Montpelier Board of Public Works &

Montpelier Board of Public Works &

Montpelier Board of Public Works &

Safety Meeting

Monday,March 4,2013

Meeting Call to order at 2:00pm by Mayor Kathy J. Bantz

Roll call: Mayor Kathy J. Bantz

Thomas D. Mounsey, Board Member

Robert Benbow, Board Member

Kelli J. Schriver,Clerk-Treasurer

And Department Heads:

Bruce Haisley, Water Supt.

Chris Snyder, Police Chief

Jeff Clouse, Maintenance Supt.

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Robert Benbow to approve the agenda as corrected.

Seconded by Thomas Mounsey.

Approved 3-0.

Discussion of items from the Minutes of the last meeting:


Approval of Minutes as presented:

Minutes of the February 4, 2013 were presented.

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey to approve minutes as presented.

Seconded by Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

Input from Citizens Present:

Chris Sills

Mrs. Sills stated that there was a broken water line for the apartment above the Posey Room. It has been repaired. She asked for an adjustment to the water bill.

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey to adjust the last two months to 3000 gallons. Seconded by Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

James Heron

Mr. Heron stated he had a water line leaking for the last few months. He has been working with Bruce Haisley to find the leak. It is now repaired. He asked for an adjustment to his water bill.

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey to adjust the last three months to 5000 gallons once Mr. heron brings in his receipt for work done. Seconded by Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

Department Head Reports:

Water & Waste Water Department – Bruce Haisley,

Mr. Haisley reported that the trucks and equipment are ok. A sensor needed repaired for the air bag light on the truck. He is working on controls at the sewer plant. The old generator from DRMO needs repaired. The weather is too bad for Culy’s to do camera work today. Someone is doing leak detection checks today.

Street Sup.– Jeff Clouse

Mr. Clousereported that the vehicles and equipment were running fine. He turned in maintenance reports. He repaired the plow bracket on the Chevy last week. He stated there will be a lot of potholes to fix once the weather is better. Kelli Schriver thanked him and the other City workers for the good job they had done on replacing the ceiling tiles at City Hall. Robert Benbow asked if they were able to repair the roof on the salt barn. Mr. Clouse stated they were able to find materials and were waiting on better weather to do that and some other repairs.

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey that weekly vehicle maintenance check lists be turned in on a quarterly basis. Seconded by Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

Police Department – Chief Chris Snyder,

Chief Snyder presented his report. See attached. He stated that calls are down slightly. The old DRMO generator at the police station is not working. It will be checked at the same time the one at the sewer plant is checked. The new car is back from having the last of the equipment installed and is working well. Thomas Mounsey asked if the officers had been questioned about which car to sell. Chief Snyder replied they had all agreed that car #32 one of the 2003’s was the one to be sold. He also asked if the seats could be reinstalled in the canine car once the dog retires. Chief Snyder replied yes and Reno retires March 15, 2013. Mayor Bantz stated she was not sure when RD would be awarding car grants.

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey to sell car #32. Seconded by Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

The details will worked out at the April meeting. The car will be ready then.

Fire Chief–Russell Ramseyer,

Chief Ramseyer was absent. No report.

Utility Adjustments:

Adjustments are for 02/04//13 to 03/04/13

Water: - 141.39

Wastewater: - 94.32

Sanitation: - 21.08

Stormwater: - 18.32

Dumpster: + 00.00


Total: - 275.11

Individual Adjustments: See attached

Motion made by Robert Benbow to approve the utility adjustments. Seconded by Thomas Mounsey.

Approved 3-0.

Review and Sign Claims Dockets:

Motion made by Thomas Mounsey to review and sign the claims dockets. Seconded By Robert Benbow.

Approved 3-0.

Unfinished Business:

Houses, Weeds, Blighted Areas & Neglected Properties

  1. Mayor Bantz informed the Board that some of the things had been moved from the City’s right of way on the property at Windsor and Washington. There has been an offer and counter offer for the Gupta property on Main St but she has heard nothing further.
  1. Mayor Bantz informed the Board that she had called the News Banner about the Echo flyers. She received a call from the editor and the carrier addressing the concerns.

New Business:

  1. Mayor Bantz informed the Board that the attorney stated our unsafe building ordinance was good the way it is. We just need to enforce and monitor it.
  1. Mayor Bantz asked the Board members to be putting together ideas for a take home policy for vehicles to be discussed next month.

Misc. Business:Mayor Bantz informed the Board there will be a board of Zoning Appeals meeting at City Hall on 3/26/13 at 8:00 pm concerning the racetrack.

Next Regular meeting of the Montpelier Board of Public

Works & Safety will be Monday April 1, 2013, at 2:00 pm

in the MontpelierCity Hall @ 300 W Huntington Street,

Montpelier, Indiana.

Adjourn: Time of Adjournment 3:28 pm.

Motion by Thomas Mounsey, Seconded by Robert Benbow.

So moved 3-0.


Thomas D. Mounsey, Board President Robert Benbow, Board Member


Kelli J. Schriver, Clerk-Treasurer Kathy J. Bantz, Mayor