Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA TitlesIA, ID
IIA, VI-B REAP and X2014-14 School Year (Cont.)
Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA Titles
2014-15 School Year
For the 2014-15 school year, the Federal Systems team in the Instruction, Standards, Assessment and Accountability unit within the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will monitor Titles IA, ID, IIA, VI-B REAP and X of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, formerly NCLB). Each district selected for monitoring during the 2014-15 school year will, during July2014, receive a letter detailing the monitoring protocol to be followed. In an effort to coordinate with existing ODE data collections, and thereby reducing the burden on districts, staff at ODE will conduct monitoring as follows (fixed dates are for 2014-15 school year only):
1.Spring2014 – The ODE will:
- Notify 30 districts selected for monitoring during the 2014-15school year
- 5 districts forfall 2014onsite
- 10districts forwinter2015desk
- 15districts forspring 2015desk
2.Fall2014 - The ODE will:
- Receive and review materials from the five selected districts for the fall 2014onsite monitoring visits from the previous spring desk monitoring.
- Conduct onsite monitoring visits with the fivedistricts in Octoberand November,2014.
3.Winter 2015 – The ODE will:
a.Receive materials from the 10districts for winter desk monitoring by January 13, 2015.
- Conduct desk monitoring review of the submitted materials, January 20-23, 2015.
- Meet with district staff, from the desk reviews, during the week of January 26that a central location for an exit interview to discuss monitoring findings.
- Select and notify 5-7 of the desk monitored districtsfor a follow-up onsite monitoring/technical assistance visit during the spring 2014-15school year.
4.Spring 2015 – The ODE will:
- Receive and review updated materials from the 5-7 selected districts for the spring 2015 onsite monitoring visits. ODE will either keep materials submitted in the winter or districts may elect to resubmit all materials.
- Conduct onsite monitoring visits with the selected 5-7 districtsMarch or April2015.
- Receive materials from the 15districtsfor spring desk monitoring by April 27, 2015.
- Conduct desk monitoring review of the submitted materials May 4 - 8, 2015.
- Meet with district staff, from the desk reviews, during the week of May 8that a central location for an exit interview to discuss monitoring findings.
- Select and notify 5-7 of the desk monitored districts (May 4-8, 2015) for a follow-up, onsite monitoring/technical assistance visit during the fall 2015-16 school year.
Materials for Preparation
Information and supporting documents are available on the ODE’s website at Themonitoring webpage includes materials for notebook development, descriptions and examples of needed evidence during monitoring, and federal program documentation and recordkeeping forms.
Fall 2014 Onsite Monitoring
Following the spring 2014 desk monitoring, fivedistricts were selected for a fall 2014onsite monitoring/technical assistance visits. These districts have been directly notified of their selection.
Winter2015 Desk Monitoring
Districts selected for the winter2015 desk monitoring are listed below. These districts will submit notebooks to the ODE by January 13, 2015 and will receive feedback from ODE during an exit interview during the week of January26th. The five to seven districts identified for a follow-up onsite monitoring/technical assistance visit during spring 2015 will be notified of this decision during the week of January 26th.
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May 28, 2014
Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA TitlesIA, ID
IIA, VI-B REAP and X2014-14 School Year (Cont.)
Ashwood SD
Black Butte SD
Butte Falls SD
Central Point SD
Culver SD
Medford SD
Phoenix-Talent SD
Pinehurst SD
Prospect SD
Rogue River SD
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May 28, 2014
Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA TitlesIA, ID
IIA, VI-B REAP and X2014-14 School Year (Cont.)
Spring 2015 Desk Monitoring
Districts selected for the spring 2015 desk monitoring are listed below. These districts will submit notebooks to ODE by April 27, 2015and will receive feedback from ODE during an exit interview during the week of May 8th. The five to seven districts identified for a follow-up onsite monitoring/technical assistance visit during fall 2015 will be notified of this decision during the week of May 8th.
Spring 2015Districts
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May 28, 2014
Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA TitlesIA, ID
IIA, VI-B REAP and X2014-14 School Year (Cont.)
Adel SD
Diamond SD 7
Double O SD 28
Drewsey SD 13
Harney County SD 3
Harney County SD 4
Harney County Union High SD 1J
Klamath County SD
Klamath Falls City Schools
Lake County SD 7
North Lake SD 14
Paisley SD 11
Pine Creek SD 5
Plush SD 18
Suntex SD 10
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May 28, 2014
Monitoring Schedule for Federal ESEA TitlesIA, ID
IIA, VI-B REAP and X2014-14 School Year (Cont.)
Please contact Russ Sweet with any questions.
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May 28, 2014