Morristown Skatepark Committee Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: 10/13/09
Minutes recorded by Rita Angione
In attendance: Isaac Graham, Helene Nilson, Rita Angione
- Approval of minutes
- Updates on land/location
- Skatepark coalition/youth skaters group
- River Arts
- Next Steps
- There were no changes to 9/29/09 minutes. The minutes were approved as is.
- Updates:
Rita talked to Dan Lindley, town administrator. He indicated that a concrete structure (half-pipe, slab) would likely be approved for the Oxbow. Dan visited the Johnson Skate Park and thought it looked clean and well kept. He indicated that a park similar to JSP would work as well. The committee discussed the concern again about the possibility of flooding at the Oxbow. Even with a concrete structure, there are concerns about the ground eroding under the skatepark and then causing damage to it.
Isaac sent an email to the new owner of Green Mtn. Arena (CREW). He received a response asking for more information about the amount of land we are looking for. Isaac responded but has not heard back. Isaac will follow-up with some additional information.
The committee discussed going back to the village trustees to update them and ask if they have any additional suggestions for an accessible location that wouldn’t be in a flood zone.
- Although Josh wasn’t present, the committee briefly discussed the idea of a Lamoille County Skatepark Coalition (Johnson, Morrisville and Stowe). Josh was going to look into this. We agreed that this type of group would be beneficial for sharing resources and would provide a larger base of people to help promote skating. At the last meeting, Josh also talked about forming a group of skaters (through the school?) to work with the committee and to help promote a positive image of skateboarding. Rita suggested that she could help with the logistics of this group if Josh is willing to do the work with the students. We tabled this for further discussion at a future meeting.
- Helene talked to Steve Ames at RiverArts. He indicated that when the skatepark is built in Morrisville, RiverArts would likely hold their skateboard camps and workshops there.
- Rita and Isaac will contact the Village Trustees about attending a meeting.
The next skatepark meeting will be Monday, November 2nd at 6:30 at Morristown Elementary School. We would love to have more people attend the meetings.