Module 3: School Age Youth Development

Developmental Characteristics Handout

Adapted from Yardsticks, Children in the Classroom Ages 4 – 14. 1994,1997; Chip Wood.

This compilation of developmental characteristics looks at four domains – cognitive, physical, social/emotional and language.


5 yr olds – Like to copy, sees only one way to do things, learns best through play, not a logical thinker, very literal

6yr olds – lots of questions, lots of energy to start things but not always completes them, likes games and art, understand present time better

7 yrs olds – needs to be able to prepare for transitions, likes to complete work, wants their work to be neat, enjoys repeating tasks, likes to work with their hands

8 yr olds – likes to socialize as they work, likes to do things in groups, starts involved projects, works quickly

9 yr olds – self critical, understands there are other perspectives, less imaginative

10 yr olds – can think abstractly, is an organizer, good memory, proud of what they have accomplished

11 yr olds – likes to argue, wonders about the “outside world”, can solve problems by deduction

12 yr olds – hones talent in specific area, can see both sides of an argument, has good study habits, high interest in society

13 yr olds – can start to think like an adult, conscientious of self, not a risk taker

14 yr olds – easily bored, likes a variety of topics, will try things over again, want to know how things work


5 yr olds – can pace themselves, is focused on task, very active and has increased muscle control

6yr olds – uses hands for more things, always in a hurry, can be noisy, puts things in their mouths, enjoys outdoors

7 yrs olds – can be prejudiced, projects are neat, likes small spaces

8 yr olds – can be awkward, lots of energy, needs time for active play

9 yr olds – increased coordination, risk taker so gets injured more often, pushes oneself to do more

10 yr olds – needs to be challenged physically, eats a lot, expends lots of energy, gains control over muscles

11 yr olds – good appetite, doesn’t sit still, needs extra rest, can be aggressive

12 yr olds – joins organized sports, menstruation for girls, value food, on the go

13 yr olds – acne occurs, voice may change for boys, always busy

14 yr olds – gone a lot with friends, alcohol and drugs may be introduced, growth spurts for boys and girls, can be sexually active


5 yr olds – wants to help, likes praise, wants attention from adult, likes routine

6yr olds – wants to be 1st, not a good sport, likes encouragement, can be bossy, dramatic about being hurt, invents rules

7 yrs olds – can be emotional, doesn’t like to make mistakes, tells you what they like and don’t like

8 yr olds – prefer to play with same gender, doesn’t always follow the rules, can be a clown, get over mistakes quickly

9 yr olds – very competitive, sees adult mistakes and points them out, anxious, not a good waiter

10 yr olds – usually happy, works well with others, likes to do activities with others, usually tells truth

11 yr olds – test limits, likes to argue, thinks about what is best for themselves, can be rude

12 yr olds – develops a personality, finds things to do on their own, has goals, friends are important

13 yr olds – personal appearance important, likes to be responsible for themselves, girls start to like boys, like technology (cell phones, computers)

14 yr olds – wants to be constantly busy, embarrassed by parents, think they know everything


5 yr olds – very literal, fantasy is still real, thinks out loud

6yr olds – likes show and tell, loves riddles or jokes, likes to complain

7 yrs olds – large vocabulary, wants to know definitions of words, listens well

8 yr olds – Likes to talk, not always attentive when listening to others, dramatic in explanations

9 yr olds – graffiti, tells jokes, answers in the negative (I don’t, I can’t)

10 yr olds – friendly to others, makes a good friend, likes to read, expressive when talking

11 yr olds – Like to talk on the phone, laughs when things are funny, uses bigger “adult” words

12 yr olds – can be sarcastic, uses slang, can carry on an adult conversation

13 yr olds – doesn’t like parents rules, verbally defiant, hard to converse with

14 yr olds – uses peer language mostly, can discuss situations with them, growing vocabulary