Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119
• 1005 Wilbon Road • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 • www.kofc12119.org

Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church

On the Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:30 pm

Meeting Minutes for: February 9th, 2010

Prepared by Steven Raedy, Recorder


The Meeting was called to order by GK Tommy Rosati at 7:30 PM.

2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Lou Mennona, Inside Guard):

All present are in possession of a current membership card.

The traveling gavel was presented to GK Tommy Rosati by DD Bob Caron.

3. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

4. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

5. Roll Call of Officers:

6. Opening Ode: The opening Ode was sung, with verve and panache, by the members.

7. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:

A Motion was made by Bro. Mike Mroz and seconded by Bro. Mark Leuver to approve the minutes of the January meeting as published and distributed to the membership. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

8. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications:

One new transfer application was read for Bro. Vincent Dioguardi, Jr.

9. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, and reapplications):

A Motion was made by Bro. Jim O’Donnell and seconded by Bro. Mike Mroz to accept the transfer application. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

10. Reading of Notices of Application in other Councils: N/A

11.  Initiations: N/A

12.  Grand Knight’s Report:

Worthy Brothers,

We have a number of new Brother Knights who have recently joined Our Order. Are there any new Brother Knights in attendance today?

State Awards:

At the State’s “Mid-Year Meeting,” Council 12119 was the recipient of a couple of awards.

Council 12119 finished 4th in The State’s “Youth Award” category with the execution of our Council’s first annual “Youth Fishing Tournament.”

Council 12119 finished 2nd in The State’s “Church Award” category with the execution of our semi-annual Parish Yard Sale.

The Knight & Family of the Month.

Knight of the Month:

At this time it is my honor & privilege to present the Knight of the Month Award to Brother Peter Majewski. Brother Pete is not just the Webmaster for Our Church’s, Our Council’s, & The 4th Degree Assembly’s web sites; he is also an all around good guy. Brother Pete was recently made aware of a Brother Knight who temporarily needed a place to stay & upon hearing this, Brother Pete selflessly opened up his home to this Brother Knight.

Thank you Brother Pete for your devotion to the prime virtue of Our Order, Charity!

Family of the Month:

At this time it is my honor & privilege to present the Family of the Month Award to the family of Brother Paul Tooley. Brother Paul’s family is involved with Our Church and Council in a number of different ways. Brother Paul has recently become one of the “Night Watchmen” at St. Bernadette. The Tooley Family is always willing to attend & help clean up after most every Pancake Breakfast. Add all of this to the fact that Margret Tooley home-schools EVERY ONE of their NINE children makes them an obvious choice for Council 12119’s Family of The Month.

Thank you Tooley family for your dedication to our Church and the support of Our Council!

My Brothers, as recognized by The Knights of Columbus State Council of North Carolina, Our Council is going EXACTLY what we are supposed to be doing; Serving Our Church, Our Community & Our Order. Thank you gentlemen for all of your collective efforts!


13. Chaplain’s Report (Fr. Robert Staley): Omitted

14. Treasurer’s Report (Bro. Bob Mayen):

The current bank balance is $10,742.71, including the following fund allocations:

Life Memorial: $ 1975.01

Knights in need: $ 1000.00

Capital Campaign: $ 1033.00

See attachment for more details.

15. Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary and Treasurer’s Voucher of Deposit:

R 458 (01/12/10) - Dues (72.00) and Member Badge (7.50) = $81.50
R 459 (01/14/10) – January Pancake Breakfast Receipts = $702.00
R 460 (01/14/10) – Return of Balance of Pancake Breakfast Seed Money = $55.41
R 461 (01/14/10) – Initiation Fee (20.00) and Capital Campaign (3.00) = $59.00

16. Reading of Bills and Communications:

Bills (Warrants from Financial Secretary to Treasurer)
W 773 (01/12/10) – K of C Supreme Council = $614.24
W 774 (01/12/10) - Michael Vilardo for Propane (Pancake Breakfast Expense) = $23.59
W 775 (01/19/10) - Bro. Raul Barbieto for Locks for Cabinets in Shed = $31.56

17.  Financial Secretary’s Report (Bro. Wally Chaplin, FS):

As of the 02/01/10 statement from Supreme we have 148 Associate Members and 58 Insurance Members for a total of 206 Members. Our quota for this Fraternal Year is 14 new associate members and 5 Insurance members. Since the start of the Fraternal Year we have a net gain of 8 members (64.20% of quota) and a net gain of 2 insurance numbers (40.0% of quota).

18. Report of Auditors and Trustees (Bro. Tim Hughes):

The Semiannual Council Audit has been completed.

19. Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Bro. Dave Peters): no report

20.  Report of Service Program Committees

·  Pro-Life (Mike Mroz, Director)

A communication will be forthcoming regarding an organized trip to the Raleigh Birthchoice facility.

See attachment regarding the Spring 2010 “40 Days for Life” effort

Please support the Fuquay-Varina Chamber of Commerce in recognition of the City council’s unanimous vote to eliminate any funding of abortions through the state insurance program.

·  Church Activities (Bro. Jim O’Donnell, Director)

The church leadership signed off on the loan to expand the church to 1200 seats. Please consider making a pledge or extending your pledge.

The Bishops Annual Appeal is in full swing. I am asking each Knight to make a pray full contribution. I am asking for a 100% participation from the Knights.

·  LAMB – Whatsoever you do to the “Least Among My Brethren (LAMB)” (Bro. Chuck Byars):

A summary of LAMB financial activities for 2009 are as follows:

1. Street collections: $4460.38
2. Corporate Donations: $540.00
3. Total Gross Income: $5000.38
Expenses (aprons/candy): $1061.50
Total Net Income: $3938.88
85% local Distribution: $3348.05
Disbursement of Money
Lincoln Heights: $893.91
Angier Elementary: $1491.00
Special Olympics: $960.00 This is in now and waiting for check.
Total distribution: $3344.91 This was given back to our community
Money to state: $3.91

·  Family Activities (Bro. Chris Craney, Director):

1. The Harlem Globetrotter's game for March 5th is scheduled. Please contact me via e-mail no later than Wednesday, February 10th if you want to join in the fun. Tickets are $19 a person and going fast. It will be a great evening to bring your family and or yourself and enjoy the show. Please consider joining us even though Meadowlark Lemon will not be participating
2. Working on a outing to the theatre to see a movie. Looking at possibly Raleighwood or another setting similar. Still researching and will pin down a date in the near future. Could be late February or maybe late March.
3. Other upcoming events, want to schedule a picnic in May or June. Will work on details and update everyone in the future. Spring is getting closer and that means a baseball game, probably the Mudcats, also in April or May. Lastly if any one in the crowd has any great ideas let me know, would be happy to hear them.

·  Youth Activities (Bro. Mike Zazzeri, Director):

Council Free Throw Contest is set for February 19th @ 6:30 at Council 7186 (St. Mary’s in Garner). Volunteers are needed, see me or any officer.

An assistant Youth Activities Director is also needed, please contact Bro. Mike, or any officer, if interested.

16 youths will be attending the Catholic Jamboree in Atlanta next month. Please contact Mike if you would like to assist.

·  Membership Activities (Dave Dillman, Director):omitted

On February 4th a first Degree was held at St Mary Magdalene in Apex . Council 12119 had four new members take their 1st Degree that night.

Nick Gervase

Devin Gerney

Marc Seelinger Jr.

Thomas Seelinger

Please welcome our new members

·  Council Director (DKG Mark Leuver for Al Munno, Director):

The Council has lots of activities coming up, please assist if possible to prevent the young officers from aging before their time.

21. Report of Standing Committees:

Pancake Breakfasts (Bro. Dave Dillman):

The last pancake breaksfast was the first of several to be held at Applebee’s. Because the tickets are good for several months, the exact profit for the single event cannot be determined. However, an apparent profit of $245 was realized; this considers the number of advance and door tickets sold versus the expenses of $138. This is a positive result considering the weather issues, and relative lack of work required versus the normal breakfasts. This appears to be a viable option for the summer months as well.

Blood Drives (Bro. Dave Dillman):

The next blood drive will be March 18th, 2010 from 3:30PM to 7:00PM. Still at the Church; however, the check in will be in the commons area.

Sign up on the web at www.KofC12119.org or call Dave Dillman at 412-3430 or 557-0913

Remember to bring your photo ID

22.  Unfinished Business:

Cookbook (GK Tommy Rosati):

Numerous recipes have been assembled, although the originally planned focus group had to be cancelled due to weather. This may need to be turned over to another member due to GK Tommy’s upcoming move. See Tommy if interested in completing this fundraiser

Super 50/50

No report

Appliance donation request

The upcoming social night proceeds will be used for the appliance donation request.

Sat. Night @ Ruritan club, 6-9, $10/plate, all welcome.

Golf Fundraiser

We will be hosting Golf Fundraiser on May 24th at Devils Ridge Golf Course in Holly Springs. Costs are $90 per person and $350 for a Foursome. The captains cup challenge will have food, beverages, and prizes.

We will need approximately 15 volunteers from the council to help run this event. We will be responsible for providing food, checking in players, and getting sponsors. To sponsor a hole is $125, this includes a bandit sign.

The committee will be providing more info soon. If you have any questions, you may contact Mark Leuver at 919-772-7641 or e-mail him at

23.  New Business:

State Convention

The KofC State Convention will be held May 14th-16th in Charlotte. GK Tommy Rosati will be unable to attend, so another delegate will be needed, as well as 2 alternate delegates. This needs to be finalized by next month’s meeting. See Tommy or any officer if interested.

A motion was made by Bro Dave Onofrio and seconded by Bro. Dave Dillman to place a 1 page ad in the state convention program, cost is $125. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

Council Officers

The new fraternal year is upcoming, and Council officer positions need to be filled. See any officer if interested. The attachment to the minutes describes the duties of each officer position. DD Bob Caron is willing to offer training for any or all officer positions.

Certificates of appreciation were presented to Bro. Joe Lee and his wife, as well as to the Holy Glen community, for the use of the clubhouse for the Council’s last two business meetings. Thank you Joe and Mrs. Lee for accommodating the Council!

State Raffle

The state raffle tickets will me mailed out shortly, they are $5/ticket, the prizes will be two trips and a cash prize. The Council receives 50% of the ticket sales so please purchase tickets and support the council

International Festival

An organizational meeting will be upcoming for the International Festival.

24 Report of Fourth Degree:

Fr. H. Charles Mulholland Assembly #2983 (SK Wally Chaplin, Faithful Navigator):

The next meeting will be Feb 16th @ St. Burnadette’s learning center, either classroom 4 or 5.

25. Insurance Field Agent’s Report (Bro. Michael Martin, FIC): Omitted

26. District Deputy’s Report (Bro. Bob Caron, District Deputy):

Greetings from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, the State Board of Directors, and State Deputy Dave Jones.

The Council is very close to its quota, and Double Star status is achievable with some extra work.

Thank you for all of your efforts and activities.

27. Good of the Order:

Prayers were requested for:

  • All Clergy and Religious
  • Military at home and abroad
  • Gerrie Karkoski
  • Louis Zazzeri
  • Nancy Hagan and Family
  • Marilyn Peterson
  • Hilda Chobanian
  • Msgr. Bellow
  • Fr. Jim Dull
  • Bro. Donald Buser
  • Ronnie Harker
  • Sandra Rochester
  • Debbie Mroz
  • Anne Onofrio
  • Bro Any Badar
  • Bro Ed Undercoffer
  • Marilyn Undercoffer
  • Andy Raulynaitis
  • Steven Dustin
  • Dennis Coleman
  • Thomas DeLeon
  • Leola Letendre
  • Bro. Robert Coiley
  • Tom Wands

28. Chaplain’s Summation: (Fr. Robert Staley): omitted.

29. Closing Prayer: The Closing Prayer, and Prayer for Priests, was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

30. Closing Ode: The closing Ode was sung with an admirable lack of shame by the members.

31. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by GK Tommy Rosati at 9:02 PM

32. Attendance drawing:

The name of Lawson Fanny was drawn. Bro. Fanny was not in attendance to collect the $50 attendance prize, which will roll over to $60 next month. You must be current on your dues to be eligible for the prize.

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