. This could be a school, class or individual project besides. Also it could be made from wood or even clean strong cardboard. However, the cutting up of these parts or pieces for it should be done by a professional or parent well versed in the use of tools and sharp cutting instruments. Let the assembly and painting of it be done by the students of course. Now do I have their attention? Yes, and so much so that I wonder if I combed my bald head before going to class. They are fully involved now and interested and once they have learned about some of the basic principles in the laws of Thermodynamics, it starts to all fall into place for them. Son of a gun, they have learned some really valuable science now and they will apply it to other things in life as welladding to their toolbox of knowledge. Addsome reading materials and some explanations of things like hot air balloons which fly in my area quite often, and they will have some visual proofs of how this solar heated birdhouse can fly, no pun intended. The pictures down below are screen shots of my teacher student version of SolidWorks, a world class MCAD software application that many students are learning to use in schools these days. The new CAD Academy uses it as one of the applications they sell to those students wanting to learn the language of the professionals at greatly reduced prices.Check them out at Oh yes, for those that might be interested in the plans for this, especially any schools for science projects I will gladly give it all away free and no strings attached. Native SolidWorks file formats as well as IGES or STEP conversions inside of the program can be sent to you. One last addition here, I forgot to mention that this is a multifamily dwelling, a duplexresidence. Bye and happy BirdHouse heating.

Screen Shots down below for your pleasure