By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Casey Summit, LLC to Reading Cooperative Bank, dated July 8, 2013, and recorded with the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 51764, Page 9, of which the undersigned is the present holder, and for breach of the condition of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same, Reading Cooperative Bank will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at 11:00a.m., on May 17, 2017, at 103 Summit Avenue, Unit 3, Winthrop, MA , all and the singular, the premises described in said mortgage, to wit:
The Unit known as Unit #3 of the 103 Summit Avenue Condominium (Condominium), established pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 183A by Master Deed dated April 13, 2004 and recorded at the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds on April 13, 2004 in Book 34236, Page 198 hereinafter referred to as the “Master Deed, which Unit is shown on the floor plans, the “Plans”, filed simultaneously with the Master Deed, and is shown on the copy of the portion of the plan attached to the Unit Deed recorded in Book 34271, Page 322, to which is affixed the verified statement of professional engineer in the form required by Section 9 of said Chapter 183A.
Said Unit is conveyed together with an undivided 33.3% percentage interest in the common areas and facilities of the property (“Common Elements”) as described in said Master Deed as being attributed to the Unit.
This Unit is conveyed subject to and with the benefit of the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 183A, the Master Deed and the Declaration of the 103 Summit Avenue Condominium Trust recorded in Book 34236, Page 211, all as may be amended. Said Unit is granted the exclusive use of space P-3 as shown on the site plan recorded with the Master Deed and herewith, as well as a storage space in the rear of the basement abutting the back yard as designated by the initial trustee.
Together with the rights and easements for the benefit of said unit, as set forth in the Unit Deed recorded in Suffolk County Registry of Deeds as Instrument No. 419.
For mortgagors’ title reference, see Confirmatory Deed dated October 4, 2012 and recorded at Suffolk Registry of Deeds at Book 50595, Page 89; see also Deed dated October 1, 2012 recorded at said Deeds at Book 50265, Page 76.
Together with all rights, privileges and easements connected therewith and subject to restrictions, easements and rights of way of record, and said premises are hereby conveyed subject to any building and zoning law requirements which may be in force and applicable.
Said sale will be subject to all real estate taxes and municipal assessments and betterments, prior liens, including Condominium common expenses and other enforceable encumbrances of record entitled to precedence over this mortgage and subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, covenants and rights of way, if any.
Terms of sale. Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars at the time of sale, balance in Thirty (30) days at the offices of Oakley, O’Sullivan & Eaton, P.C., 857 Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA. The deposit and balance is to be cash, certified check, bank cashier’s check or bank treasurer’s check. Other terms to be announced at the sale.
The undersigned Mortgage Holder reserves the right to reject any and all bids made at the foreclosure sale, to amend or change the terms of the sale by announcement made prior to, or at the foreclosure sale and to continue the foreclosure sale to such subsequent date as the Mortgagee may deem advisable.
Present Holder of said Mortgage,
By its Attorneys,
Oakley, O’Sullivan & Eaton, P.C.
Gregory N. Eaton, Esquire