Subject:Minutes of Huskers Club Meeting
Date, Time:Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 7:30PM
Place: YorktownHigh SchoolLibrary
Chaired by: Mark Vercruysse
Recorded by: Kerri Prestreau
Participants:See Last Sheet of these Minutes
# / Agenda
Item / Comments / Action Items / Responsible / Date
Initiated / Due
1. / Welcome & Introductions / 1.1 / M. Vercruysse welcomed and thanked everyone for coming. / 04/09/13
2. / Financial Review / 2.1
2.2 / S. Barden reviewed the club financials (copies handed out).
M. Vercruysse stated that the clubs financials are in good shape; our biggest expense is the Senior Dinner. / Updated monthly / S. Barden / 04/09/13 / Monthly
3 / Upcoming Events / 3.1
3.5 / The Huskers Club will be having concessions at the boys’ varsity home games. An e-mail went out to the JV and Freshman Team Parents asking for volunteers for the concessions.
The Huskers Club will arrange with the school to have 3 – 4 tables brought down to the field so we can set up for the concessions.
Below is our home game schedule; we will have a concession at all these games. We need to have 3-4 volunteers for each concession.
Tuesday, April 23rd 7PM vs. Somers
Saturday, April 27th 2PM vs. Chaminade
Tuesday, April 30th 7PM vs. Ridgefield
Saturday, May 4th at 4PM vs. Lakeland
Tuesday, May 7th at 7PM vs. Arlington
Saturday, May 11th at 1PM vs. St. Anthony’s
M. Vercruysse stated, in addition to the concessions we will be doing, the Track Team will be holding a Track Meet on Monday, April 29th and they will be doing a concession. The Track team will get volunteers; we just have to do the shopping.
A. Veteri stated as part of the brick fund raiser, The Huskers Club will be doing a raffle to win a brick at the home games. / E-mail sent out
Coordinate w/school
Volunteers needed
Club will shop, Track Team will get their own volunteers / All Members
K. Prestreau
Freshman/JV Parents
Track Team / 04/09/13
04/09/13 / Ongoing
4 / Senior Dinner / 4.1
4.2 / M. Vercruysse asked A. Veteri to give us an up-date on the Senior Dinner Progress. A. Veteri stated we are in good shape, the invitations are being ordered, the date is Tuesday, June 11th and the RSVP date is May 28th and proper attire is required. The Journal Ads are started, Legacy Studio sent us the school portraits and we are getting photos. We are also putting a Journal Ad Flyer in with the invitations.
A. Veteri stated since we don’t have a Con-Ed Award Winner yet, we could personalize each athlete’s book. There was further discussion on this topic and it was agreed that this takes away from the purpose of the dinner and it was agreed that if there is no Con-Ed Winner the Front Cover would be based around Yorktown High School. / Senior Dinner is Tuesday, June 11th / All Student Athlete’s / 04/09/13
04/09/13 / 06/11/13
5 / Open Discussion / 5.1
5.3 / M. Vercruysse stated we need to start thinking about Board Elections for next year. Anyone interested should let one of the Board Members know. There are currently 2 Board Positions that need to be filled the President, and the Secretary. M. Vercruysse stated we could use some fresh blood. There are a lot of things that we do, but there is always room for improvement.
M. Vercruysse stated the Elections will be held at the June Meeting.
M. Vercruysse stated will be changing the June Meeting because that is the day of the Senior Dinner. / 2 Board Position are open
June meeting date to be changed / Husker Members
M. Vercruysse / 04/09/13
04/09/13 / June Meeting
6 / Next Meeting / 6.1 / The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7:30PM in the Library. All meetings for the year are listed on the school calendar. / Meetings are held on a monthly basis / All / 04/09/13 / Monthly

Attendees (In order of Sign-In Sheet):

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M. Vercruysse

R. Bonitatibus

K. Prestreau

C. Cunnington

S. Barden

B. Carson

F. Gonzales

A. Veteri

D. Weaver

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