Morin Heights Morin Heights Elementary School

Greeting To All Families,

We’re finally starting to have warmer weather and looking forward to more of it with summer coming!

May is the month of Action – We encourage everyone to get out and move! Ms. Antioco’s programs, le Defi Pierre Lavoie and the Skip-a-thon, are ways to inspire movement in the month of May.

I would like to thank Mrs. Antioco and Ms. Lee-Ann for taking on the Staff-Assistance role and ensuring the smooth running of the school when I am not available.

I would like to congratulate Elsa Jolyand Livia Edmonstone,who won 4th and 5th place in the SWLSB Young Author’s Contest. Only 5 students won in their category in the whole school board. Imagine that! 2 of the 5 winners came from our little MHES! Kudos Girls! Awesome!

The DRESS CODEfor the up and coming warm days

  • In the interest of safety, students are not allowed to wear flip-flops. Please ensure thatyour child has properly closed footwear for school.
  • Indoor shoes and outdoor shoes are required.
  • High heels and wedge running shoes are not allowed.

Friendly Reminders:

  • Evaluations
    Students are currently writing exams and will be continuing throughout May and mid-June. It is very important that they do not miss school needlessly.
  • Nut-Free School
    Please remember that we are a nut-free school. Several students and staff members are allergic to different kinds of nuts and any exposure to them can be dangerous.

  • Lunch Hour Pick-up and Arrivals:
    Please make your plans to pick up or bring your child in to school before or after the lunch hour. All school personnel should be able to enjoy an un-interrupted lunch and there will be no one to answer the door.

Month of the Environment – During April we focused on “Respecting the Environment”.

Earth Week - We celebrated our environment with various activities that were initiated in each class, and we had a Litter-less lunch to commemorate Earth Day.

As well, each class chose to do their own project(s) to commemorate the Environment.

Our Garden
Students planted seeds to germinate plants for our wonderful garden in collaboration of the community ladies who are planting and caring for the garden. Students will be learning all about food gardens this spring. This is also a great way to promote an environmental citizenship.

Phys Ed April Update from Ms. A.

We are super pleased to announce that Eagles have finished silver medalists in the Rive Nord tournament. They sure made us proud!

Positive Behaviour System
“Think before you tweet”! Please supervise your child when on the internet. Many students are using social media inappropriately.

“Good Behaviour” for Bus Safety:

We ask that you constantly remind your child/ren of the importance of safety when travelling on the bus: NO standing, changing seats, throwing items, yelling, hanging out of windows, etc…

Mr. Robin and Mr. Craig’s Golden Broom Awards
The 2 classes that keep their rooms the cleanest for a period of about 6 weeks win the Golden Broom Award and a cake to enjoy.

The 1st of this year’s Golden Broom Awards
were Miss Alfonso’s Grade 1 (lower grades)
and MR. Bob’s Grade 5 (upper end).

Congratulations for keeping your environment clean.


Phys Ed Projects/ Message from Ms. A.
The Defi Pierre Lavoie is underway. We encourage our students and their families to be physically active after school. Please go to the Morin Heights website to log on your energy cubes (explained on the website). This competition will continue throughout May.Please give your support to this healthy and fun initiative.

On Friday, May 13th, the students will be participating in their annual skip-a-thon. Again, we ask that you support thishealthy initiative. Funds raised will go towards new computers; we now have 6 Chrome books (thanks to the generosity of the SWL Foundation and the PPO) – we are trying to buy enough to service a whole class. Please help us raise the funds through this very special activity that contributes to the health and well-being of our students. To add to that, it is an initiative that the students enjoy a lot.

Kindergarten Orientation 2014-15

Orientation for new Kindergarten studentswill take place on May20th. The new studentswill work on an activity while parents will meet with the principal. Parents will be invited to tour the school and receive information. The orientation is important. It acclimatizes the new students to the school and aids the teacher in planning for next year’s initiative in view of the dynamics of the new group.

Week of May 16th –
Daycare Educators /Support Staff Week
Please remember to do a little something special for them as they work hard, assist the teachers in any way they can and always want to ensure that the children are safe and enjoying their time in school.

Special Dates
May 8th – Mother’s Day

May 10th – Denim Day

MAY 20th – Floating PED Day–Daycare is open
May 23rd– Victoria Day - School is closed

May 27th– Ped Day – Daycare is open
May 29th– Laurier Star Fest Gala

Volunteer Tea

This year a Volunteer Tea will be held on June 1stto thank our volunteers. This is an opportunity for our school staff to say “Thank You” to our many devoted volunteers. Your help and dedication to our students are irreplaceable. We hope to see you at the tea. More info to come.

Next meeting: June 1st at 7:00pm.


Thanks to the fundraising efforts of our PPO we have had a successful fundraising year.

Many thanks to our wonderful PPO for your undying patronage to our school.

Message from the PPO Chair

Spring is here!!!

There are still tables left to rent for our Spring Fair May 14. We are still looking for volunteers!!
Our next PPO meeting: May 9th, 7pm.

Both PPO and GB are open to all parents.


Our last two PED days are Friday May 20thFriday May 27th. On May 20th the students will be designing cool creations with Hama beads.

For our last PED day we will be going to the FLIP circus school in Ste-Adele followed by a picnic lunch in a park. This was a very popular trip last year!

On behalf of the staff at Morin Heights Elementary School

To all our mothers on May 8th

Happy Mother’s Day

Grace Courey, Principal