Morehouse College

2016 Summer Academy


Morehouse College
830 Westview Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314
(404) 681-2800 |

Dear Viewer:
Thank you for your interest in the 2016Morehouse College Summer Academy. We are excited about the variety of programs we are offering this summer. We hope you find one that will provide an exciting and valuable educational experience for you this summer.
Program descriptions are provided according to your school or college education level.
Feel free to scroll down and see each program description which provides overview and contact information.
We hope that you will join us for a rich and memorable summer experience on the campus of Morehouse College!
Dean Alvin Darden
Director, Morehouse College Summer Academy

The Academy Office has no control over application deadlines set by individual program directors. In some cases, these deadlines are governed by their funding source.
Morehouse College does not discriminate in admissions policies and educational programs on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, or persons with disabilities.

Middle School Programs

Non-Residential Programs
Program Name / Program Dates
NuMass Summer Program / May 31, 2016 - July 1, 2016
SMASH Pathways Program / May 31, 2016 - July 24, 2016
iSTEM Summer Academy / May 31, 2016 - July 1, 2016

“Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done…”

-Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays, 6th President

Morehouse College

Nuclear, Materials, Space Sciences (NuMaSS) Summer Program
Dates:May 31, 2016 - July 1, 2016
The Morehouse NuMaSS Summer Program is a powerful four-week experience for rising
9th, 10th, 11th, and 12thgraders who have a desire and/or aptitude to pursue an
undergraduate degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).
Rising 11thand 12thgraders must be returning students only. Rising 11thgraders must
have competed two years of the NuMaSS Program. Rising 12thgraders must have
completed two years of the NuMaSS Program. This science program caters to high
school students who desire an opportunity to engage in college courses and college
laboratories, thus strengthening and reinforcing their fundamental science and
mathematics skills. This program also gives students a greater understanding of
fundamental skills necessary to successfully transition from high school to college.
Although open to all students from any geographical area, each participant must be
living in the Atlanta Metropolitan area for the duration of the program.
Sponsors:NASA Georgia Space Grant, NNSA Department of Energy, Morehouse Department of Physics
Eligibility: Rising 9thand 10thgraders and returning 11thand 12thgraders
Housing:Does not apply. Commuter Program
Curriculum:English, Mathematics, Physics, and a research project
Cost: There is no cost to participate in this program. However, the academic rigor will require
extensive sacrifice on the part of the student and parent(s). Depending on successful
completion of the program, a merit stipend will be awarded.
Contact:Dr. Willie Rockward, Program Director
Ms. Kiandra Johnson, Assistant Director

Materials:1. Completed 2016 Online Application, go to:
CLOSED - Applications are no longer being accepted for the 2016 NuMaSS Summer Program
2. Two program solicited recommendation forms(will be emailed to the recommender upon receipt of completed application)
3. Official academic transcript
4. Copy of most recent progress report
Deadline:Received by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 15, 2016 (RIGID DEADLINE)
Application to: Morehouse College
Department of Physics and Dual Degree Engineering Program
830 Westview Dr. SW
Dansby Hall 114
Atlanta, GA 30314
Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Pathways Program
May 31, 2016 – July 24, 2016
The Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Pathways program is a free of cost,
STEM engagement and exposure summer program for grade 8 students of color prior
to their transition to high school. SMASH Pathways boasts a summer STEM enrichment
program which provides access to hands-on activities, field trips, mentors and role
models as students explore the breadth of opportunities in STEM. The program not only
reinforces the student’s STEM academic identities, but also focuses on developing their
critical thinking, civic awareness, leadership and sense of social responsibility.
Be in 8th grade at the time of the application; Attend a public middle school or private
middle school via scholarship; Reside in Georgia in one of the following counties:
Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, or Gwinnett; be African American, Chican/Latino/a,
Filipino, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian (i.e. Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese)
or mixed race/multiracial groups with at least one parent from the above ethnicities;
First-Generation college student; and From a low-income family

May 11, 2016
Innovative Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strategy Project (iSTEM)
May 31, 2016 – July 1, 2016
Morehouse College iSTEM is an academic program designed for grades 6-8 to increase
their exposure to innovation and creativity in the STEM disciplines. iSTEM addresses the
need to increase underrepresented minoritystudentsin the STEM workforce by
inspiring, encouraging, supporting, and creating student interest in STEM at the
secondary level.
Dr. Cynthia Trawick, PI
Dr. Willie Rockward, Director
Dr. Tiffany Bussey, Director
Rhonda Grier, Administrative Assistant
Jamie P. Clayton, Program Manager

High School Programs

Residential Programs
Program Name / Program Dates
Greater Orlando Upward Bound Math/Science / June 12, 2016 - July 8, 2016
Math/Science TRIO Southeastern Regional Program / June 3, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Upward Bound Math Science State Center / May 30, 2016 - July 2, 2016
Coca Cola Pre-College Leadership Program / June 11, 2016 - June 17, 2016
Proctor and Gamble Leadership Academy / June 18, 2016 - June 24, 2016
Non-Residential Program
Program Name / Program Dates
Crim Upward Bound Program / June 6, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Meriwether/Talbot Counties Upward Bound Program / June 6, 2016 - July 15, 2016

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity…”

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ‘48

Pastor and Human Rights Activist

Greater Orlando Upward Bound Math/Science Program

Dates:June 12, 2016 – July 8, 2016

Overview: Funded in full by the United States Department of Education, the Greater Orlando Upward Bound Math and Science Program (GOUBMS) is designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in math and science, and ultimately careers in the math and science profession. The program provides summer programs with intensive math and science training; year-round counseling and advisement; exposure to university faculty members who do research in mathematics and the sciences; computer training; and participant-conducted scientific research under the guidance of faculty members or graduate students, who are serving as mentors; education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students; and programs and activities previously mentioned that are specially designed for students who are limited English proficient, students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, students with disabilities, students who are homeless children and youths, students who are in foster care or are aging out of foster care system or other disconnected students.

Sponsors:The United States Department of Education

Eligibility: Highly motivated, disciplined and hard working students, who are:
  • US Citizen or permanent Legal resident of the U.S.
  • Rising 10th, 11th or 12th grade student attending Maynard Evans High School, Orlando, FL
  • Potential first generation college student with demonstrated financial need
  • Good academic standing
  • Intend to pursue a four-year college degree


Curriculum:The Greater Orlando Upward Bound Math/Science Program at Morehouse College provides eligible students with an intensive summer curriculum geared towards developing critical thinking, scientific, analytical skills, and effective communication. Participants conduct Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics research in various academic disciplines gaining exposure to a variety of sciences careers. Participants also experience innovative instructional methodologies in college level Mathematics, Technical Writing, and Foreign Language courses.

Cost: Free to Participants

Contact:Director: Rubye J. Byrd PhD.

(404) 653-7823

Associate Director: Brock Mayers

(404) 653-7833

Program Assistant: Jadia Wilmont

(404) 653-7828

Application See Associate Director, Brock Mayers

Application 3/1/2016

Return Associate Director, Brock Mayers
Application to:

Upward Bound Math/Science TRIO Southeastern Regional Program

Dates:June 3, 2016 – July 15, 2016

Overview:The Morehouse College Upward Bound Math/Science Southeastern Regional Institute is designed to provide 77 eligible students an intensive six-week summer curriculum (5 weeks on campus and one week online) to students currently enrolled in high schools throughout the Southeastern Region of the United States. The program assists student to develop critical thinking, scientific, analytical skills, and effective expressions. Students will experience innovative instructional methodologies in the areas of Mathematics, Technical Writing, Research Sciences, and a Foreign Language.

Sponsors:U. S. Department of Education

Eligibility:Rising Sophomores and Juniors in the Southeastern Region of the United States


Curriculum:Developed by Research Scientists and certified High School Instructors

Cost:There is no cost to participate in this program.

Contact:Sallie R. Sanders

Program Coordinator

(404) 653-7832

Application Materials:Completed application:

Application Deadline:January 31, 2016

Dates:May 30, 2016 – July 2, 2016

Overview:The Upward Bound Math Science State Center is designed to provide 63 students within the State of Georgia with a five-week extensive residential summer curriculum. The program assists students in developing critical thinking, scientific and analytical skills, and effective expression. It also provides students with the opportunity to interact with their peers from different regions of the state, which in turn, fosters an environment of diversity and friendship.

Sponsor:U.S. Department of Education

Eligibility:Applicants must be currently enrolled in the 10th through 11th grade and have completed Algebra I and Biology with at least a 3.0 average and have an interest in Math and Science. Students must be enrolled in targeted high schools throughout the State of Georgia. Applicants must be a first generation and/or low-income student that meets the federal government guidelines for low- income families.

Housing:Residential (June 5 – July 2)

Curriculum:Students will take classes in English/Composition, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, and Computer Literacy. Students will conduct various research projects at a designated site. Student’s work will involve many hours in the field, laboratory, library, and at the computer. Within five weeks, students will have completed their final science project, prepared a group presentation, and written a manuscript for a research journal.


Seminars/Field Trips:Summer Research, College Tours, andCultural/Educational Trips

Requirements:1. Completed Application

2. Recommendations must be completed (one from Math or Science teacher, and one from Counselor)

3. Official Transcript

4. Copy of Income Verification

Application Deadline:Last Business Day of February

Contact:Dr. Getachew Belayneh, Program Manager

(404) 215-2671 ext. 7829

Ms. Sharon Higgs, Program Coordinator

(404) 215-2671 ext. 7829

Return Application to:Morehouse College

Math Science State Center

Federal TRIO Program

830 Westview Dr. SW

P.0. Box 134

Atlanta, GA 30314

Dates:June 6, 2016 – July 15, 2016

Overview:The Morehouse College Crim Upward Bound Program is designed to provide 60 eligible students currently enrolled at Alonzo Crim High School an intensive six- week summer curriculum. Students will be given the opportunity to work in various labs and get hands-on computer experience. Students will experience challenges and success in academic subjects. Students also will experience innovative instructional methodologies.

Sponsor:U.S. Department of Education

Eligibility:Applicants must be currently enrolled in the 9th through 11th grade at Alonzo Crim High School. Applicants must be a first generation and/or low-income students that meet the federal government guidelines for low-income families. Applicants must possess academic potential and the need for further development in the basis skills.

Housing:Non-residential (All students are transported to the college daily)

Curriculum:Students will take classes in English/Composition, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Foreign Language, and Computer Literacy. Students will conduct various projects at a designated site.


Seminars/Field Trips:Summer Research, College tours, and Cultural/Educational Trips

Requirements:1. Completed Application

2. Recommendations must be completed (one from teacher, and one from Counselor

3. Official Transcript

4. Copy of Income Verification

Application Deadline:Last business day of April

Contact: Dr. Rubye Byrd, Director

Dr. Getachew Belayneh, Associate Director

(404) 215-2671 ext. 7825

Ms. Sharon Higgs, Program Coordinator

(404) 215-2671 ext. 7829

Return Application to:Morehouse College

Upward Bound Program

Federal TRIO Program

830 Westview Dr. SW

P.O. Box 134

Atlanta, GA 30314

Dates:June 6, 2016 – July 15, 2016

Overview:The Morehouse College Meriwether/Talbot Counties Upward Bound Program is designed to provide 74 eligible students, currently enrolled in targeted high schools throughout the Meriwether and Talbot County, an intensive six-week summer curriculum, This program enhances study and collaborative skills for those potential students who need assistance. The summer program is designed based on written proposal of the Department of Education for six (6) consecutive weeks. Participants will be given the opportunity to work in various labs and get hands-on computer experience. They will experience challenges and success in academic subjects. Participants also will experience innovative instructional methodologies.

Sponsor:U.S. Department of Education

Eligibility:Applicants must be currently enrolled in the 9th and 10th grade in the targeted Meriwether and Talbot County schools. Applicants must be a first generation student and must meet the federal government guidelines for low-income families. Applicants must possess academic potential and the need for further development in the basic skills.

Housing:Non-residential (All students are transported to the college daily)

Curriculum:Students will take classes in English/Composition, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Foreign Language, and Computer Literacy. Students will conduct various research projects at a designated site.


Seminars/Field Trips:Summer Research, Dinner/Dance, and Cultural/Educational Trips

Requirements:1. Completed Application

2. Counselor Recommendation

3. Official Transcript

4. Copy of Income Verification

Application Deadline:No deadline, until slots are filled

Contact:Dr. Rubye Byrd, Director

(404) 653-7823

Dr. Gentachew Belayneh, Associate Director

(404) 653-7825

Mr. Walter Gilstrap, Program Manager

(404) 653-7838

Ms. Elaine Lyons, Program Assistant

(404) 215-2671

Return Application to:Morehouse College

Meriwether/Talbot Counties Upward Bound Program

Federal TRIO Program

830 Westview Dr. SW

P.O. Box 140103

Atlanta, GA 30314

2016 Coca-Cola Pre-College Leadership Program

Dates:June 11, 2016 – June 17, 2016

Length:1 week

Overview: The Coca-Cola Pre-College Leadership Program is designed to introduce participants to the traits, skills and behaviors necessary for effective 21st century leadership.

Sponsors:The Coca-Cola Foundation

Eligibility: Rising high school male juniors, seniors and incoming Morehouse College Freshman; Fall 2016. Participants must have a 3.0 GPA or better.


Curriculum:Focus on personal and interpersonal leadership skills with an emphasis on the development of Character, Calling, Connection and Contribution.

Cost: $400.00

Contact:LaKetha D. Hudson

Project Coordinator


Materials:Online Application:

Deadline: February 26, 2016

Application to:Andrew Young Center for Global Leadership/ Morehouse College

2016 Coca-Cola Pre-College Leadership Program

Attn: LaKetha D. Hudson
830 Westview Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314

2016 Procter & Gamble Leadership Academy

Dates:June 18, 2016 – June 24, 2016

Length1 week

Overview: Designed for male students with a Leadership Consciousness that are self-disciplined and have an interest in Multi-National Business and or Sustainability

Sponsors:Procter & Gamble

Eligibility: Rising high school males juniors, seniors and incoming Morehouse College freshman; Fall 2016. Participants must have a 3.0 GPA or better.


Curriculum:A highly interactive curriculum focused on the development of interpersonal skills and the dimension of 21st century leadership domains of sustainability and technology advances in a global society.

Cost: $500.00

Contact:LaKetha D. Hudson

Project Coordinator


Materials:Application (PDF)

Deadline: February 26, 2016

Application to:Andrew Young Center for Global Leadership

Morehouse College/ P&G Leadership Academy

Attn: LaKetha D. Hudson

830 Westview Drive

Atlanta, GA 30316

Pre-Freshman Programs

Residential Programs
Program Name / Program Dates
Morehouse MSEIP Pre-Freshman STEM Summer Program / May 31, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Pre-Freshman Summer Enrichment Program / June 5, 2016 - July 15, 2016
Coca Cola Pre-College Leadership Program / June 11, 2016 - June 17, 2016
Proctor and Gamble Leadership Academy / June 18, 2016 - June 24, 2016

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive….”

-Dr. Howard Thurman ’23,

Educator and Theologian

Morehouse College MSEIP Pre-Freshman STEM Summer Program

Dates:May 31, 2016 –June 24, 2016 – four-week online bridge program

July 2, 2016 – July 15, 2016 – two-week residential program