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MIT Radiation laboratory ("Rad Lab")


There were indeed other projects as well in inverse scattering, the design and evaluation of cross section measurement facilities, radar camouflage techniques, plasmas, antennas (including the construction of an outdoor antenna range across the parking lot from Hangar II), and basic scattering analyses.


During World War II, large-scale research at MIT's Radiation Laboratory was devoted to the rapid development of microwave radar. Projects included physical electronics, microwave physics, electromagnetic properties of matter, and microwave communication principles. The "RadLab" designed almost half of the radar deployed in World War II, created over 100 different radar systems, and constructed $1.5 billion worth of radar.


Wiesner was an expert on microwave theory, communications science and engineering, signal processing, radio and radar as well as military technology, disarmament, and science policy and education. In 1942 shortly after the United States entered World War II, Wiesner joined the staff of the Radiation Lab.


[MIT involvement in military research]


[1952 Zeeman effect at MIT RL]


[MIT Radiation Lab]


[Info about the MIT Rad Lab activities]


Interview with Dr. Stever, a former NDRC employee at MIT Division 14 of the OSRD. There had been a high rank meeting in 1943 including Adm. Furer (who was mentioned in the Berlitz/Moore Philadelphia Experiment book).

Stever: Yes. Then we got people to come to visit the Tube Committee which, of course, they called the Valve Committee.

Bryant: CVD?

Stever: CVD. I was appointed liaison officer on that committee. Then there were parallel visits by researchers in countermeasures work with the Harvard Laboratory. Dave Langmuir handled that and I began to handle most of the radar. There was the big and important meeting of the Compton Committee which included Admiral Furer, Compton, and General McClellan (an Air Force Officer). Top officers, leaders of the services, and the MIT Lab and the industrialists came to visit. This was a high-level visit in the year 1943.

Bryant: Was that 'Division 14'?

Stever: I think it probably was Division 14.

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