Modern World History: Chapter 5 Absolute Monarchs in Europe, 15001800
Several countries in Europe come under the control of absolute monarchs, and Parliament challenges the monarch's authority in Great Britain.
Section 1: Spain's Empire and European Absolutism
During a time of religious and economic instability, Philip II rules Spain with a strong hand.
A Powerful Spanish Empire And A New Spanish Ruler
- In 1556, Philip II begins ruling Spain and its possessions.
- Philip II was shy, serious, and—like his father—deeply religious. He was also very hard working. Yet Philip would not allow anyone to help him. Deeply suspicious, he trusted no one for long.
Philip II's Empire
- Philip seizes Portugal in 1580
- Gold and silver from Americas make Spain extremely wealthy
Defender of Catholicism
- Philip defends Catholicism against Muslims, Protestants
- Spanish fleet helps defeat Ottomans at Lepanto in 1571
- Spanish Armada defeated by British in 1588
Golden Age of Spanish Art and Literature
El Greco and Velázquez
- El Greco uses unusual style to convey religious themes
- Domenikos Theotokopoulos, was his real name but Spaniards called him El Greco, meaning "the Greek."
* His art:
1.) Often puzzled the people of his time.
2.) He chose brilliant, sometimes clashing colors.
3.) He distorted the human figure.
4.) He expressed emotion symbolically in his paintings.
5.) El Greco’s techniques showed the deep Catholic faith of Spain.
6.) He painted saints and martyrs as huge, long-limbed figures that have a supernatural air.
- Works of Velázquez show Spanish court life
Diego Velazquez’s painting reflected the pride of the Spanish monarchy. Velázquez was the court painter to
Philip IV of Spain. He is best known for his portraits of the royal family and scenes of court
life. Like El Greco, he was noted for using rich colors.
Don Quixote
- In 1605, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes is published. It is about a poor Spanish nobleman who went a little crazy after reading too many books about heroic knights.
- Critics: Some critics believe that Cervantes was mocking chivalry, the knightly code of the Middle Ages.
Others maintain that the book is about an idealistic person who longs for the romantic past because
he is frustrated with his materialistic world.
- Novel marks birth of modern European novel
The Spanish Empire Weakens
Inflation and Taxes
- Inflation weakens Spain’s economy
- Taxes on lower class prevents development of middle class
Making Spain’s Enemies Rich
- Spaniards buy goods abroad, making Spain’s enemies rich
- Philip declares bankruptcy three times due to weak economy
The Dutch Revolt
- Protestants in Netherlands win independence from Spain in 1579
Philip II - Quick Facts
- He tried to end Protestantism in all his domains (Hence he was an enemy to all Protestants)
- Was married to Mary Tudor (Mary I of England)
- Known as the “Prudent King”
- Was cautious, hardworking and suspicious of others
- He made all decisions and signed all papers he received
- Was concerned about the loyalty of the large religious minorities in Spain
- He supported the Spanish Inquisition. He used the Inquisition as a method of control, and thousands of Protestants were killed or exiled.
- He launched the Spanish Armada in 1588 against England. This was a fleet of 130 ships and 33,000 men. Due to storms, English pirates 40 ships and 15,000 soldiers were lost. This was an irreparable disaster which inaugurated Spain's naval decline.
The Independent Dutch Prosper - A Different Society
- Netherlands is a republic and practices religious toleration Dutch Art
- In 1600s, Netherlands becomes center of European art
Famous Dutch painters
Rembrandt van Rijn (REHM•BRANT vahn RYN) was the greatest Dutch artist of the period. Rembrandt painted portraits of wealthy middle-class merchants. He also produced group portraits. Rembrandt used sharp contrasts of light and shadow to draw attention to his focus.
Jan Vermeer(YAHN vuhr•MEER). Like many other Dutch artists, he chose domestic, indoor settings for his portraits.
The work of both Rembrandt and Vermeer reveals how important merchants, civic leaders, and the middle class in general were in 17th-century Netherlands.
Dutch Trading Empire
- Dutch merchants engage in world trade
- Dutch have world’s largest trading fleet
- Dutch replace Italians as Europe’s bankers
Absolutism in Europe
The Theory of Absolutism
- Rulers want to be absolute monarchs—rulers with complete power
- Believe in divine right—idea that monarchs represent God on earth
ABSOLUTISM: the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth. This individual answered only to God, not to his or her subjects.
* Religious and territorial conflicts created fear and uncertainty.
* The growth of armies to deal with conflicts caused rulers to raise taxes to pay troops.
* Heavy taxes led to additional unrest and peasant revolts.
* Rulers regulated religious worship and social gatherings to control the spread of ideas.
* Rulers increased the size of their courts to appear more powerful.
* Rulers created bureaucracies to control their countries’ economies.
Growing Power of Europe’s Monarchs
- Decline of feudalism, rise of cities help monarchs gain power
- Decline in Church authority also increases power
Crises Lead to Absolutism
- The 17th century (1600s) is period of great upheaval
- Monarchs impose order by increasing their own power
Section 2: The Reign of Louis XIV
After a century of war and riots, France was ruled by Louis XIV, the most powerful monarch of his time.
Religious Wars and Power Struggles
Henry of Navarre
- Henry ascends to French throne in 1589 and adopts Catholicism
- Issues Edict of Nantes—a declaration of religious toleration
Henry IV - Quick facts
- Founder of the Bourbon dynasty in 1589. (This dynasty ruled in to the 1800's)
- Was Protestant, but converted to Catholicism to please his subjects.
- Issued the Edict of Nantes 1598, which granted partial religious freedom to the Huguenots.
- Agriculture, manufacturing, and commerce were encouraged.
- Introduced the silk industry into France.
- Repaired roads and bridges throughout France.
- Put all his policies into effect without the approval of the Estates General, paving the way for other absolute French monarchs.
- Henry IV's genial informality, bravery, gallantry, perseverance in adversity, and readiness to bend religious principle to political advantage has earned him a special place in French history.
Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu
- Cardinal Richelieu—Louis XIII’s minister who rules France
- Increases power of the Bourbons by limiting Huguenots’ freedom
- Also weakens power of the nobility
Louis XIII - Quick facts
- He was sensitive, quiet, not intelligent, inclined to suspicion and loved working with his hands. He could make a pair of shoes better than most cobblers and had his own forge, gun room, printing press and carpenter's shop. He enjoyed cooking and had an ear for music.
- Ruled in a in a regency with his mother, Marie de Medici, and then Cardinal Richelieu.
- He never truly ruled France on his own.
Cardinal Richelieu (regent for Louis XIII) - Quick facts
- By vigorous and effective measures, he succeeded in breaking the political power of the great families of France—making the king an absolute ruler—and in establishing France as the first military power of Europe.
- In his role as chief of the Royal Council, and later First Minister and Chief of State, had control of almost every facet of French politics, from the daily activities of the court to foreign policy and affairs.
- Had a clear idea of how society should function. Everyone played a specific role in the system, making their unique contributions: the clergy through prayer; the nobility with arms under the control of the king, and the common people through obedience.
- He believed in the divine right of the king, whose role it was to promote peace and order in society.
- Insisted that the king apply the law with severity otherwise the state could not survive. He emphasized that rigorous punishment of even small crimes would forestall greater ones. Through this reasoning, Richelieu provided his sovereign a rationale for the harsh rule he knew to be requisite with strengthening and maintaining the authority of the French State.
- Set out to build a strong monarchy in France (with or without Louis)
- Employed intendants – non-noble special agents who would not challenge the king’s authority.
- Took away the Huguenots’ right to independent fortified towns, but allowed them to keep their religious freedom.
- Strengthened the French army.
- Encouraged French exploration and colonization in Canada and the Indies.
- Supported French culture in an effort to strengthen national unity.
- Rebuilt the Sorbonne in Paris, supported promising writers and organized the French Academy in 1635, which worked to make French the preferred language of European diplomacy.
Writers Turn Toward Skepticism
A New Attitude
- Skepticism—the idea that nothing can be known for certain
Montaigne and Descartes
- Montaigne explores ideas about life’s meaning in essays
- Descartes uses observation and reason to create new philosophy
Louis XIV Comes to Power
A New French Ruler
- Louis XIV - the most powerful ruler in French history
Louis, the Boy King
- Hatred of Cardinal Mazarin - young Louis’s minister - leads to riots
Louis Weakens the Nobles’ Authority
- Louis takes control in 1661
- Appoints intendants - government agents—to collect taxes
Economic Growth
- Jean Baptiste Colbert - finance minister - helps economy grow
- In 1685, Louis cancels Edict of Nantes; Huguenots flee France
The Sun King’s Grand Style
A Life of Luxury
- Louis lives very well; with every meal a feast to say the least
Louis Controls the Nobility
- Louis keeps nobles at palace to increase his power over them
- Builds magnificent palace at Versailles
Patronage of the Arts
- Versailles is a center of arts during reign of Louis XIV
- Purpose of the arts is to glorify Louis
Louis Fights Disastrous Wars
Attempts to Expand France’s Boundaries
- Louis fights wars in 1660s, 1670s to expand France
- In 1680s, many countries unite against him in League of Augsburg
- France is weakened by poor harvests, warfare, high taxes
War of the Spanish Succession
- War of the Spanish Succession begins in 1701
- Attempts to prevent union of the French and Spanish thrones
- Ends in 1714; France and Spain lose some possessions
Louis’s Death and Legacy
- Louis dies leaving mixed legacy
- Rule makes France a major military and cultural power in Europe
- His wars and palace leave France with heavy debts
Louis XIV - Quick Facts
- Know as "The Sun King" - his was the longest reign in European history – 72 years.
- He was styled the Grand Monarch, and his brilliant court at Versailles became a model and the despair of other less rich and powerful princes who accepted his theory of absolute monarch.
- He is quoted saying, "L’etat, c’est, moi!" – "I am the state!"
- Under his direction, France achieved unprecedented dominance in Europe, and her culture flourished. His court was renowned for its splendor and sophistication. He helped advance the arts in every field through his enlightened patronage.
- Everything French was in vogue on the Continent.
- When he came to rule France in 1661, Louis decided to build a royal palace away from Paris. In 1682, he moved his government to Versailles, 13 miles southwest of Paris. It had 10,000 rooms! - During his early years, France was dominated by a series of rebellions known as the Fronde (1648-1653). These rebellions took place mainly in major cities and consisted largely of aristocrats attacking the government. The Fronde made a lasting impression on Louis, creating a lifelong fear of rebellion. It also left him with a distaste for Paris, the largest city in his kingdom and the center of royal government.
- He had the nobility attend court at Versailles... so he could control them.
- Freed the nobility from paying taxes.
- Failed to adjust France's unfair tax system (the clergy, nobles and government officials were tax exempt).
Section 3: Central European Monarchs Clash
After a period of turmoil, absolute monarchs rule Austria and the Germanic state of Prussia.
Central European Monarchs Clash
Rising Tension
- Tension rises between Lutherans and Catholics in central Europe
- Bohemian Protestants Revolt
- In 1618, Protestants revolt against Catholic Hapsburg rulers
- Result is Thirty Years’ War—conflict over religion, land, power
The Thirty Years’ War
Hapsburg Triumphs
- From 1618 to 1630, Hapsburg armies have many victories
- Troops plunder many German villages
Hapsburg Defeats
- In 1630, tide turns in favor of Protestants
Peace of Westphalia
- War ruins German economy, greatly decreases population
- Peace of Westphalia (1648) ends war
- Treaty weakens Hapsburgs, strengthens France
- Treaty introduces idea of negotiating terms of peace
Beginning of Modern States
- Treaty recognizes Europe as group of independent states
Economic Contrasts with the West
- Economy in central Europe still based on serfs, agriculture
Several Weak Empires
- Landowning nobles in central Europe block growth of kings’ power
- Ottoman and Holy Roman empires are also weak
Austria Grows Stronger
- Hapsburgs in Austria take more lands, rule large empire
Maria Theresa Inherits the Austrian Throne
- Maria Theresa becomes empress of Austria, faces years of war
Maria Theresa - Quick facts
- She ruled under the Pragmatic Sanction. Without money, a strong army, and knowledge of state affairs, Maria Theresa knew she had to rely on her judgment and strength of character. This attitude helped her become a clever and resourceful leader.
- She was courageous, generous and kind.
- Under her direction, the government accepted responsibilities such as public health, prisons, and roads.
- Due to the threat of famine in the eighteenth century, she introduced the potato as a new staple food.
- She ended the traditional tax-free status of the nobility and clergy making them responsible for paying property and income taxes like the rest of the people in Austria.
- She invited foreign businesses into the country to help develop natural resources such as minerals and timber.
- She adopted a social legislation protecting workers and ending child labor in Austria.
- To improve education, she established compulsory schools in every locality.
- Made reforms in local universities and started colleges for education and medicine.
The Rise of Prussia
- Hohenzollern rulers of Prussia build Europe’s best army
- Call themselves kings and become absolute monarchs
- Nobles resist royal power, but king buys loyalty
Frederick the Great
- Frederick the Great becomes king of Prussia
- Enforces father’s military policies but softens some of his laws
Prussia Challenges Austria
War of the Austrian Succession
- In 1740, Frederick starts war against Austria to gain Silesia
- Maria Theresa resists Prussian power but loses Silesia in treaty
- As result of war, Prussia becomes a major power in Europe
The Seven Years' War
- Austria allies with France against Britain and Prussia
- In 1756, Frederick attacks Saxony, launching Seven Years’ War
- France loses colonies in North America; Britain gains India
Frederick II (the Great) - Quick facts
- His coarse and tyrannical father despised the prince, who showed a taste for French art and literature and no interest in government and war. At the age of 18 Frederick, who had been repeatedly humiliated and ill-treated, planned to escape to England. He was arrested, imprisoned, and forced to witness the beheading of his friend and accomplice, Lieutenant Katte. Frederick submitted to his father and was released.
- He:
- Became one of the greatest military geniuses in history.
- Studied philosophy, history, and poetry and corresponded with the French philosophers, notably Voltaire.
- Introduced new methods of agriculture and manufacturing.
- Drained marshes, providing new lands for cultivation and colonization.
- Introduced freedom of the press.
- Was a patron of the arts, of the sciences, and of culture in general.
- The institution of serfdom, while not abolished, was somewhat liberalized.
- Under his personal supervision the efficiency and size of the army were increased. He reviewed the troops frequently, concerned himself with the discipline of his officers and men, taught them to march in unison, and wrote works for his generals on the science of warfare.
- Gave 50% of the state's revenues to the army (a unique feat at the time) and will start a new military tradition in Prussia.
- Abolished the use of torture.
- Enjoyed learning history, poetry and philosophy.
- Was a musician, spending many hours with his flute.
- Wrote Antimachiavelli, in which he idealistically opposed the political doctrines of the Italian statesman and philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, favoring peaceful and enlightened rule.
- Was one of the best examples of an "enlightened despot" in history.
- His armies faced Austria, Russia, Sweden, Saxony, and France... and won against all of them.
- His Prussian army became the model admired and imitated by other nations.
- Frederick the Great remains one of the most famous German rulers of all time for his military successes and his domestic reforms that made Prussia one of the leading European nations.
Section 4: Absolute Rulers of Russia
Peter the Great makes many changes in Russia to try to make it more like western Europe.
The First Czar
Ivan the Terrible
- In 1533, Ivan the Terrible becomes king of Russia
- Struggles for power with boyars—landowning nobles
- Seizes power and is crowned czar, meaning "Caesar"
Rule by Terror
- In 1560, Ivan turns against boyars, kills them, seizes lands
Rise of the Romanovs