Module 7 Preview Event – Sample Email Sequence

Group Coaching Preview Event (free call)

Pages needed:

~Preview Event registration page url

~Preview Event thank you page url

Welcome Message (use copy for email and thank you page) for Preview Event

Subject: Welcome to 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups {!firstname_fix}!

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

I am delighted that you will be joining me for the training on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups on Tuesday, January 8th.

With the simple, step-by-step model that I am going to take you through on this training call, you will know exactly how to run your own coaching group with ease and joy.

Here are the instructions to join:

Date: Tuesday, January 8th

Time: 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK

Bridgeline: <instant teleseminar

Remember when you join the call ‘live’ you will receive your very own copy of my 6-step “How to Run a Coaching Group” model outline sheet with my compliments.

When you leave the call, you will know exactly what to do to begin your own group coaching program as soon as you wish.

See you on the call!

Love and great joy,



Preview Event Message #1

To be sent on December 20 to KCC list

Subject: when is the right time to offer group coaching, {!firstname_fix}?

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

There has been a recent flurry of activity surrounding the topic of group coaching on Facebook. Many coaches are asking about how to do group coaching and when to add it to their offerings. Most coach training programs do not teach how to do group coaching, so it is natural to wonder about this.

If you have questions about group coaching, you are not alone. When I began my coaching practice, I wanted to add this powerful offering to my repertoire and did not know exactly how to do this. So I set out to learn how to create the most amazing group experience ever!

It all started with my coach training program at Coach For Life. I was blown away by the phenomenal group experience. After that first experience, I began to take more and more courses with CFL, just to be able to be in that group energy. I felt like I had come home.

Next, I volunteered to be part of the Foundation for Inspired Learning, and became certified as a master in the model of group facilitation and coaching. And after joining International Coach Academy, I was privileged practice these principles for many years and thousands of hours as a trainer.

During this time, I developed a model of group coaching with one of my esteemed coaching colleagues, Kate Harper. This model has both the practical and spiritual components of group coaching. The first time we gave this training, both of our coaches took the course from us! We were honored.

Then, I created one of my first information products on the Art of Group Coaching, and it has been a guide for many coaches over the years, and has allowed them to create deep and quality coaching experiences at an affordable investment for their clients.

It is time to create the 2.0 version of the Art of Group Coaching, and that is where you come in. As a coach, you realize that you need to have multiple streams of income to make your business grow. Group coaching could be your next addition.

For you, group coaching can be the means of multiplying your revenue and expanding your core message to more people in less time.

For your clients it will mean learning and benefiting from your expertise for much less than the cost of individual coaching, and enjoying the wisdom of other group members.

And with the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through, you can just plug this offering into your coaching business and watch the results as they flow in.

Join me for a FREE training call on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups, where I will share the six-step model of group coaching that has supported countless coaches over the years and helped me get my core message out; not to mention that it has brought thousands and thousands of dollars of coaching income.

This COMPLIMENTARY training call will be held on Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK. To register now, go to <free training registration page url>.

Those who register and join the call will receive your very own copy of the 6-step model with my compliments. When you leave the call, you will know exactly what to do to begin your own group coaching program as soon as you wish.

Mark your calendars for next year on January 8th and get your registration in. Then sit back and relax and enjoy the holidays, knowing that you can begin your group in the new year, helping more people and creating another stream of income for your business.

Happy holidays (whatever you are celebrating, I wish you love and great joy!)


P.S. Here is the link again to make sure you are registered for the FREE training:

free training registration page url


Preview Event Message #2

To be sent on December 27 to KCC list (minus those who have registered for the preview event)

Subject: are you ready for the group coaching training next year {!firstname_fix}?

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

Last week, I wrote to you about a FREE training that will be held in January on the topic of group coaching. Many coaches are asking about how to do group coaching and when to add it to their offerings. Most coach training programs do not teach how to do group coaching, so it is natural to wonder about this.

If you have questions about group coaching, you are not alone. That’s why I am holding a complimentary training where you will learn my simple 6-step model for group coaching.

With the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through, you can just plug this offering into your coaching business and watch the results as they flow in.

For you, group coaching can be the means of multiplying your revenue and expanding your core message to more people in less time.

For your clients it will mean learning and benefiting from your expertise for much less than the cost of individual coaching, and enjoying the wisdom of other group members.

Register for this FREE training call on 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups, where I will share the six-step model of group coaching that has supported countless coaches over the years and helped me get my core message out; not to mention that it has brought thousands and thousands of dollars of coaching income.

To register now, go to <free training registration page url>.

This COMPLIMENTARY training call will be held on Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK. If you can’t make the call ‘live,’ we will send out a link to the recording afterwards, so make sure you are signed up.

Those who register will receive your very own copy of the 6-step model with my compliments, sent to your inbox after the call. When you leave the call, you will know exactly what to do to begin your own group coaching program as soon as you wish.

Mark your calendars for next year on January 8th and get your registration in. Then sit back and relax and enjoy the holidays, knowing that you can begin your group in the new year, helping more people and creating another stream of income for your business.

Happy holidays (whatever you are celebrating, I wish you love and great joy!)


P.S. Here is the link again to make sure you are registered for the FREE training:

free training registration page url


Preview Event Message #3

To be sent on January 3rd to KCC list (minus those who have registered for the preview event)

Subject: don’t miss out on the Group Coaching training call (my treat!) {!firstname_fix}…

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

Last year, I sent you a message regarding a free training on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups. The complimentary training call will be held next week. The response has been phenomenal – KUDOS to those who have already registered, as you are well on your way to enrolling even more coaching clients!

If you have not registered, there is still time. The call is next Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK. To register now, go to <free training registration page url>.

As a coach, you realize that you need to have multiple streams of income to make your business grow. Group coaching could be your next addition.

For you, group coaching can be the means of multiplying your revenue and expanding your core message to more people in less time.

For your clients it will mean learning and benefiting from your expertise for much less than the cost of individual coaching, and enjoying the wisdom of other group members.

And with the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through, you can just plug this offering into your coaching business and watch the results as they flow in.

This COMPLIMENTARY training call is next Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK. To register, go to <free training registration page url

Join me for this FREE training call on the 6 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups, where I will share the six-step model of group coaching that has supported countless coaches over the years and helped me get my core message out; not to mention that it has brought thousands and thousands of dollars of coaching income.

Those who register and join the call ‘live’ will receive your very own copy of the 6-step model with my compliments. When you leave the call, you will know exactly what to do to begin your own group coaching program as soon as you wish.

Wishing you love and great joy in this new year,


P.S. Here is the link again to make sure you are registered for the FREE training:

free training registration page url


Preview Event Message #4

To be sent on January 7th to KCC list (minus those who have registered for the preview event) at noon Eastern

Subject: last chance to register for the complimentary training on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups, {!firstname_fix}

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

Last week, I sent you a reminder message regarding a free training on the 6 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups. The complimentary training call is TOMORROW. Even though the response has been phenomenal, the training would not be complete without your attendance!

With the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through on this training call, you can easily bring this offering into your coaching business and watch the results as they flow in.

This COMPLIMENTARY training call is in just over 24 hours – tomorrow, Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK. To register, go to <free training registration page url

In this training call, I will share the six-step model of group coaching that has supported countless coaches over the years and helped me get my core message out; not to mention that it has brought thousands and thousands of dollars of coaching income.

Those who register will receive your very own copy of the 6-step model with my compliments. When you leave the call, you will know exactly what to do to begin your own group coaching program as soon as you wish.

Wishing you love and great joy in this new year,


P.S. Here is the link again to make sure you are registered for the FREE training:

free training registration page url


Preview Event 24-hour Reminder Message

To be sent on January 7th to those who registered for the preview event at 6pm Eastern

Subject: courtesy REMINDER for the complimentary training on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups, {!firstname_fix}

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

The complimentary training call on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups starts in 24 hours.

With the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through on this training call, you will know exactly how to run your very own group with ease and joy.

Here are the instructions to join:

Date: Tuesday, January 8th

Time: 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific / 7am China / 11pm UK

Bridgeline: <instant teleseminar

Be sure to download the handout on the thank you page at

training thank you page url> so you can follow along.

See you on the call!

Love and great joy,


P.S. Remember when you join the call you will receive your very own copy of the 6-step “How to Run a Coaching Group” model with my compliments. You won’t want to miss this valuable information…


Preview Event 1-hour Reminder Message

To be sent on January 8th to those who registered for the preview event at 5pm Eastern

Subject: 1 HOUR courtesy REMINDER for the complimentary training on the 6 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups {!firstname_fix}

Hello Magnificent Coach {!firstname_fix}

The complimentary training call on the 3 Keys to Inspiring Coaching Groups starts in 1 hour.

With the simple, step-by-step specific structure I am going to take you through on this training call, you will know exactly how to run your very own group with ease and joy.