Meyers Personality Unit X

Module 55 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective: Exploring the Unconscious

  1. Personality Defined
  2. What is the fundamental basis of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
  3. The author argues why Freud developed, his theory what is his point?
  4. What was Freud’s theory of Therapy? (How does free association work?)
  5. According to Freud why do people manifest maladaptive behaviors?
  6. What was Freud’s explanation of dreams? (manifest content/latent content, repressed urges)
  7. Explain Freud’s view of personality or how does Freud explain personality development.
  8. Address the Id Personality, Superego Personality (make a chart)

Id Dominant Personality / Superego Dominant Personality / Ego Dominant Personality
  1. According to Freud how do defense mechanisms work?
  2. Pg. 561 Pay close attention to the chart know these…
  3. What is the modern view of Freud, what parts are embraced by the pscyh community?
  4. Some basic terms to know:
  5. Ego, Id, Superego
  6. Psycho-sexual stages
  7. Erogenous zones
  8. Oedipus Complex
  9. Electra Complex
  10. Defense mechanisms:
  11. Repression
  12. Projection
  13. Sibling Rivalry
  14. Freudian Slips
  15. Fixation
  16. Pleasure Principle
  17. Reality Principle

Module 56 Psychodynamic Theories and Modern Views of the Unconscious

  1. What elements of Freud did the Neo-Freudians accept?
  2. Make a Chart of the Neo-Freudians
  3. What were their main contributions? (Adler, Jung, Horney)

Adler / Jung / Horney
  1. What are projective tests and how are they supposed to work? (TAT, Rohshack)

Module 57 Humanistic Theories Pg. 571

  1. What is the focus of Humanistic Theory?
  2. How did Maslow develop his theory?
  3. Make a list of characteristics of Self Actualized people.
  4. What does Maslow mean by Mature Adult Qualities?
  5. Describe Rogers’ Person Centered Perspective.
  6. What are the elements of a Self-Actualizing Climate? (Genuineness, Acceptance, Empathy)
  7. How does self-concept fit into the Humanist theory?
  8. What are some of the criticisms of Humanist theory?

Module 58 Trait Theories Pg. 576

  1. What was Alport’s contribution to trait theory?
  2. Factor Analysis
  3. Outline Hans Eyesnick’s contribution to trait theory.
  4. What are some basic personality assessments, how do they work, what do they have in common? (Myers-Briggs, MMPI, Big 5)
  5. Outline Costa and McCrae’s Big 5 trait theory.
  6. Address the following questions regarding the Big 5:
  7. How stable are personality traits?
  8. How heritable are the traits?
  9. How well do they do the Big 5 predict behavior?
  10. Copy the chart and understand the elements of the Big 5.
  11. What is the bottom line regarding Mischel’s Person-Situation Controversy?

Module 59 Social-Cognitive Theories and Exploring the Self

  1. Definitions of S/C Approach
  2. Reciprocal Determinism
  3. Role of the Situation/Environment
  4. Bio Pscyho Social interpretation
  5. Attributional Styles
  6. Positive Psychology= Seligman
  7. Assessing Behavior- Predicting behavior
  8. Self Esteem/Self Efficacy (how does self-esteem effect behavior)