Code - 102609-21









by Eddie Lawrence

INTRODUCTION – Imagine this… I make you an offer. I have in one hand, $10,000.00. In the other hand, I have scribbled on a piece of paper, a few verses from the Bible. Either one could be yours right now, which would you choose? (Pause and wait a moment) ( I actually used some cash and the piece of paper in my hand)
Now I suppose most of us would take the $10,000.00. Why? Because we have a whole Bible with us here at this Bible preaching and Bible study service. In addition, many of us may have a copy out in our vehicles in the parking lot and several on our shelves in our homes. And with the $10,000 we can go down to the local bookstores or department stores and buy bunches more. Right?

What if by some strange set of events, all of our Bibles disappeared and there was none to be found, and I made the same offer, what would you do? We would take the Bible verses, right? We realize that in that circumstance those verses would be treasures for us, right? Hmmmm! Should the circumstances determine the value of God’s Word? Should we allow the fact that we are so blessed to have access to God’s Word diminish how important and valuable it is? The question of the day is, “Do you treasure God’s Word?”

Listen to these Scriptures from Psalm 119 and hear what was in David’s heart when he thought about God’s Word:

Psalm 119: 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies,
As much as in all riches.

Psalm 119: 72 The law of Your mouth is better to me
Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Psalm 119: 127 Therefore I love Your commandments
More than gold, yes, than fine gold!

Psalm 119: 162 I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.

Psalm 119: 167 My soul keeps Your testimonies,
And I love them exceedingly.

These are just a few verses among many that demonstrate how David loved God’s Word. To him it was a treasure. In other words, he treasured God’s Word. There are others today who treasure God’s Word like a woman in Somalia by the name of Mariam.

Somalia: Christian Leader Killed - On Monday,Sept. 28, 2009 an Islamic extremist shot and killed Mariam Muhina Hussein, an underground church leader, after discovering six Bibles in her possession, according to Compass Direct News.
The day before the shooting, a leader of the Islamic extremist group al Shabaab reportedly sent his wife to visit Hussein's home in Marerey villange. She pretended she was interested in learning about Christianity. During the visit, Hussein read passages of the Bible and told the woman that she could visit regularly to discuss God's Word, according to Compass.
The following day, the al Shabaab leader, identified as Sheikh Arbow, went to Hussein’s house with several other men and requested a Bible. When Hussein gave one to him, he revealed that he was looking for "Christians who have defiled the Islamic religion" and ordered her to show him the other Bibles that she owned. When she handed them over, Arbow shot her three times, killing her instantly. (

Mariam gave her life because she believed the Bible had the message that could change the lives of the people in her village. She shed her blood trying to bring redemption to the people in her own community.

TRANSITION—When I read the preceding news report, I was convicted to remind us all of just how precious it is to be able to possess a copy of God’s Word and to be able to read it freely without fear of imprisonment or death. However, I also was convicted that we often take this privilege for granted and maybe, just maybe, we do not treasure God’s Word as we ought!

The Apostle Paul reminded young Timothy of the importance of treasuring God’s Word in the Second Letter he wrote to him:

2 Timothy 3: 10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Four Ways to Insure You Treasure God’s Word:

1. Read it!

Paul told Timothy,
2 Timothy 3: 10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine…

Of course Paul’s doctrine (teachings) are what we read in our Bible’s today. Much of the New Testament was written by Paul. We have a collection of the letters he wrote to individuals and churches. In addition, Paul told Timothy all Scripture was God-breathed and profitable. Paul thought it was important to read Scripture. We should too!

When you read the Bible, you are reading words that God has breathed on. They are words of power. The words contain an inherent power that God has placed in them. They are like seeds. They carry the potential and power to produce the promise they contain. When acted on in faith, the power of that Word, becomes activated in your own experience and life. You are carrying something in you that God has breathed upon to produce certain effects. It is no magic charm; it is life alive and active.

Illus- Caesar Malan, the well-known evangelist of a century ago and the instrument used of God in the conversion of Charlotte Elliott who wrote the well-known hymn "Just As I Am," was travelling by stagecoach on a long journey. The company was a mixed one, and Malan occupied his time in refreshing his soul by reading the Scripture.
An infidel fellow traveler was greatly annoyed and remarked that he wondered at an intelligent man reading what was not fit for women and children.
Malan's only answer was reading aloud a suitable Scripture.
The infidel retorted by asking if he could give no better answer than reading from that antiquated Book.
Malan turned to another Scripture and read.
"Did I not tell you, I do not believe a word of that--Book?"
Malan replied, "This is what it says," reading another portion.
The adversary was silenced, and no more was said.
A colonel friend of Malan's fellow traveler, on alighting from the coach, said, "Much as I love and respect you, Malan, it seems to me you were not quite fair to your adversary in only reading Scripture in answer to his arguments."
"Colonel," was Malan's reply, "what is that you are carrying at your side?"
"My sword."
"Now if you faced the enemy in battle, would you argue with him that this blade is a weapon?"
"No, I would plunge it into him."
"Well, Colonel, that was what I was doing!"
Some years after, a stranger accosted Malan and asked, "Pardon me, do you remember me?"
Malan answered: "I do not recall you."
"Do you remember being on a stagecoach with an infidel who objected to your reading the Bible?"
"Yes, I remember perfectly."
"Well, I am the man, and I wish to tell you that it led me to read the Bible for myself and to find Jesus as my blessed Savior!" ( -"Morning Glory," reprinted in "The Sword of the Lord" )

Reading God’s Word has never been easier for we who live in the free world. We can listen to God’s word while we walk on our Ipods; while we drive on our CD’s; while we sit in our living rooms through satellite TV.

One way that you will know that you are really reading God’s Word is that it will read you!

2. Study it!
Text: 2 Tim. 3: 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Tim. 2:15 (Study to show yourself approved….)
Fact: We have more ability to study God’s Word than ever before. When I first began in ministry in 1983 I would spend hours looking up Scriptures in concordances, looking up definitions in Bible dictionaries and Lexicons, handwriting or typing out notes and illustrations. Now in a few seconds, I can have access to millions of pages of information. The time I use to use searching, I can now use studying. The searching for information is not the studying part. It is just the trip to the restaurant so to speak.

Example: I just did a Google search for the phrase 2 Timothy 3:16. Results 1 - 10 of about 421,000 for 2 timothy 3:16. (0.22 seconds)

I then typed in the word “Bible” Results 1 - 10 of about 119,000,000 for bible [definition]. (0.13 seconds)

The truth is that today what used to be “thumbing pages time” is used in actual study time.

One way that you will know that you are really studying God’s Word is that it will study you!

3. Share it!
Text:2 Tim. 3: 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
EXAMPLE- Gideons
-There are 280,000 Gideons.
-Approximately 1.5 billion Scriptures have been distributed worldwide since 1908.
-More than 500 million Scriptures were distributed in just the last 10 years.
-More than75.9 million Scriptures were distributed last year.
-On average, more than two copies of God's Word are distributed per second.

EXAMPLE—Bibles for Russia
Alfred and Jean McCroskey were earnestly praying about their future lives in 1985. After much counseling, reading and waiting, their prayers started being answered. God was leading them to be "full-time, non-resident, foreign missionaries" to the Soviet Union. By 1988, Alfred and Jean had sold everything they owned, including home, farm and business and were living by faith alone. That same year Alfred made his first venture into Russia as a Bible "smuggler" and ministered to pastors of "underground" churches. 21 years, over sixty mission trips and over 800 "fellow travelers" going with them,... Since that time, not only have they smuggled in 10's of thousands of Bibles, fed hundreds of orphans, but they have planted 910 churches in the former Soviet Union. In 1997, they also added, Bibles for China to their ministry.

By the way, the McCroskey’s live just a few miles from here (Florence, Alabama). Jean returns regularly to visit the Reindeer people in Siberia. Not many folks are willing to track down these nomadic people. They actually found them by following the dung trail fo the reindeer. Did I mention the sub-zero weather and frozen tundra. Alfred has suffered through a long list of health challenges, including a broken back and cancer and has been to the point of death more than once. He continues to take God’s Word to those who do not have it. What is our excuse?

4. Live it!

The word equips us to live.
Text: (from the Message Bible) Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

Illus—I have a dilemma I need you to help me with. I will explain it with this analogy. There is a man. He needs to transportation to get where God wants him to go. We checked out his situation. He has a car. It is a fairly new car in great condition with very few miles. But the car ran out of gas in his driveway. He says he is stranded. He lives straight across the street from a gas station. It is a big new, brightly lit gas station with great prices.
We noticed he had in his garage, several new gas containers that were also empty. We thought he may be too weak to carry them, but when we visited he was carrying firewood from his porch into his house to put in his fireplace. We thought he may not have money to buy gas. We asked and were assured that he had money to spare for the rest of his life.
So still wanting to help, we took it upon ourselves to get one of his containers and go across the street to the gas station. We filled the container, paid for the gas, and brought it back to his house. He did not seem interested in handling it, so we even decided to pour it into the gas tank of his car for him. We borrowed his keys and with a few turns of the engine the car fired right up.

We felt we had helped this man to be able to go do what God wanted him to do. He called us back a week later, asking us to pray that he was still stranded. We went to visit him. The car had not been moved. The gas was still in the tank. It still fired right up. We asked him what the problem was. He said, I’m stranded. I have no way to go. We concluded, “This man says he is stranded, but in reality, he won’t get in the car, start the engine, and drive.”

The moral of the Analogy: We can have people to sacrifice and work to bring us the Word, teach us the Word, pour it into us, encourage us to use it, but until we act in faith and use it, we are still stranded, going nowhere. Coming to Church is like going to the gas station to get what we need to carry us on to do what we have to do wherever we need to do it.