Molloy College 2013 golf classic
Sponsor packages
Platinum Corporate Sponsor...... $25,000
+ Four Foursomes with 4 Caddies including Brunch/Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Plus 8 Guests for Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Journal Back Cover Page
Event Sponsor...... $15,000
+ Three Foursomes with 3 Caddies including Brunch/Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Plus 8 Guests for Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Journal inside Back Cover Page
Platinum Corporate and Event Sponsor include the following:
+ Listing as Main Sponsor on all golf carts & putting greens during event
+ Banner listing and prominent signage at event
+ Recognition in promotional advertising
+ Plaque presentation at awards ceremony
+ Molloy College Website Listing, Tee and Flag Signage
+ Photo Sponsor/ Name prominently displayed on giveaway photos
Chairman Sponsor...... $10,000
+ Two Foursomes with 2 Caddies including Brunch/Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Plus 4 Guests for Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Gold Page Journal Ad
+ Listing on all golf carts at event
+ Banner listing and prominent signage at event
+ Recognition in promotional advertising
+ Plaque presentation at awards ceremony
+ Molloy College Website Listing, Tee and Flag Signage
Trustees Package...... $4,000
+ One Foursome with Caddie including Brunch/Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Silver Page Journal Ad
+ Banner listing and prominent signage at event
+ Recognition in promotional advertising
+ Two Tee Signs
Foursome Package...... …$2,300
+ One Foursome with Brunch/Buffet Dinner Reception, Two Tee Signs
Individual Golfer...... $500
Cocktails & Buffet Dinner Reception, per person...... $200
SPONSORSHIP Opportunities
Buffet Dinner Reception ...... $7,500
+ Prominent Recognition on Banner and Signage at club entrance
+ 4 tickets to Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Recognition in promotional advertising
+ Plaque presentation at awards ceremony
Breakfast & Brunch Underwriter...... $5,000
Awards Presentation Underwriter...... $5,000
Both the Breakfast and Awards Presentation Underwriters include the following:
+ Recognition on Banner at club entrance
+ 4 tickets to Buffet Dinner Reception
+ Prominent signage at club throughout the day
+ Recognition in promotional advertising
Beverage Cart (Both Courses)...... $3,500
+ Recognition in all promotional advertising
+ 2 tickets to Buffet Dinner Reception
Molloy College 2013 Golf classic
Sponsorship Opportunities continued
Caddie “Pin” Sponsor (Per Course)...... $3,000
+ Company name prominently displayed on caddie bib
+ 2 tickets to Buffet Dinner Reception
Golf Cart Sponsor (Both Courses)...... $3,000
+ Sponsor name or company logo displayed on all golf carts
+ 2 tickets to Buffet Dinner Reception
Picture Sponsor...... $2,500
+ Name prominently displayed on giveaway photos
Hat Sponsor...... $2,000
+ Company name prominently displayed on hat/visor
Towel Sponsor...... $2,000
+ Company name prominently displayed on golf towel
Golf Ball Sponsor...... $2,500
+ Company name prominently displayed on golf balls
Putting Green Sponsor...(Both course)...... $1,500.
+ Company name prominently displayed on both courses
Putting Contest Sponsor...(per course)...... $1,000.
+ Prizes handed out to each winning foursome per club.
journal opportunities
Back Cover (if available)...... $3,000
Inside Front Cover (if available)...... $2,500
Gold Page...... $2,000
Silver Page...... $1,500
Full Page...... $1,000
Half Page...... $550
Quarter Page...... $350
Business Card...... $250
additional sponsorship opportunities
Tee Signage both courses...... $500
+ Company name prominently displayed at designated tee on both courses
Tee Signage one course...... $350
+ Company name prominently displayed at designated tee on one course
Flag Signage...... $350
+ Company name prominently displayed on course of play
Caddie reservations
Caddie ReservationsCost per foursome is $100
+ Registration for foursome caddies must be requested prior to event date.
Caddies will not be provided unless listed in specific sponsorships.
+ Please reserve when you make your foursome or player reservations.