Sexuality, Eroticism, and Gender in Austrian Literature and Culture

Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada

13-15 April 2007


Friday, 13 April 2007:

8:00 A.M.:On-site Breakfast Buffet and Registration (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

8:30 A.M.:WELCOMES (West Conference Room, Stollery Business Centre)

Franz A.J. Szabo, Director, Wirth Institute, University of Alberta

Marianne Henn, Acting Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, U of A

Helga Schreckenberger, MALCA President, University of Vermont

Nikolaus Demiantschuk, Honorary Consul of Austria for Alberta

Sigurd Pacher, Cultural Director and Head of the Austrian Cultural Forum, Deputy Head of Mission, Austrian Embassy, Ottawa

Daniel Woolf, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta

9:00 A.M.:SESSION I: Habsburg Erotica (West Conference Room, Stollery Business Centre)

Chair: Franz Szabo, University of Alberta, Edmonton

"’I am a slave to my hair’: Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Hair Fetishism, and 19th century Austrian sexuality”

Olivia Gruber, Rutgers University

“Sex, Lies, and Habsburgiana: The Political Erotics of Mayerling”

Katherine Arens, University of Texas, Austin

“Sex and the Press: Karl Kraus’ Critique of the Boulevard Press”

Olivia Landry, McGill University, Montreal

SESSION II: Images of Women and the Male Self (Tory Building Rm. 2-58)

Chair: Robert von Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

“Mädchenhirt und Galgentoni: Zum Thema ‘Prostitution’ bei Egon Erwin Kisch”

Marcus Patka, Jüdisches Museum, Vienna

“Olga/Nahar: An Expressionist Portrait of the Female by Ernst Weiß”

Pamela S. Saur, Lamar University, Beaumont

“Sexualität als exorzistischer Akt: Hermann Brochs Psychische Selbstbiographie (1941)”

Bernhard Fetz, Boltzmann-Institut für Biografieforschung, Vienna

10:30 AMCoffee Break (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

11:00 AMSESSION III: Galicia – Sexuality and Otherness (West Conference Room, SBC)

Chair: Wolfgang Müller-Funk, University of Vienna and University of Zagreb

"’Halb-Asiens’ umtriebige Körper: Zur Sexualisierung kultureller Alterität in der Habsburgermonarchie”

Alexandra Strohmaier, University of Graz

“Zauberin, Hexe, Zarin, Königin, Heilige: Sacher-Masoch’s literary world of Slavic women”

Agnieszka B. Nance, Tulane University (CANCELLED??)

"’Es war, als hätte jemand eine Tür geöffnet...’: On Sexual Politics in Joseph Roth”

Ulrich Bach, Stanford University

SESSION IV: Literature and Culture in the 19th Century (Tory Building Rm. 2-58)

Chair: Marianne Henn, University of Alberta, Edmonton

“Schubert, Gender, and the Viennese Modernist Imagination”

Scott Messing, Alma College

“Scharfe Jungs und schräge Plots: Verführung im Vormärz”

Brigitte Prutti, University of Washington, Seattle

“The Wild Man and Woman: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach's Constructions of Sexuality”

Linda Kraus Worley, University of Kentucky, Lexington

12:30 PMLunch (University of Alberta Faculty Club)

2:00 PMSESSION V: Sexuality and Eroticism in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna (West Conference Room, SBC)

Chair: Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green State University

“Dämonisierte Erotik in Rainer Maria Rilkes Erzählungen Die Näherin (1894) und Das Haus (1899)”

Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont, Burlington

“Sexual Scenery: Vienna’s Sexual Topography in Schnitzler and Salten”

Hillary H. Herzog, University of Kentucky, Lexington

“Die Problematik von Eros und Sexualität im dramatischen Werk Arthur Schnitzlers”
Dariya Kapinus, Ukrainian National University, Kiev

SESSION VI: Gender and Sexuality in Postwar Literature (Tory Building Rm. 2-58)

Chair: Clemens Ruthner, University of Alberta, Edmonton

“Dismantling the Erotic: Exposing Gender as Power Relations in Drach's Untersuchung an Mädeln und Jelinek's Lust

Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois, Chicago

“Talk Dirty to Me: Probing Sexuality in Albert Drach's Untersuchung an Mädeln”

Ruth V. Gross, North Carolina State University, Raleigh

“Desire, Subjectivity, and Sexual Difference: Marlen Haushofer und Jacques Lacan”

Lorraine Markotic, University of Calgary

3:30 PMPresentation of the University of Alberta’s Salzburg Collection (West Conference Room, SBC)

Erika Banski, University of Alberta Library

4:00 PMAuthor Reading (West Conference Room, SBC)

Olga Flor

5:00 PM MALCA Executive Meeting

Senate Chamber (Old Arts Building 326)

7:30 PMTheatrical Performance (Second Space, Timms Centre)

Full Circle (Der Reigen) by Arthur Schnitzler

with students from the University of Alberta’s Department of Drama

Directed by Piet Defraeye and Clemens Ruthner

10:00 PMReception

Saturday, 14 April 2007

8:30 AMOn-site Breakfast Buffet (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

9:00 AMSESSION VII: Eros, Myth and the Sacred in Fin-de-Siècle (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont, Burlington

“Sexuality and the Sacred: Erotic Religion in Fin de Siècle Vienna”

Robert W. Whalen, Queens University of Charlotte

“Ästhetentum und Sexorgie: Zum Tempeltraum in Richard Beer-Hofmanns Der Tod Georgs und verwandten 'Exzentritäten'”

Wolfgang Nehring, University of California, Los Angeles

“’Wie es zwischen Mann und Weib zugeht’: Hofmannsthals Mythostransformationen der (Post)Moderne”

Antonia Eder, Free University, Berlin

SESSION VIII: Arthur Schnitzler I (Reigen) (East Conference Room B, SBC)

Chair: Piet Defraeye, University of Alberta, Edmonton

“Wieder. Einmal. Wieder: Schnitzlers Akte der Wiederholung”

Katrin Schumacher, University of Hamburg

“Das süße Mädel: Then and Now”

Brenda Keiser, Bloomsburg University

“Liebesreigen und Totentanz - Tabuisierung von Sexualität und Tod in Arthur Schnitzlers Reigen und Werner Schwabs Reigenadaption”

Christina Schlitzberger, Kassel University

10:30 AMCoffee Break (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

11:00 AMSESSION IX: Arthur Schnitzler II (Damaged Egos) (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: Maria-Regina Kecht, Rice University, Houston
"’Er konnte seiner Tränen nicht Herr werden’: Männlichkeit und Melodrama in Arthur Schnitzlers Erzählung Flucht in die Finsternis"

Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia

"Maternal Impressions and the Failure of Bourgeois Masculinity in Arthur Schnitzler’s Andreas Thameyers letzter Brief"

Michael Boehringer, University of Waterloo

"Ist das Ich doch rettbar? Die Wahrung des Ego als Basis des Scheiterns in Arthur Schnitzlers Anatol-Zyklus" (CANCELLED??)

Torang Sinaga, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg

SESSION X: Representation, Pornography and Sexual Abuse (East Conference Room B, SBC)

Chair: Alfred Ebenbauer, University of Vienna, ÖAD

"Sexuelle 'Utopie' vs. Kinderpornografie: Gedanken zum 100-jährigen Erscheinungsjubiläum von Josefine Mutzenbacher"

Clemens Ruthner, University of Alberta, Edmonton

"Literatur und sexueller Missbrauch: ein Blick auf Ingeborg Bachmann"

Friedbert Aspetsberger, University of Klagenfurt

"Hundstage: Zur Religiosität und Pornographie bei Ulrich Seidl"

Bernhard Doppler, University of Paderborn

12:30 PM:Lunch (University of Alberta Faculty Club)/ Business Meeting MALCA

2:00 PMAuthor Reading (Karin Rick) (East Conference Room A, SBC) (CANCELLED??)

2:00 PMSESSION XI: Austrian Film and Visual Art (East Conference Room B, SBC)

Chair: Imke Meyer, Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia

"Gendering the Crusade: Female Types and Sexuality in Austrofascist Film"
Robert von Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

"Unseen/Obscene: the (non) framing of the sexual act in Michael Haneke’s La Pianiste"

Catherine Wheatley, University of Southampton

"Mapping the Body Space between Gender and Grammar: Valie Export’s Körperkonfigurationen"

Markus Hallensleben, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

3:30 PMCoffee Break (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

3:45 PMSESSION XII: Art, Design and Architecture around 1900 (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: David Luft, University of California, San Diego

"’Something wicked this way comes’: Klimt's Degenerate Daughters of the Sea"

Maria Euchner, University of Toronto

"Psychoanalytic Sexuality and the Culture of Design 1900"

Dariusz Gafijczuk, University of Alberta, Edmonton

Indecent Exposure: Exhibitionism in Adolf Loos’s Architectural Design

Heidi Rauscher Tilghman, University of Washington, Seattle

SESSION XIII: Freud’s Contemporaries (East Conference Room B, SBC)

Chair: Karyn Ball, University of Alberta, Edmonton

"’Errötend folgte er ihren Spuren...’: The Trials and Tribulations of Friedrich S. Krauss"

Raymond L. Burt, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

"’Übrigens hat mich Weininger auf die Idee gebracht’: Zur Weininger-Rezeption bei Karl Kraus - mit einem Seitenblick auf Johannes Freumbichler und Thomas Bernhard"

Martin Huber, Thomas Bernhard Archive, Gmunden

"Die kommende Revolution ist eine Revolution fürs Mutterrecht: Otto Gross"

Susanne Hochreiter, University of Vienna

7:00 PM Conference Banquet (Hotel)

Keynote Address:

“Sexuality, Eroticism and Gender in the Works of Gustav Klimt”

Stephan Koja,

Curator of the 19th century and modern collection, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna

Sunday / Sonntag, 15 April 2007

8:30 AMOn-site Breakfast Buffet (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

9:00 AMSESSION XIV: Robert Musil (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: Raleigh Whitinger, University of Alberta, Edmonton

"Das ganz andere Geschlecht: Sexualität und Geschlecht bei Musil"

Wolfgang Müller-Funk, University of Vienna, University of Zagreb

"Ist Macht erotisch? Verführung zwischen Macht und Ironie in Musils Mann ohne Eigenschaften"

Sebastian Hüsch, University of Basel

"Violence and Love: the Search for the 'andere Zustand' in Musil's Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften"

Malcolm Spencer, University of Birmingham

SESSION XV: Alternatives in Sexuality and Gender (East Conference Room B, SBC)

Chair: Susanne Hochreiter, University of Vienna

"’When the Special Girlfriend...’: Lesbian Love and Fin-de-Siècle Austrian Women Writers"

Agatha Schwartz, University of Ottawa

"Transvestismus und Erinnerungsdiskurs: Gerhard Fritschs Roman Fasching"

Wolfgang Hackl, University of Innsbruck

"’… vor dem nackten Schoß eines afrikanischen Straßenjungen…’: Schwuler Sex und kulturelle Alterität in Josef Winklers Friedhof der bitteren Orangen"Anna Babka, University of Vienna

10:30 AMCoffee Break (Stollery Business Centre Lobby)

11:00 AMSESSION XVI: Literary Ersatz-Eroticism after 1945 (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois, Chicago

"’Zuhälter der Wörter’: Sprachspiel und Sexualität bei H.C. Artmann"

Heide Kunzelmann, Aston University, Birmingham

"Vom Eros des Kreuzes. Christine Lavant und die Folgen"

Katharina Herzmansky, University of Klagenfurt

"Sexuality without Eroticism in Peter Rosei’s Fiction"

Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green State University

"Politische und poetologische Implikationen von Sexualitätsdarstellungen in Prosawerken Elfriede Jelineks"

Annika Nickenig, University of Mainz

SESSION XVII: Elfriede Jelinek (East Conference Room A, SBC)

Chair: Margarete Lamb-Fafflberger, Lafayette College, Easton

"Sexuality, Eroticism, and Gender in Helmina von Chézy’s Rosamunde and Elfriede Jelinek’s Der Tod und das Mädchen III"

Britta Kallin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

Fantasies of the Dark City: Sexual Dystopia and Space in Die Klavierspielerin

Brent Holland, University of Alberta, Edmonton

"’Zu lieben, indem man nicht geliebt hat’: Love, Erotica, and Pornography in Elfriede Jelinek’s Über Tiere"

Lorely French, Pacific University, Forest Grove

"’Der Mann – freudig ist er ein Gott’: Geschlechterdifferenz als sozialpolitisches Konstrukt in den Werken von Elfriede Jelinek"

Alexandra Heberger, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

1:00 PM End of Conference


Dept. of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, U of Alberta;

ÖFG Wien; ÖKFs New York and Ottawa