
Steering Committee Members

Steering Committee Members agree will make a 1 year commitment to COTE. All steering committee members are responsible for attending monthly COTE meetings.

Co-Chair (2013-2014)
Co Chairs work together to provide general oversight: Are we staying on track with our mission and objectives? Runs monthly meeting, develops connections with related organizations. One co-chair takes responsibility for writing the monthly meeting agenda and being the timekeeper at meetings. Writes a proposed annual budget for review by AIA, revises budget as required, tracks budget, processes reimbursement requests. Makes 2 year commitment, staggered with 2nd Co-Chair. / Juliette Beale (Elected 2013)
Takes notes at the steering committee meeting and distributes to group within one week.
Communications/ Membership Chair
Keeps mailing list current, seeks and engages new members, and issues announcements and invites for events.
Education & Events Chair
Coordinates COTE education and events committee- tours, greenbags, forums, GCS. Serves as a liason to the AIA, submits AIA CEH forms, reserves event space, works with AIA on any synergies or overlap.
Graphics Coordinator
Produces graphics for monthly Greenbags and tours, and annual events.
(Part of EE Committee)
Greenbag Coordinator
Coordinates monthly greenbags. Typically committee members make recommendations regarding Green Bag speakers and provide coordination with the speaker. However the Greenbag coordinator may assist with these tasks and may also help develop the invitation content, submit the Green Bag for continuing education, and introduce the speaker.
(Part of EE Committee)
Tours Coordinator
Coordinates building tours including tracking recommendations for tours, working with other groups that are offering tours (AIA PDX, Cascadia, Better Bricks, etc.). Help to develop or oversee the development of maps, etc that may be needed for tours.
(Part of EE Committee)
Evening Forum Coordinator
Coordinates evening events focused on a single topic- this may take the form of a panel discussion or similar.
(Part of EE Committee)
Outreach/ Volunteer Chair
Seeks and engages new members, networks with similar organizations, outreaches to schools, and coordinates volunteer day.
Code, Policy, Advocacy Chair
Researches key code and policy related to architecture and green building. Networks with officials, lobbyists and representatives. Keeps group informed of this information.
Building Climate Impact Committee
This position supports AIA’s commitment to the 2030 Challenge and CO2 analysis component of the AIA Portland Design Awards competition. Familiarity with excel and building energy use is helpful. / Josh Hatch
John Jennings
General Volunteer (COTE Member)
Attends Steering Committee Meetings, participates in group brainstorms, helps with events (planning, set-up, organization), assists COTE in areas of need