FEBRUARY 2, 2016
Steve Stafford called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held at Berry Creek Middle School, 1000 Miller Ranch Road, Edwards, Colorado.
Board Members in attendance were as follows:
· Ryan MacLachlan, Unit G2
· Alex Dow, Unit E2
· Tom Newmann, Unit F4
· Debi Noha, Unit J4
· Lisa Briner, Unit H2
Other owners in attendance were as follows:
· Michele Fuller, Unit F4
· Joyce Rihanek, Unit B3
· Suzanne McKinnerney, Unit H4
· Michael Noha, Unit J4
· Dan Sinding, Unit C2
· Stephanie Gillis, Unit I1
· Megan Hammer, Unit B3
· Tina DeWitt, Unit C1
· Rachel Shirley, Unit B1
· Ian Mundy, Unit B4
· Brian Kittleson, Unit F1
Owners in attendance by proxy were as follows:
· Alexandra Albin, Unit C3, by proxy to Lisa Briner
· Andrea Sauer, Unit H3, by proxy to Lisa Briner
· Todd Biekkola, Unit G3, by proxy to Lisa Briner
· Anthony Clement, Unit G4, by proxy to Tina DeWitt
· Amy Goller, Unit E3, by proxy to Tina DeWitt
· Susan Brainerd, Unit A1, by proxy to Rachel Shirley
· Jeffrey Berger, Unit I3, by proxy to Debi Noha
· Nick and Sharon Geankoplis, Unit J2, by proxy to Debi Noha
Steve Stafford informed those present that the Bylaws require the presence in person or by proxy of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast at such meeting in order to constitute a quorum. It was determined that a quorum had been established.
Steve Stafford had emailed the Minutes from the prior Annual Owners Meeting to all members of the Association prior to the meeting. Steve Stafford asked those present if anyone had any questions or comments. There were none. The Minutes were then approved.
Steve Stafford said that his office had just taken over the accounting from McKay & Associates the day before the meeting, so his accountant, Stephanie McKinnerney had not had much time to acquaint herself with the accounting records. He then turned the meeting over to Stephanie. She presented the December 31, 2015 balance sheet, the October 31, 2015 income and expense statement and the pro forma 2015 year-end income and expense statement. A brief discussion followed.
Stephanie McKinnerney reported that McKay & Associates had been doing a great job on collections, as there were not any owners that were delinquent at the current time.
Stephanie McKinnerney presented the 2016 budget that had been approved by the Board of Directors. She said that she expected $2,300 - $2,500 of net income for 2015. A discussion followed. One owner asked about the approximate $500 in grounds expense. Debi Noha said that was for ground cover. The irrigation system is antiquated so it needs to be replaced. That would include the clock and all parts of the system. Suzanne McKinnerney asked about the flower beds. Debbie Noha said that the irrigation in the front and back flower beds is drip irrigation. Suzanne said that the flowers were dying last year and the perennial flowers came up by themselves. Rachel Shirley asked about the legal fees. The Board said that most of the legal fees in 2015 were related to the new courtyard policy. Rachel asked if the Board or management had shopped around for insurance. Ryan MacLachlan said that the Association’s insurance agent, Neil Garing had gotten multiple proposals. The policy that the Board went with included guaranteed replacement value. Rachel said that someone should call Vail Honeywagon to try to get the contract price dropped. She felt that the Association could get the trash removal cost down to about $4,800 per year. Rachel didn’t feel that an increase in the management fee was in order for 2016. Ryan MacLachlan explained that this was something that had previously been agreed to when a contract was signed between the Association and Slifer Management Company. Steve Stafford explained that the Board had asked Slifer Management Company to discount their monthly fee for October – December of 2015 since the 2015 budget already included a lesser amount and Steve had agreed to that discount for the remainder of 2015. Those present then ratified the 2016 budget that had previously been approved by the Board of Directors. Those present also approved a motion to roll the 2015 net income into the replacement reserve account. One owner asked how many years will the Association need to do dues increases in the future. The Board said that they hoped that only normal CPI escalations would be needed in the future.
Steve Stafford informed those present that there were four Board Member positions up for election or reelection. Alex Dow and Tom Newmann were standing for reelection. Kevin Hahn and Rachel Shirley were running for election. All four of these individuals were elected as Board Members by those present.
An engineering report was done last year although it was not entirely conclusive as to what needs to be done. The conclusions were not clear cut. Based on input from Gallegos Corporation and Ulf & Associates, the Board is considering the following for the building that is identified to have the most cracks in the stucco: (1) sealing the larger cracks and repainting the stucco with elastomeric paint. This would be done as a test to see how well the stucco and paint holds up over the next 1 – 3 years. Both Gallegos Corporation and Ulf & Associates felt that the stucco is not at a point where it needs to be replaced or overlaid with new stucco. They both recommended the elastomeric painting procedure instead. The Board is also going to finish the project of redoing all of the drainage along the sides of all buildings. Some of the buildings already had that done last year. An engineer will not be overseeing the stucco or drainage work. One owner asked if Dave Schuster’s work could be speeded up if he is the contractor that is used for any of the stucco or drainage work. Apparently his van and trailer were parked onsite all summer last year.
There was a discussion about ice buildup in the low points of the parking lots. One owner posed the question of whether heat tapes in those areas might solve the problem. One owner requested that the snow removal company plow the area between Buildings A and B. It was decided that the drainage areas would be placed on a future Board Meeting agenda. These areas also need to be cleaned in the summer.
There was a discussion about owner communication. In the past, this is something that has been lacking. It was decided that the Board and/or management should send out updates to owners on a more frequent basis.
There was a brief discussion about Board Meeting notifications. It was decided that management should send an email to all owners at least three days prior to any Board Meeting. This should also be posted on the Association website.
The new courtyard policy is posted on the Association website. Trees inside of courtyards are an owner responsibility. This includes spraying of trees. Trees that are obviously damaging Association property will be removed by the Association at the owner’s expense. The owner will be notified prior to the removal of any tree within a courtyard. Plantings and other improvements inside a courtyard are the owner’s responsibility. Maintenance and repair of fences and sidewalks is an Association responsibility. No trees can be planted inside of a private courtyard without Board approval. Smaller trees with non-invasive root systems might be approved.
There was a discussion about marijuana growing and use. Steve Stafford was directed to contact DORA about prohibitions on cannabis growing operations.
One owner mentioned that there were some lights that were coming on too early. Vincent Vigliotti said he would look into the problem.
The owner of Unit F1 said that the balcony flashing on his unit is rusting.
There was a discussion about snow removal. Steve Stafford was directed to put pressure on the snow removal company to give the Morningstar Townhomes higher priority. They often leave a mound of snow between the parking lots and the sidewalks.
There was a discussion about summer maintenance. One owner mentioned that a tree sprout or weed got 4’ high before it was cut down last summer. There were way too many dandelions. Weed eating was used instead of mowing. The landscape maintenance company needs more supervision. Vincent Vigliotti said that he was already getting bids.
Suzanne McKinnerney, Unit H4, said that her gate was squeaking. Vincent Vigliotti said he would take care of it.
Tina DeWitt asked if anything could be done about the constant beeping from the snowplow trucks and equipment being used in the parking lots of the Shaw Cancer Center. They frequently plow the lots across the street at 3 a.m. She asked if the beepers could be turned off. It was suggested that the request from Morningstar be combined with one from the Northstar Condominiums. Tina asked if the plowing could be done later or the beepers turned off. Steve Stafford said that he would make a request.
There was a discussion about installation of some doggy stations. One owner suggested two stations. No consensus was reached on this issue.
One owner asked if the garage pedestrian doors could be repainted.
There being no additional business to transact, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Steve Stafford, Community Manager