Monthly Planning Tool | Young Infants | 0 - 12 Months
Month: December | Week: ______| Year: ______Teacher/Caregiver: ______
Skills & Concepts to Emphasize: Skills & Concepts to Emphasize: The Five SensesStory: ______
Tips for Best PracticeUnderstand and respond to different temperaments of infants / Dramatic Play Area
Add: Two or more small durable mirrors
More cuddly toys with facial expressions
Keep favorite bears - blankets for playing Peek a Boo / Sensory Development Area
Hang: Five Senses poster - eye level. Massage babies feet and hands. Hide and find object under blanket. Touching and feeling different textures / Language - Early Literacy Area
Provide parents with resources on baby massage
Set out pictures - books on five senses
Imitate baby‘s babbling tones and inflections
Flexible - Easy Going Fearful - Shy
Feisty - Challenging
Respect silent time for babies / Art Area
Set up: Trays with shallow water for splashing
Set Out: Place textured objects on floor
and Play dough for touching / Fine Motor Skills Area
Add new connecting, pop-up and stacking toys
Add: Posting boxes / Responsive Care Area
Social Emotional Development
Point and name eyes, nose, ears, tummy, mouth.
Sit at child’s level
Talk along with infants as you perform daily routines
Resources/Notes / Music & Movement Area
Set out collection of pots, pans and objects to bang on softly and loudly
Listening with our ears to different environmental sounds / Gross Motor Skills Area
Add: Big and little balls for rolling. Fill plastic pillow covers with paper for babies to crawl over / Arrival - Greeting Area: Parent Ed, Nutrition, Health
Post Parent Resources: Breast Feeding - Introducing New Foods - Safe and Healthy Finger Foods.
Main Objective:
Specific Objective:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Small group activities (songs, stories, games) / Read and sing daily: Stories and songs related to five senses / Texture Trail. Talk about different textures. / Rolling, watching and crawling after different sized balls / Model and shake rattles for baby. Make noises with pots and pans / Sticky art activity
Outdoor Activities / Listen to wind chimes and outside noises. Talk about and listen / Push Pull Toys
Dumping and Filling / Roll different sized balls / Looking at the weather.
Filling wagons with balls / Stroller Walking
Feel the breeze
© 2010 | Patricia Hillman | Zero To Five Consulting | Infant Toddler Specialist Group