Mountain Communities Energy Cooperative (MCEC/Arts For Earth)
DATE: ______
Re: Atlas Premium Wood Pellets payment must be received by September 12th, 2010
YES______I’d like to join the Mountain Communities Energy Co-op, a project of Arts For Earth Foundation, a 501c.3 non-profit corporation
E-MAIL address:______phone #______
MY Atlas Premium Wood Pellet Order:
# of pallets______(1 pallet= 1 ton/50 bags@ 40lbs.each) X $ 275 per pallet. Includes Shipping, handling, and tax. TOTAL: ______
___ I’m adding an additional $35 to receive active membership in other Arts For Earth Foundation activities, such as the USFS-AFEF Native Plant Garden & Discovery Center, AFEF Nature Club for ETUSD students and participation in other AFEF Arts/Nature workshops, television programs, events, concerts.
Make all checks payable to:ARTS FOR EARTH FOUNDATION
Credit cards are also accepted at AFEF Gallery 3408 Mt.Pinos Way, FP, CA, by phone (661-803-7744) or at meetings.
Designate MCEC in the description on the check or money order with the quantity of pallets desired. (First come first served).
The Mountain Communities Energy Cooperative (MCEC) is an Artsfor Earth Foundation project, a 501c.3 non-profit corporation. As co-op members, we depend on each others volunteer help. This helps all of us and brings the price of heating our homes down in a significant way. Please, may we count on you to help each other load/unload and or deliver pellets to those who are unable? Also, we take no responsibility or liability for Atlas Pellets but promote this project as part of our mission to encourage sustainable living in our community. (however, these pellets are the best we’ve found, with little to no ash)
If you would like to help those in our community without resources to purchase the pellets they need, you may donate a bag or two to AFEF so we can pass them on.
ARTS FOR EARTH FONDATION P.O. 1992, 3408 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park, Ca. 93225
661-245-1523 cell:661-803-7744 .