Peninsula Health CONFIDENTIAL - 1 -

Tuesday 24th May 2011 Boardroom MEC.
10:30 - 12:00
Paul Colosimo (Chair) / Present / Wazed Ali
(Frankston City Council) / Present / Gwen Austin
(Pastoral care) / Present / Jose Arrebola
(Principle Nurse) / Present / Alex MacLean
(Support Services)
Elaine Hillis
(CAG) Community Participation / Present / FiFi Boctor
(Community Representative) / Present / Theresa Kudinoff
(Mental Health) / Apology / Tony Van den Blink
(Dom Care) / Ahmed Zeed
(New Hope) / Present
Kim Dobson
(Social Work) / Present / Mark Davies
(Centrelink) / Apology / Karen Edis
(Nutrition, Dietetics & Volunteers) / Present / Jodie Jones
(Disability CAG / CRP) / Margaret McGrath
(Community Representative) / Present
Carolyn Marshall
(Early Intervention Chronic Disease) / Apology / Mitzi Medojevic
(Mental Health) / Present / Iain Edwards
(Community Health) / Apology / Simon Ruth
(ATSI , CAG Community Health) / Present / Wendy Smith
(Convener) / Present
1.  / Minutes from previous meeting accepted / Accepted.
2.  / Conflicts of Interest / -  None
-  Welcome to Simon Ruth
3.  / Additions to Agenda
Acceptance of Agenda / -  Opportunity for appointment of consumer representative to “Ethics Committee” for six months - closes 27/05/2011
4.  / Matters Arising from the previous minutes / -  K.E. queried her name against item re “Richmond link on Intranet Web page”. Information to be forwarded to Paul for review.
5.  / New Business / -  Main consumer feedback received from “Motel Slips”, difficult to gather CALD feedback, Jenni Dickson meeting with Karen Edis and others to discuss requirements for motel slips in alternative languages.
-  Peninsula Health to consider holding forums with community groups with regard to general health and well-being, and particularly Women’s Health. Noted barriers to accessing information/support include language and cultural norms. Sharon White and Domiciliary Services to be approached for information in ways to assist in this area.
-  Women and Children’s Health CAG re-forming. Consumer and community provider representation required, also no diverse cultural representative on this group. Paul to ask Women’s Health Social Workers to liaise with Elaine.
-  G.P. division to be approached for representation on the CALD committee. / Karen Edis
Simon Ruth
Elaine Hillis / Paul Colosimo
Jose Arrebola
EQuIP 2011 / -  P.C. thanked all present for their hard work in assisting and supporting the development of the CALD Plan.
-  ACHS Surveyor commented on the broad range of diversity initiatives present at PH and the comparison of the region’s demographics to other areas in Victoria.
-  Copy of slides used in the presentation, handed out.
CALD Plan Updates / -  Ongoing, still a “work in Progress”
-  Entry signage has been placed across 40 entrance points to the Health service. A big thankyou to Jose Arrebola for greatly assisting with the audit to identify these points of entry.
-  Intranet Web page up and running for all staff. External Web page currently being finalised.
-  Interpreter awareness E-Learning now available on Intranet. Paul to distribute documentation on how to access the training module to this group. / Paul Colosimo
April Interpreter utilisation feedback / -  April 2011; Interpreter use 147 bookings with 11 used specifically for consent, same period 2010 – 117; with 5 used specifically for consent .
-  Interpreter usage increasing across the PH organisation.
-  On Call Interpreter Service not in receivership
-  Video link availability for conferencing/interpreting service – will be piloted on the 5th floor at FH in collaboration with ONCALL. PH IT working through the details and specifications of at present.
6.  / Other Business / -  Cultural Awareness training; Ahmed Zeed, reported the 3rd training session held at Mornington Community Health; 15 attendees with a good cross representation of disciplines. Positive feedback received. Previous two sessions held at MEC with similar attendance.
-  Corporate Orientation has been reviewed – with reference to CALD and diversity information provided to staff. Paul Colosimo to bring to this group.
-  Discussions to explore the ideas to celebrate Diversity at PH. A Diversity Week initiative was floated to the CAG and received positive feedback from all. It was proposed March 2012 would coincide with “Diversity Week” as part of the cultural calendar. Peninsula Health to lead this project with CAG partners and available funding opportunities to be sourced from Local government and Council.
-  Refugee Week commencing 19th June 2011.
-  Wazeed Ali advised and recommended viewing of film “HOPE” to be screened during the Multi Cultural Week.
-  Mark Davies from CentreLink has resigned from the CALD committee due to a change in role. Has nominated Margie Pickersgill as his replacement. Letter to be sent to Mark thanking him for his support. Formal invitation to be sent to Margie Pickersgill.
-  Fi Fi Boctor asked if she could be issued with a “Letter of Introduction” from Peninsula Health to support her access to attend Community Cultural functions and schools. This was to be further discussed with Elaine and Karen.
-  Simon Ruth led a discussion re Coptic Orthodox School in Carrum Downs. An entirely CALD school with 400 students. None of teachers of Coptic background and experiencing high staff turnover. Children bussed in from all over Melbourne and travelling 1.5-2 hours, families not readily engaging in school support. Multiple issues presenting including nutrition, drug abuse, trauma. Simon reported that it has traditionally been extremely difficult to engage the school however some progress has been made recently. Simon to advise the CAG of progress and potential support. / Paul Colosimo
Ahmed Zeed
Paul Colosimo
Elaine Hillis/Karen Edis
Simon Ruth
7.  / Board Feedback / -  Intranet Web page up and running for all staff.
-  Interpreter awareness E-Learning now available on Intranet.
-  Entry signage has been placed across 40 entrance points to the Health service
8.  / Information Sharing / -  New Hope Foundation Women’s Health Forum to be held 25th May 2011.
-  Nursing CALD portfolio holders to be elected.
-  Monash students trying to get academic changes to the curriculum to include CALD and GLBTI.
9.  / Next Meeting
Future Meetings / Tuesday 28th June 2011 MEC Boardroom
Fourth Tuesday of each month 2011