Month/Season: June Class: Primary 6/7Level:Second

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Revealed Truth of God
RERC 2-03a
I can examine God’s relationship with myself and others. I have reflected on how the gift of faith can permeate my whole being. / I know that the Risen Jesus is always with us and that he gave us the Holy Spirit to accompany us throughout our lives.
In reflecting on Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13), I can explain that God sent the Holy Spirit to renew the Apostles and to give them courage in their mission to build the Church.
I can identify the symbols used by the Church to represent and express the presence of the Holy Spirit (e.g. wind, breath, fire and love) and recognise them in the narrative of the Pentecost event. / Class – Watch the following clip:

Ask the children what this event is called. What message is Jesus giving to his disciples? How do you think they are feeling at the end of the clip?
Explain to the children that just as Passover was an existing Jewish feast where Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples, Pentecost was also an existing Jewish feast known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread which was celebrated 50 days after Passover. The word Pentecost means 50th Day. For Catholics it is celebrated 50 days after Easter.
Read from the Bible Acts 2:1-13. Discuss the text.
Ask the children what they think of Peter in this passage. How has he changed? You will remember that at one time he even denied Jesus, saying he didn't even know him. But on this Pentecost day Peter becomes a powerful speaker for God.
Explain to the children that Pentecost represents the birthday of the Church. Ask them to explain why this is.
What gift could they give to the Church on its birthday?
Children should complete the ‘Pente-What?’ worksheet attached to the planner.
Class–Ask the children to reflect on the pervious lesson. What symbols/elements are used to represent the Holy Spirit? (fire, wind). What do these mean to you? (power, strength, determination)
Therefore what do you think the message is?
Ask the children to think of any other symbols which are used to represent the Holy Spirit. (dove, water, oil – Baptism of Jesus/Confirmation). What does a dove symbolise? (peace, love).
Both of these stories are about Baptism and the different gifts that / Internet Access
‘Pente-What!’ worksheets attached to planner
Symbols of the Holy Spirit Worksheet attached to planner / The children will be able to recount the story of Pentecost in detail. The will have a deeper understanding of the gifts the Holy Spirit gave to the Apostles.
The children will be able to identify the symbols used by the Church to represent the Holy Spirit.


Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Signs of God
RERC 2-09b
I can understand that the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of Christian life’. / I can hear, read and recall the Eucharistic narrative of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) / the Holy Spirit gave.
Look up the following Bible passages and ask the children to locate the symbol and then discuss why it is used.
John 3:8, Acts 2:1-2 - Wind- He is like the wind because He is powerful and quick.
Acts 2:3-4 - Fire- He is like fire because He purifies us.
John 7:38-39 - Water- He is like water because He helps satisfy our spiritual thirst for God.
Luke 3:22, Matthew 3:16 - Dove- He is like a dove because He is gentle and provides comfort.
Acts 10:36 – 38 - Oil- He is like oil because He gives healing
The children should complete the Symbols of the Holy Spirit worksheet attached to the planner.
Class - The children should complete the Pentecost Poem worksheet attached to the planner. The children should refer to scripture to support their writing and vocabulary.
Class - Read Luke 24:13-35. Discuss the text.
Show the children the painting, Caravaggio ‘Supper at Emmaus’ using the link below.

Discuss the painting with the children. Ask them to talk about the seating of the people around the table. Ask them how they think the people in the painting are feeling?
Give the children their own small version of the painting – attached to the planner. This should be printed in colour.
Watch the following clip:

The children should glue the picture into their jotter and answer the questions about the painting from the ‘Supper at Emmaus’ worksheet attached to the planner. There is a teacher answer sheet attached.
Class – As a follow up the children could create their own images of the journey to Emmaus. / Pentecost Poem Worksheet attached to planner
Internet Access
Supper at Emmaus Worksheet
Art materials / Children will write their own Pentecost poem.
The children will recount the story of the Road to Emmaus. They will make the link between this story and the Last Supper.
Children will produce their own artwork relating to this story.


Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
RERC 2-19a
Hours of God
I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens my faith and the faith of the saint and I have reflected on how the stories of the saints can inspire me to live a more Christian life.
RERC 2-04a
Revealed Truth of God
I can identify the three persons in the Holy Trinity and I have reflected on how I can honour the Holy Trinity. / I know that that the Holy Spirit strengthens the faith of saints and holy people and helps them follow the call of discipleship.
I have reflected on the words of John 14:1-18 to enable my understanding of the Trinity to be enriched. /
Class–The feast day of St Anthony of Padua is 13th June.
Watch the following clip:

Read the passage about Saint Anthony attached to the planner. Ask the children to write down five questions (these could be created using HOTs and LOTs) to challenge their partner on the passage about St Anthony of Padua.
Explain to the children that St Anthony is the patron saint of lost items. Ask them to try to find out why.
Saint Anthony’s relics are in Padua. What are relics? Why are they so special?
The children can discover more about the life and relics of Saint Anthony at the following site:

Read from the Bible John 14:1-25. Discuss the text. Ask the children if they know who Philip is. Explain that he is mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (Synoptic Gospels) in a list of disciples’ names but John tells us more about Philip and refers to him as an Apostle. Discuss the difference between disciple and apostle.
What message is Jesus giving to His disciples?
Why is he giving them this message?
What major event is happening at this point?
Ask the children if they know what the word Trinity means.
The Trinity is a way of describing thethree ways of being God– God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It describes the relationship between these three ‘persons’ which are all part of the one God.
Statements about the Trinity are found in the Nicene Creed. Give the children copies of the Creed and read it together as a class. Focus on the following section:
We believe in one God, the Father, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth…
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, true God from true God, begotten not made, of one Being with / Liturgical Calendar
Internet Access
HOTs and LOTs fans – teachers own
Art Straws
Coloured Circles of card
Camera / The children be able to retell some of the events from the life of St Anthony of Padua. They will understand ways in which the Holy Spirit strengthened him in his faith.
The children will be able to create a model of the Holy Trinity which explains what God is and is not.


Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
I recognise that when I renew my baptismal promises I am honouring the Trinity by professing my faith in God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I have begun to study some of the words of the Creed and I have begun to identify those parts which speak of the Mystery of the Trinity. / the Father…
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.
Be honest with the children and explain that no one has all the answers and that is why we refer to the Trinity as a ‘mystery’. One of the greatest early Christian theologians said that trying to explain the Trinity was like trying to empty the ocean with a cup. Do not suggest that God can be broken into separate parts.
Complete the activity – What the Trinity is and is not! Attached to the planner. Once this activity is complete ask the children to write neatly the verse from the Creed which is directly associated with the Trinity below their photo or illustration.
Class–Explain to the children that when their parents and godparents made their baptismal promises for them they honoured the holy trinity (Mention confirmation if the children have received this sacrament).
Give out copies of the Baptismal Promises – attached to the planner.
Discuss why they are called promises. Can the children identify the part which honours the Holy Trinity?
Together renew your Baptismal promises as a class. It is a good idea to have some holy water so the children can bless themselves at the end. Acknowledge to the children that every time we bless ourselves we are honouring the Holy Trinity.
Class–Use the Power Point ‘Nicene Creed’ and complete the task detailed in the final slide.
Give the children a copy of the Creed. Get them to give this a decorative border and laminate. Include this in daily prayers until the end of June. / Baptismal Promises sheet.
Nicene Creed PP
Printed copies of the Creed attached to planner
Laminator and pouches
Colouring pens/pencils / The children will understand that in Baptism we honour the Holy Trinity.
The children will have a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Holy Trinity and will identify those parts of the Creed which make reference to it.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
I understand that the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life and that it can only be made known to us by God’s own self-revelation in Jesus through the Holy Spirit. / Class – Recap on all previous lessons linked to the Trinity. Ask the children to share one fact with their group that they have learned in this series of lessons. Ask one member to report back to the class on a fact that another member as learned.
Children should complete the worksheet The Trinity & The Catechism, attached to planner, in their jotters. / The Trinity & The Catechism worksheet
Internet Access / The children will understand that the Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Hours of God
RERC 2-16a
I know that the Mass is at the heart of Catholic community life and I am developing an understanding of how to participate fully in this celebration. / I know that it is an obligation and privilege to attend Sunday Mass and I recognise my own responsibility to do so.
I am growing in my ability to prepare for Sunday Mass through reflection on the readings during each week with the help of my teacher, chaplain and family.
I know the general requirement of Church law that I should fast for an hour before receiving Holy Communion, that this is a mark of respect for the Eucharist and is
known as the Eucharistic Fast.
I am developing my ability to plan a celebration of the Eucharist and to participate in the various ministries open to me.
I understand and appreciate the role of the Altar servers and music ministry and have considered what my contribution to each of these could be. / For Primary 7 only. These outcomes are for preparation and celebration of the Primary 7 Leavers’ Mass.
Class – The children should begin to prepare their Primary 7 Leavers’ Mass. The children will be responsible for:
  • Selecting appropriate scripture and bidding prayers
  • Liaising with the parish priest to arrange a suitable date
  • Selecting hymns and learning them including preparation of musical accompaniment.
  • Sending out invitations to parents and important people in the school and parish
  • Prepare appropriate offertory gifts and be able to explain their significance.
  • Select children to lead the singing of the Response to the Psalm, Gloria and Alleluia.
  • Choose children to serve on the altar.
A PowerPoint slideshow of photographs of the children through their years at school accompanied to music is a lovely touch to be played during communion.
KEY VOCABULARY: preparation for Sunday Mass, Church Law, Eucharistic Fast / The children will work with the teach to decide what resources are necessary to prepare and celebrate Mass. / The children will prepare an appropriate Mass to celebrate their final year at Primary School.


In the box below, note down the main events from the story of Pentecost ACTS 2:1-13

Now draw a story board in the 6 boxes below to show what happened.

Why do you think the coming of the Holy Spirit was a good thing?





Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Use a Bible to locate the Bible Passage. Draw a picture of the symbol of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the passage and then write why it is used.

The Apostles were so afraid that they seldom went out during the day. They remained together in a large group believing in safety in numbers. It was during this time that Jesus kept his promise to send someone to give them strength and courage; the strength and courage to go out and spread his message of love. The Apostles, Disciples and Our Lady were all gathered in an Upper Room when suddenly they heard a mighty wind and tongues of flames appeared over the head of each person. Jesus had kept his promise.

Read the poem below and then write your own poem about what happened on the feast of Pentecost and decorate it.

“The Romans will kill us, they’ll hang us high,

I can feel it in my bones , I’m going to die.”

“Get a grip of yourself, you big ‘scardey –cat,’

Nothing will happen, I’m telling you that.”

The Apostles were frightened, they all hid away,

They wouldn’t even venture out in the day.

Like scared little rabbits, they’d all had a fright,

They only came out in the dead of night.

In an upper room they all huddled together,

From the crowds and the Romans they all took shelter.

Through the door a mighty wind gave a roar,

The Apostles knelt cowering on the floor.

What was happening, they had no idea,

Their thoughts were filled with panic and fear.

Then over their heads – appeared a flame.

Their lives would never be the same…

The Holy Spirit was their in the room,

Raising their spirits , lifting the gloom.

Jesus kept his promise to light their path,

To raise their moral , to make them laugh.

Their courage was back, they got up on their feet.

They ran to the people, out in the street.

They’d go out to the world, telling the good news,

It was Jesus Christ the people should choose.

The Season of Easter gives a message too each one.

That Jesus is risen and is God’s beloved son.

God is with us all, the rich and the poor,

In the air we breath and behind every door.

Road to Emmaus Pupil Pics