Mon 4th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for our Parish Clergy
08.30Morning Prayer
Tue 5th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for our Parish MAP Process
08.30Morning Prayer
19.00Bell ringing practise
20.00PCC Meeting
Wed 6th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for our Bellringers
Thur 7th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for our Parish School
08.30Morning Prayer
12.15 Mass
Fri 8th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for our Altar Servers
07.30Morning Prayer
09.00Collective Worship (at St Mary’s School)
Sat 9th Feria after Epiphany
We pray for Churches Together in Burnham
09.00Morning Prayer
The Baptism of the Lord
We pray for our Parish
18.00First Mass of Sunday
Sun 10th
09.00Morning Prayer
10.00Sung Mass
Readings for Sunday 10th January:
First Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7
Psalm: Psalm 29
Second Reading: Acts 8:14-17
Gospel: Luke 3:15-17 . 21-22
Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to Father Mark by Wednesday
Welcome to our Celebration Today
The Walsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. At the end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. The green books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:
Music at the Sung Mass NEH
Process. O worship the Lord52
OffertoryAs with gladness men of old47
Comm.Bethlehem, of noblest cities48
Process. Brightest and best49
Mass Setting F
Bible Study
Will meet on Tuesday 12th January at 8pm at The Vicarage.
Mission Action Planning
This Tuesday the PCC is meeting to consider all the responses received during the consultation exercise a few weeks ago. At this meeting the Council members will begin to “flesh out” our shared action plan for this Parish. Please keep the Council members, the MAP Process and Fr Martin Wood, who will facilitate the evening, in your prayers.
Prayer Cycle
The weekly prayer cycle is available from the table at the back of Church. Please remember to complete the prayer request slips for all those that you know need a prayer. Prayer can be offered for difficult situations, as well as the needs of individuals.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Begins on 18th January through until 25th January. During this week, there will be some additional opportunities to work with the other churches in Burnham.
Walsingham Pilgrimage
Has been booked for the weekend 16th and 17th July 2016. If you are interested in joining the group, please add your name to the list at the back of Church.
Parish Contacts
Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071
Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296
Tony Young 01621 929309
Parish Website: