MCCI Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes of November 25, 2002
Present: Mark Gregory, President
Kat Hoyden, Treasurer
Mik Muller, Montague rep.
Jeremy Latch, Teen Center rep.
Mike Langknecht
Mary Drew, Turners Falls rep.
Absent: Rachel Lively, acting Clerk & Montague City rep.
Eric Sadowski, Millers Falls rep.
Jeremy Stafford, Lake Pleasant rep.
Guests: Jeff Singleton, chair Montague Finance Committee & member of Building Use committee of MCCI.
David Detmold, editor board member of Montague Reporter
A quorum being present Mark called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM. Mark agreed to take minutes in the absence of Rachel L. The Agenda was introduced; revisions to order were accepted by all.
Treasurer’s report: As of today there is $8892.31 available (for use) in the Greenfield Savings Bank (GSB) account. There is currently approx. $2300.00 at the Four Rivers acct. The treasurer is waiting for confirmation that all bills paid against acct. have been paid in full prior to final transfer to GSB (where current acct. is held.) Bookkeeper data has been presented to Tom Fredericks, CPA. By 12/31/02 annual filings, etc. for fiscal year 2000-2001 will be finalized. By 1/31/03 2001-2002 filings, etc. will be finalized. Discussion and updates on the role of the CPA, bookkeeper, and accounting system in place currently.
Montague Reporter Editorial Board (MREB) report: An explanation and presentation of the MCCI/MREB agreement was made by Mike L. and David D. A copy of this agreement is attached to these minutes. During much discussion of this potential agreement the need for a regularly adjusted business plan was brought up and agreed to as necessary by all. There was also discussion of the employees vs. independent contractors issue(s); refer to ¶ (paragraph) 9 of attached agreement. A motion was made and seconded to approve the MCCI/MREB agreement. The motion Passed unanimously.
David Detmold updated the board as to the fiscal developments with the Montague Reporter. The MREB is advertising for an advertising sales representative who will be working for a 15% commission. The MREB feels that is sufficient incentive to finding a person with “the right stuff”. Approx. ½ of the initial start up “loan” of $2250.00 is still in Montague Reporter’s bank account. There are 400+ regular newsstand readers, 60 subscribers. Interns at the Reporter are a positive asset, at this time. There was a brief discussion of the driveway easement that MCCI adheres to. Namely, it must be kept free for emergency access to PowerTown apts. No long-term parking is allowed, only loading/unloading. David led the MCCI board into a discussion of an appointment from MCCI to the MREB executive committee (reference ¶ 4 of the attached agreement.) Mary Drew offered to serve in this capacity; an offer graciously accepted by all present.
Video Production committee report: Jeremy Latch updated the MCCI board as to progress of the committee. Two future shows are in the planning stage. The shows are: Crazy Home Cooking, a concept being revised from the past; and a monthly “video candy” presentation filmed by residents in their home towns, mixed down and then broadcast. The initial formation of a producers group is ongoing. Discussion of filming of future meetings about town ensued.
Discussion of keys and security ensued. It was felt that locks can only be changed after all equipment has been located and returned to the premises at 24 3rd St. Kat shared that she is in contact with Ed Golrick for complete return of borrowed equipment; they are meeting on Wednesday next (11/27/02) in this regards.
As a result of discussion arising out of security issues the matter of both Eric S. and Jeremy S. not attending board meetings for the prior three months was put on the table. After a brief discussion, including that of previous attempts to contact both parties, it was decided by the MCCI Board of Directors to act in accordance with Article III, § (section) 4 and remove the aforesaid from the Board of Directors.
Building Use committee report: Mike L. and Jeff S. shared information resulting from their discussions with John Waite of the Franklin County Community Development Corporation. Part of the ensuing discussion focused on re-amortization of the MCCI mortgage with GSB. Estimates for plumbing/heating improvements were offered to the MCCI board. One was for $5500.00; one (using donated labour) was for $2800.00. Further discussions of the leasing of some space of the premises ensued. During the resultant discussions a possible, forthcoming proposal from the Brick House for space use and development was mentioned.
Discussion of the need to change Article II, § 5 referring to regular monthly board meetings ensued. It was moved and seconded to make a change in wording to this section. Wording to be: “Regular meetings of MCCI shall occur on a monthly basis. Meeting dates/times shall be determined at the previous months board meeting.” The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Gregory