More Help for the Never-ending Card!

Part I- Decide on a minimum of 15 facts that you think every consumer should know about credit. Decide on one or two facts that you feel are the most important to know about credit. Save those for the last section of your never ending card. See examples in class.

Part II- Prepare the folding card. See these link for a visual prompts


* This card is made using two pieces of card stock

* This is the standard size card.

* On one piece of cardstock, you are going to cut it in half vertically.

* On the other piece you are going to cut it in half horizontally.

* After doing this you have four strips of paper, two long and thin and two short and fat.

* Fold all four pieces so that the ends touch in the middle. (After scoring and cutting out the pattern, you should have this same type of thing, with the ends that touch when folded.)

* After creasing these strips, lay them back down again, just like you have two original pieces of cardstock, side by side. (If you use the pattern, you can see the A's and B's and such.)

* Pick one of the two pieces of cardstock you cut in half, and put glue on all four corners. (Ignore the cuts and folds, and pretend it's just the postcard size, and you will know what four corners to put glue in. Just use a glue stick and make a square of glue on each corner. If using the pattern, you will glue in each square with a different letter on it.)

* Now, take a pretend spatula, and scoop up the cardstock piece you put glue on, and flip it over like a pancake onto the other piece of cardstock. When using the pattern, the A's should be kissing, and the B's as well, and so forth. You should not see any letters after doing this they should be glued together, so you won't ever see them again.

* If you have done this right, once the glue is set you will have completed the assembly of the card, and all you have to do is put your images and messages on it, open it, do it again, open it again, do it more, open again, and do it one more time.

Name (s)Mallory
Presentation Title
Criteria / Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Approaching Expectations / Below Expectations / Lacking effort- fails to meet minimal expectations / Total Points
& Research of Information / You clearly put exceptional effort into preparation and research.
5 / You demonstrated very good preparation and research.
4 / Your work showed some evidence of preparation
3 / Your work appeared to have been done at the last minute.
2 / No real effort made to complete the assignment.
1 / __2_/5 x 5=__10_/25
Visual - both written and visual information / Your visual aids added greatly to the presentation Nicely presented information summarized in your voice with no more than 3-5 facts per visual area.
5 / Your visual aids were clear and helpful, in your voice and had some visuals to enhance information.
4 / Visual aids were used but were too wordy and not in your voice. Little or no visual illustrations.
3 / Information was copy and paste or clearly not your voice. Extremely wordy. No visuals
2 / Poorly done and lacked enough information and supporting visuals for topic.
1 / _2__/1 x 3=__6_/15
Organization / Your presentation was exceptionally logical and superbly organized.
5 / Your work had a clear focus, body and conclusion.
4 / Your presentation was generally organized, but lacked some clarity.
3 / Your presentation was somewhat organized, but was low on clarity
2 / The work was poorly organized or ideas were presented randomly.
1 / _2_/1 x 3=_6__/15
Precision / Your presentation was laser focused on the assigned topic.
5 / Your presentation covered all the main points of the topic.
4 / Your presentation covered the topic, but occasionally took detours.
3 / Your presentation left pertinent details out, and strayed from assigned topic with little understanding.
2 / Your presentation strayed from main topic and assigned key points significantly
1 / __2_1 x 3=__6_/15
Time Management / You showed exceptional time management skills.
5 / Finished within the allotted time.
4 / You went over the time limit a little
3 / Time was managed poorly with some off task behavior apparent.
2 / You seemed unaware of the task at hand and managed time spent very poor.
1 / _2__/1 x 3=__6_/15
Overall Quality / Outstanding overall quality. A powerful and memorable presentation
5 / Covered all the main points and was generally well delivered.
4 / Could have put in more effort during the preparation and design stages to increase overall quality
3 / Somewhat sloppy. Wea in some areas Presentation skills need work. Not much effort seen.
2 / Generally sloppy. Weak presentation skills. You have the ability to do much better.
1 / __2_/1 x 3=_6__/15
Total / Comments: / ______40__/100

Presentation Grading Rubric- Never Ending Card Format