Plant Pest Control PLSC - 255


I. Purpose of the Laboratory Notebook:

A.  To provide experiences in gathering and evaluating information on the Plant Pest Control and the related fields.

B.  To produce a record of information, experiences and observations for future reference.

C.  To provide experience in organizing and evaluating notes, handouts, and other data on your soil experiences.

II. Lab notebook should:

A.  Have a title page for the notebook. (Name, Soil Science, NR 200, semester & instructor)

B.  Include learned and practiced procedures as they apply to the laboratory.

C.  Must be typed using the templates that are provided. DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN.

D.  Have all material bound or fastened in an approved folder. (Those expandable two-piece folders that are bound with a metal foldable tab.) Numbered tabs are required.

E.  Lab reports are to be turned in at the beginning of succeeding lab period. Unless lecture is prior to the lab. Then they are due at the beginning of lecture on lab day.

F.  Any labs and reports that are missed will not be able to be made up.

III. Laboratory Reports

A. Each lab will have a cover page containing:

1. Lab number

2. Date

3. Lab Title

4. Student’s name

5. Instructor’s name

6. Class name

**Note, this lab cover page will be directly

behind the numbered tab divider.**

B. Lab reports will be placed in the required folder type. Place the labs behind each other with the folding metal tabs facing the back of the folder.

C. Each lab report will consist of three parts.

I. Purpose – This is the why we are doing the lab. Every lab will have a

purpose. Labeled Roman numeral I

II. Report – The main support of the laboratory procedures, your write up. This will

be your lab write up. Explain how to repeat the lab in great detail as though a person that did not attend the lab could read you report and repeat the lab themselves with the correct conclusions. Include special procedures and steps followed on how you accomplished your findings. Include notes, handouts, drawings and worksheets. Additional supporting materials may be included that you gather independently of our lab, but must be added after the lab write up and conclusion. This area will be labeled Roman numeral II.

III. Conclusion – This will be an area where you can record the

importance of this lab to you and its application it has in the soil science area and how it could or will relate to your long term educational and /or career goals. Roman numeral III

**Note, all support material will come after the conclusion.**

D. The laboratory report must be completed,
with an effort, well organized and typed.

IV. Laboratory reports are worth 20 points.

A. Are due the following week at the very beginning of laboratory start time.

B. No late reports will be graded. They must be complete to be use for the lab final.

C.  Scoring is based on completeness of the lab as well as laboratory participation ie

discussion and participation in the physical activities of the lab.

V. Organization of the Laboratory Notebook. The combination of all labs turned

in on last lab day. (Which is your responsibility!!!)

A. The book needs to have:

1. A general title page for the PLSC 255 laboratory notebook

2. The laboratory notebook score sheet with labs Identified and numbered
3. Each lab to be individually numbered and tabbed

4. Notebook guidelines/ procedures sheet

5. Additional support items for that area can be included ie magazine articles, newspaper articles, pictures, drawings or any other related items you deemed important to the lab. (after the conclusion)

6.  A short response to each individual lab. Write in four sentences or less what you
feel was the most important thing you learned from each lab.

Remember that these laboratory experiences are meant to be hands on and participatory in nature. You are expected to join in whole-heartedly. This way you will get much more out of the lab. And yes do not forget life is short and we can have a great deal of fun as well……… if we all contribute positively.

If you are not present in class when the laboratory notebooks are handed back, you are responsible to pick them up one day prior to the next lab meeting.


Plant Pest Control



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# / Lab Title / Date / Participation / Score / Comments

I.  This must be the second page in your lab notebook.

II.  The lab notebook instruction sheet should follow the grading sheet.

III. Your lab write up will immediately precede any material handed out during that lab.

Participation is the level of participation you believe you did during this lab activity +, - or ✓ to be used only when present and participating in the lab on the lab day if absent place an ‘AB’ in the box.

*Student completes prior to turning in their lab book. Failure to do so will result in a no score.