Movie S1.
Six models were generated from our previously calculated quasi-atomic resolution model of the FCV-fJAM-A complex, intended to represent fJAM-A decorated FCV virions in pre and post-conformational change states plus four transition states. The models were generated using a morphing algorithm implemented in UCSF Chimera (20). This movie shows the full morph between models representing receptor decorated virions in the pre and post-conformational change states. The six models were snapshot density maps taken from this process.
Movie S2.
Following sorting of the raw data against the models shown in supplemental data 1 and supplemental movie 1, three-dimensional reconstructions were calculated for those groups that contained sufficient images. This movie presents iso-surface representations of the reconstructions for classes one to five, showing the conformational change that occurs upon fJAM-A binding.
Movie S3.
Movie to show the quasi-atomic resolution model of the P2-fJAM-A complex, calculated by docking high-resolution coordinates to the class one (pre-conformational change) reconstruction, in the context of a whole virion. The decorated capsid rotates 180o, then fades out leaving a single AB dimer, that in turn rotates 360o before tilting towards the viewer. Finally the fJAM-A components split away from the VP1 dimer and rotate 180o to reveal the contact surfaces in both capsid and receptor.
Movie S4.
Movie to show the conformational changes induced in the FCV virion at both the AB and CC dimer following binding of the functional receptor fJAM-A. Two fJAM-A molecules are shown at the AB (colored purple and mauve) and at the CC (colored magenta) positions. The underlying virion is colored blue and is present only to provide a frame of reference for the movements seen, no conformational change of VP1 is modelled in this animation. In the pre conformational change state both pairs of fJAM-A molecules are positioned in a head to tail relationship on the outer face of the P2 domains. In the post-conformational change state the two fJAM-A molecules bound at the AB position have rotated clockwise while those bound at the CC position have tilted away from the icosahedral two-fold symmetry axis. Tilting at the CC position is shown in both symmetry-related directions.
Table S1.
Fitting experiments were performed to dock high-resolution coordinates to each of the calculated reconstructions, leading to the production of a series of quasi-atomic resolution models. Correlation values are given for each fitting experiment.
Figure S1.
Six models were generated from our previously calculated quasi-atomic resolution model of the FCV-fJAM-A complex, intended to represent the receptor decorated complex in pre and post-conformational change states plus four transition states. Models are shown colored to correspond with reconstructions generated following sorting (Figure 2) A class one, B class two, C class three, D class four, E class five and F class six.