Star Elementary - SIT Minutes


Date/Time: December 2, 2014

Place: Conference Room

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Attended: TDunn, JDawkins, DHurley, LThompson, SBritt, ETew, and AThompson

Agenda Item / Action(s)
1. Celebrations / Amanda Thompson called the meeting to order.
December has started out well! Our book fair did well! The fourth/fifth grade performance was GREAT!
2. Review, analyze, and plan based on TWCS input from faculty meeting / Time: Announcements will be made as close to 2:30 as possible, but the office may have to vary the time with what is going on and with how many students are needed for transportation changes. For paperwork, if you are having trouble with the data reflection form, work together with a grade level member. We may work on simplifying the form for elementary needs. Ask grade level members about specific fundraising paperwork. Do a lunch form in the afternoon and older students could take charge of the form for teachers.
Facilities and Resources: Mopping of classrooms will occur on Wednesdays since most classrooms are out for two Connect times and teachers are out for PLCs. After this goes into effect, please report to Mrs. Dunn if it does not happen. Student Council will start recycling this Friday. On the internet, there is really not any quick fix.
Community Support: We have a budget of 14,000.00 to help with parent involvement. Mrs. Dunn will be using some of the money to put more resources in the Parent Resource Room. Some of the computers in the conference room will be moved in there as well. We can use some of this money to provide food for school events, but the Title I guidelines are very specific about how much. SIT will develop a parent survey. Amanda Thompson will be getting your feedback on what the survey needs to be asking.
Managing Student Conduct: PBIS training will address these areas.
Teacher Leadership: Please voice opinions to SIT. Give suggestions/concerns to SIT representatives. SIT agenda will be sent out before each meeting. SIT will be making a Parking Lot in the teacher workroom (the one with the mailboxes) SIT notes will be posted and staff can add opinions on issues or add to the agenda.
School Leadership: We will be adding an anonymous comment box beside the Parking Lot. You may put in any comments on any subject. Please remember that school leadership is based on Principal, IF, and SIT. We would like to do an anonymous survey about trust in the building. Linda Thompson volunteered to do comment box and attachment for trust survey.
Professional Development: Comment was heard about separating K-2 and 3-5 professional development. If we have days where that can happen, we will try to work it out. Please list any professional development that you would like to have, but please as specific as you can (Don’t just list math, soc. Studies, or guided reading).
Instructional Practices/Support: Teachers make class lists at the end of each year. These lists are honored unless a parent calls to address an issue. They were also changed this year when the 4/5 combination was made. Please make sure if you have a new person in your grade level to offer as much support as you can. Express needs to principal, IF, or grade level partner. Also, bring up any issues at PLCs.
3. Fall Fundraiser money-money for classrooms / We have $4,000.00 to spend from our fall fundraiser. We have 20 people to split the money with. Also the money could be spent on a certain area (replace worn books in bookroom, PE equipment, new library books, etc.) How would you like the money to be spent? Please put your comments on the Parking Lot (when it is up and running). Money will not be available until January due to a changeover in the finance system.
4. Representation for 1st and 3rd grade levels on SIT / Amanda will be asking third grader teachers. Emily will be asking first grade teachers. They will report back to SIT on their findings.
5. Surveys for stakeholders / Our county strategic goal is to have 85% of our teachers to fill out the survey to say that they enjoy working in this district/school. We reported to the district to use surveys to see our stakeholders’ opinions. Amanda Thompson will be creating a parent survey and comment card for parents. Parent surveys will happen at office visits and at end of the year. Linda Thompson will be creating a teacher survey using the deltas from TWCS. Teacher surveys will happen monthly in PLCs starting in January. Jeannette Dawkins will be creating a student survey to be given at each nine weeks. All SIT members will investigate a community survey for our community partners. All of the surveys will be brought back to SIT for final draft feedback.
6. PA data review / 3rd Math- 49.8 % fourth in the county.
4th Math-61.9 % first in the county.
4th ELA-64.1 % second in the county.
5th Math-55.6% third in the county.
5th ELA-59.5% first in the county.
5th Science-48.6% fourth in the county.
Mrs. Dunn will be submitting the Cycle 2 SIP on December 19. She will use the SWOT form and get feedback from SIT
7. Spelling Bee / School Spelling Bee is Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 8:15 am. All spelling bee names have been turned into Mrs. Dawkins. Please send a note with these students to let parents know if they would like to come support their student.
8. Academic Goal Teams-Literacy and Math / The SIT members will be our goal teams so we don’t have to have two more committees. If you would like to be involved with this data, please come when it is an item on the agenda. We will be using individual teacher data reflection forms for our data collection. These will need to be turned in promptly.
9. Christmas activities-Polar Express, Sing-a-Long, etc.
Student Council Christmas Dance and Christmas float / Sing-a-Long-December 19 If anyone has suggestions of games/songs/activities please let Ms. Dawkins know.
Polar Express Day-December 17 hot chocolate and pajamas
Each grade level needs to let Ms. Dawkins know what time they would like the hot chocolate. If you are showing a different movie or doing a different activity, please let her know as well.
Christmas Dance-December 16 from 2:45-3:45 sponsored by Student Council. We will let you know more details about cost ASAP
Christmas Float-the Student Council will have a float to represent our school. Ms. Dawkins will be sending you an email about dragon drawings for it. Thanks!
Christmas Store-Emily will be asking Beth about this. SIT discussed not having it this year if plans have not already been made for it.

Grade Level Concerns/Questions:

Kindergarten: no concerns/questions

First Grade: no concerns/questions

Second Grade: no concerns/questions

Third Grade: no concerns/questions

Fourth/Fifth Grades: no concerns/questions

PE: no concerns/questions

Guidance: no concerns/questions

Media: no concerns/questions

EC/Speech/ESL: no concerns/questions