Board of Supervisors Meeting –Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chairman Jack Majeres called the regular board meeting to order on Tuesday, March 18, at1:03p.m. at the USDA Service Center Conference Room. Other supervisors present were Warren and Dean. Also present were Harvey, Jackie, Barry and Curt Elke, from NRCS. Lane arrived at 3:19pm.

The agenda was reviewed. Dean moved to approve the agenda as amended. Warrenseconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed. Warrenmoved to approve the minutes as written. Deanseconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Warren presented the treasurer’s report. Warren moved to approve the treasurer’s report as amended. Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Kirt presented the DC report. He informed the board about ongoing EQIP and WRP workload items, including four EQIP plans needing to be approved by the board. Warren moved to approve the four EQIP plans, Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Kirt spoke on the current wetland determination workload, possible strip till contract, a possible workshop on popular conservation activities and upcoming trainings.

Curt Elke, Assistant State Con for Field Operations, spoke to the board on his appreciation for our counties’ activities in promoting conservation practices. He also thanked the board for helping NRCS with various projects. He spoke about programs available through NRCS. He is hoping to hire additional help. He is trying to have the District get paid for partnering with NRCS to do administrative or service support.

Barry presented the Central Big Sioux project update. He has been talking with Big Sioux Community Water and two producers in Lake County on enrolling fields in SRAM. He attended two meetings and Toolkit training. He issued two checks this month, one for monitoring equipment and one to a lawfirm for work on SRAM contracts. SRAM is administered in Minnehaha County, but Moody is the lead sponsor. We will be signing the contracts, which have been rewritten to safeguard the Districts. Lane moved to approve the two payments. Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Harvey presented the Managers report.Tree plans are still coming in. A tractor has been leased for the upcoming year. He presented two vouchers for approval, a technician reimbursement for $2467.64 and CIG for $12,118.04. Dean moved to approve the vouchers. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously. He informed the board on the upcoming Water Festival in Brookings and asked if the board would help with the cost. Warren moved to donate $250. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The terms of board members are expiring this year. Board members will need to turn in a completed petition if they want to run again. We have new software for updating the website, which Cody will install this week.


Old Business

Several organizations have committed money toward the purchase of a grass drill. In exchange we will put their emblem on the side. After further discussion, Dean moved to approve purchase of the drill using CD’s. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

There is no news on the Redder lawsuit.

The Annual work plan was revised. Dean moved to approve the revision. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Jack gave a report on the Leadership Workshop, which he attended with Harvey.

New Business

Warren moved to approve dues to SDACD and SDACDE. Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

A discussion was held on sponsoring a youth to attend the South Dakota Wildlife Federation Conservation camp. Warren moved to sponsor one participant. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Jack talked about the Joint Powers agreement. It was tabled until next month to allow supervisors time to study the agreements.

Jack clarified some of the new rules of the new Farm Bill as they apply to NACD/SDACD and DR&C.

Jack explained some new recommendations of the Central Big Sioux steering committee. It was suggested to offer a seat on the committee to Brookings and Brandon. It was also suggested to raise the rate to $60. After some discussion, Warren moved to approve the $60 rate. Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Lane moved to approve offering a seat on the steering committee to Brandon and Brookings. Warren seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the 2014 annual budget. Dean moved to approve as presented. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

It was decided to delay any action on the Long Range work plan until next month.

There will be a Dairy Farm tour in Minnehaha County. If anyone wants to go, let Jack know.

Dean moved to allow Jack and Warren to approve Central Big Sioux vouchers if they need to be paid before meeting dates. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The next meeting will take place on April22, 2014at 7:00p.m.

Lane moved to adjourn at 4:58 p.m. Dean seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted, Approved by:


Harvey Shafer, District Manager Supervisor