Catalogue of Query Databases for Generating Spreadsheet Datasets
Proposed NIVMA Project
December 22, 2003
The objective of this proposed project is to: organize the already existing query databases that use the TRENDS Snapshot database in order to realize efficiencies, increase consistencies in compilations, and possibly reduce costs by avoiding duplication of efforts when new requests are made for data extractions. The spreadsheet (flat file) format is usually requested, and these datasets may also provide the NIVMA members with “more user-friendly access to their data”.
The steps involved in organizing our query databases are:
1. Steve, Andrea, Cleo, Anthony, and Alvina will provide each query database as is, or if large, broken down into components, for any of the TRENDS data we have already been asked to roll up. We will not make the required changes if queries run on an older version of the TRENDS snapshot.
Existing 19 databases:
§ 3 standard reports I NEED THESE FROM YOU STEVE
§ Installation activities THIS AS WELL
§ Phil Comeau (RMTs)
§ M. Waterhouse with 6 components
§ Biodiversity
§ 4 CWD
§ Stock type
§ Small business
§ Site preparation and RMT
19 databases x 2 hours each to review, organize, and document = 38 hours @ $50/hr; total = $1900.
2. Database documentation has two options.
Option #1: Set up a simple tracking database (MS Access) with a couple of tables and a couple of forms. Each database would have an entry in one table, with maybe a free-form text description field and a keywords field for searching on. A second table (linked to the first in a one-to-many relationship) could maintain the list of core tables that are involved with each database (again, for searching on). Alvina could put this together and provide and entry form to each of us for documenting our individual databases.
6 hours @ $50/hr; total = $300.00.
Option #2: Each person will produce a brief description in MS Word of each query database they built, focusing on the what, not the how. The text documents will be filed in parallel directories with the query databases. Information would not be in consistent format and searching would be less efficient. No cost as we each have Word and would document within the time estimated in Step 1.
3. All .mdb and companion documentation files will be sent to Alvina. She will organize all files into a folder on S:\NIVMA\DATABASES. When a new request for a data extraction comes in, the directory should be viewed first to determine if the same or similar extraction had been done before.
4 hours @ $50/hr; total = $200.00
4. The datasets we generate to fill specific requests are usually filtered. The queries are designed so that they run the entire database if the filters are removed. These spreadsheets can be provided to the membership if requested in MS Excel, with a brief description, and could be included on the annual CD. Perhaps a one time run to show what we have – and then future runs as requested. We do not recommend updating queries if the resulting datasets are not currently thought to be useful. The consistent documentation and storage of sets of queries as they are produced means that updating to a current database structure could be done in the future if required. Existing sets of queries would be updated to run the latest TRENDS snapshot; this involves 8 of the 19 databases.
8 databases x 4 hours each to update queries = 32 hours @ $50/hr; total = $1600.00.
8 hours to produce spreadsheets from query databases, with one or two line description of each, that can be included in the 2004 CD @ $50/hr; total = $400.00.
Project leader will be AE for 8 hours @ $50/hr = $400.00 total.
CL, SM, AD, AG, and AE will be responsible for individual databases and submitting files to AD. Liaison between team members is estimated at: 5 members x 4 hours each = 20 hours @ $50/hr; total = $1000.00.
Proposed budget = $5,800.00.
Note: timeframe for completion of this project is April 15, 2004. The spreadsheets that already exist from the current TRENDS snapshot could be done first and provided on this years CD tentatively scheduled for end of February 2004. Others could be sent to members one at a time via email (or on the web site) to get their input regarding how useful.
D:\2004\040183 Query Database\Proposal_TRENDS spreadsheets.doc