Meyers Personality Unit X
Module 55 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective: Exploring the Unconscious
- Personality Defined
- What is the fundamental basis of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
- The author argues why Freud developed, his theory what is his point?
- What was Freud’s theory of Therapy? (How does free association work?)
- According to Freud why do people manifest maladaptive behaviors?
- What was Freud’s explanation of dreams? (manifest content/latent content, repressed urges)
- Explain Freud’s view of personality or how does Freud explain personality development.
- Address the Id Personality, Superego Personality (make a chart)
Id Dominant Personality / Superego Dominant Personality / Ego Dominant Personality
- According to Freud how do defense mechanisms work?
- Pg. 561 Pay close attention to the chart know these…
- What is the modern view of Freud, what parts are embraced by the pscyh community?
- Some basic terms to know:
- Ego, Id, Superego
- Psycho-sexual stages
- Erogenous zones
- Oedipus Complex
- Electra Complex
- Defense mechanisms:
- Repression
- Projection
- Sibling Rivalry
- Freudian Slips
- Fixation
- Pleasure Principle
- Reality Principle
Module 56 Psychodynamic Theories and Modern Views of the Unconscious
- What elements of Freud did the Neo-Freudians accept?
- Make a Chart of the Neo-Freudians
- What were their main contributions? (Adler, Jung, Horney)
Adler / Jung / Horney
- What are projective tests and how are they supposed to work? (TAT, Rohshack)
Module 57 Humanistic Theories Pg. 571
- What is the focus of Humanistic Theory?
- How did Maslow develop his theory?
- Make a list of characteristics of Self Actualized people.
- What does Maslow mean by Mature Adult Qualities?
- Describe Rogers’ Person Centered Perspective.
- What are the elements of a Self-Actualizing Climate? (Genuineness, Acceptance, Empathy)
- How does self-concept fit into the Humanist theory?
- What are some of the criticisms of Humanist theory?
Module 58 Trait Theories Pg. 576
- What was Alport’s contribution to trait theory?
- Factor Analysis
- Outline Hans Eyesnick’s contribution to trait theory.
- What are some basic personality assessments, how do they work, what do they have in common? (Myers-Briggs, MMPI, Big 5)
- Outline Costa and McCrae’s Big 5 trait theory.
- Address the following questions regarding the Big 5:
- How stable are personality traits?
- How heritable are the traits?
- How well do they do the Big 5 predict behavior?
- Copy the chart and understand the elements of the Big 5.
- What is the bottom line regarding Mischel’s Person-Situation Controversy?
Module 59 Social-Cognitive Theories and Exploring the Self
- Definitions of S/C Approach
- Reciprocal Determinism
- Role of the Situation/Environment
- Bio Pscyho Social interpretation
- Attributional Styles
- Positive Psychology= Seligman
- Assessing Behavior- Predicting behavior
- Self Esteem/Self Efficacy (how does self-esteem effect behavior)