Morrison County Public Health
Subject / Local Coordinating Council (LCC) / Date / 12/7/16Facilitator / Michelle Tautges / Time / 2:00-3:00
Location / Public Health Conference Room 1 / Scribe / Michelle Tautges
Title/Role: / Melanie Erickson- SS, Marilyn Keith- Pierz, Hope Yoder- Corrections, Jeff Bowman- SS, Michelle Tautges- PH
Agenda Items
/ Discussion / Action/Target Date2:00
/ Welcome- Introductions2:05
/ Mental Health Provider- Recap on how it went, changes for next, survey results
What did you like about the Mental Health Provider Meeting?
I appreciate the opportunity to network with others with the same mission and passion! I really liked how everyone went up to the front and talked about their program. It was great to put names and faces together.
I really enjoy our yearly meeting. It's a great opportunity to meet new staff and share updates within our "agencies." I like the networking...
The Ethics on social media training!
I liked being able to put names and faces together.
The networking piece is always helpful to put a face to a name. I liked that this year everyone went to the front of the room and explained what their program was all about.
It was nice to put a face to people's names and hear about upcoming programs.
Nice to put a face with a name.
Being able to put faces with names and the updates from MCSS.
Networking, Updates, introductions
putting names with faces
Time, Date, Location. Snacks just right. Seeing the faces of providers.
Good space, lighting, acoustics
Getting to meet providers face to face that I have talked with or emailed but never met.
Getting together with local mental health providers
What did you dislike about the Mental Health Provider Meeting?
Nothing! was all informative
I felt that a LONG time was spent on introductions and sharing about services. I would have loved to have it about half the time of introductions and then training on a specific topic for the rest of the time.
Getting up and introducing ourselves.
I think it would be beneficial to have more time between the meeting and the training to network and talk with other providers regarding referrals or mutual cases.
Not everyone in the room was introduced.
nothing really
Not certain I completely agreed with the Ethic presenter. The approach to engagement may work for her therapy office, but not in community based service settings.
All good.
more time needed for sharing about programs, changes, etc.
Was the meeting length too long, too short, or about right?
80% said it was about right.
How helpful was the content presented at the meeting?
Extremely helpful / 0.00%
Very helpful / 66.67%
Somewhat helpful / 26.67%
Not so helpful / 6.67%
Not at all helpful / 0.00%
Total / 15
What topics would you most like to learn about or discuss at our2017 Mental Health Provider Meeting?
really liked how each program was able to present. I would like to see the same format with any updates!
Services available.
Transition age services
Ask to the providers: " I have never really been able to problem solve...... with families/children/students."
/Trainings for spring of 2017
/ Please view this video link regarding an addiction training.Shaun Floerke- Presenter- presentation on addiction- he was in Wadena for a presentation recently and some community members highly recommend him to present to our community.
LGBLTQ Training for School Staff- Elementary, Middle, High School, School Based Mental Health Staff- Northern Pines, Special Education Teachers, Principals, School Nurses
Local resources: Lynette Gessell- SS, Troy Weber Brown- LGBTQ -send out the e-mail regarding the training on December 30th-
Connect with ANU Family Services regarding a basic trauma informed training that could be presented to all school staff during the teacher in-service days at the beginning of the school. Plan to offer if budget supports training. / ACTION: Michelle will develop a survey monkey to schools regarding LGBTQ to see if teachers would like more training on this topic.
ACTION: Michelle will send out e-mail regarding the December 30th training.
ACTION: Michelle will connect with ANU Family Services for trauma informed training.
/Meeting Logistics for 2017
/ Discussed meeting times for 2017:There was discussion that Monday and Fridays are pretty booked up with other meetings. Tuesday or Thursday work best. Afternoon’s work best and felt 2:00 was a good time. Will continue to have them at the MC Public Health Conference Room 1 unless it’s not available. We will schedule meetings for 2017 and if we don’t have anything pertinent to discuss Michelle will cancel the meeting.
Michelle will reach out to schools that haven’t been coming to the LCC meetings to see if they can appoint someone to attend.
Swanville: Cheryl Johnson
Royalton – AnnaleeVanenhovelSocial Worker– send an e-mail to invite. / ACTION: Michelle will send out calendar invites for 2017 LCC meeting dates.