Preschool News
Week of September 18, 2012 through
September 21, 2012
Monthly Theme: Welcome and Creating a Classroom Community
Important Information
- NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 17, 2012!
- Please make sure you pick your child up promptly at dismissal.
- Morning-11:00 a.m.
- Afternoon –2:50 p.m.
- Please send a small snack and a drink in with your child each day.
- Many of the students are using the bathroom routine in a hurry throughout the day so please dress them appropriately for this reason…Easy up and down pants please! For example, pants that just pull up or snap.
- If you haven’t please send in a family picture ASAP!
Books for the week
- Tuesday-Llama Llama Misses Mama by Ann Dewdney
- Wednesday-Lucky Goes to School by Gail Herman
- Thursday-David Goes to School by David Shannon
- Friday-Time for School by Gail Herman
AM Class
The morning class is doing a great job learning our daily rules and routines. We have been working on cooperating, taking turns, learning songs, and getting to know our classroom community. We will continue working on these concepts this upcoming week. We are strengthening our fine motor skills through activities such as play dough, stringing beads, and lacing cards. This week we will be reading a Scholastic News titled, “All About Me and My Body,” when your child brings this home please re-read it with them and talk about the concepts we discussed. This Wednesday Mrs. Shakin, the speech therapist, will be in the room doing a lesson with the whole class about listening with your whole body.
REMINDER: PE is on Thursday. Please send your child to school in sneakers or they will not be able to participate.
PM Class
The afternoon class is doing a great job learning our daily rules and routines. We have been working on cooperating, taking turns, learning songs, and getting to know our classroom community. We will continue working on these concepts this upcoming week. We are strengthening our fine motor skills through activities such as play dough, stringing beads, lacing cards, snap cubes, and coloring. The students did a great job with their Scholastic News titled, “All About Me and My Body.” We hope they shared it with you when they came home!
Reminder: PE is on Monday….so no PE this week!