Master of Education Programs
Moderate Disabilities
Severe Disabilities
Graduate Student Handbook
Dear Graduate Students,
This handbook has been developed to assist you in understanding the various aspects of each program, including the many forms and licensure requirements. Please read this handbook carefully. There are a number of changes in policies and program options. If, after reading this handbook, you have any questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact your assigned program advisor, either Dr. Nancy Murray (who advises Moderate Disabilities Candidates) at or Dr. Anne Howard (who advises Severe Disabilities and Guided Studies Candidates) at . This manual is intended to complement other documents that are available on line.
You are required to contact your program advisor upon acceptance so that we may outline your program of study and ensure an appropriate sequencing of coursework for a successful outcome.
We look forward to working with you and wish you much success throughout your program of study,
Dr. Anne Howard
Chair of Graduate Program in Severe Disabilities
Dr. Nancy Murray
Chair of Graduate Programs in Moderate Disabilities
Table of Contents
Welcome and Overview of Handbook 2
Table of Contents 3
Special Education Moderate Disabilities Initial Licensure (PrekPreK-8) 4
Special Education Moderate Disabilities Initial Licensure (5-12) 5
Special Education Severe Disabilities Initial Licensure (all levels) 6
Course/Credit Information 7
MTEL Requirements 8
Prepracticum and Practicum Requirements 9
Practicum Requirements 10
Establishing a Practicum Site 11
Supervision Requirements for Candidates 13
Special Education Moderate Disabilities Initial Licensure (PREKPreK-8)
All courses listed below are 3 credits. / * / SemestersOffered / Planned / Completed
F / S / SI / SII
EDUC/SPED 7023 Foundations of Education (REQUIRED Pre-Requisite for anyone without teacher licensure or coursework in education)
Required 15 hour prepracticum / Pre / X / X
SPED 7024 Understanding Disability and Diversity / A / X / X / X
SPED 8300 Language Development, Differences and Disorders (also offered in Winter) / A / X / X / X
SPED 8016 Curriculum, Strategies in Reading/LA PreK-8
Required 10 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8915 Curriculum, Strategies in Mathematics (PreK-8 only)
Required 10 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8011 Differentiating Content Instruction/Inclusive Class / B / X / X
SPED 8008 Emotional, Behavioral, and Autism Spectrum Disorders / B / X / X
SPED 8180 Positive Behavioral Supports for Students with Disabilities **
Required 25 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 9130 Advanced Identification and Remediation of Reading/Language Based Learning Disabilities. (to be taken concurrently with SPED 8917)
Required 15 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8917 Assessment/Strategies for Students with Disabilities (to be taken with SPED 9130) / B / X / X
EDUC 9300 Educational Research / B / X / X / X
SPED 9200 Collaboration and Consultation ** / B / X / X / X
EDUC 7096 Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement course for teachers
Required 25 hour prepracticum / B / X / X / X
All of these must be completed prior to the Practicum: / MTEL GENERAL CURRICULUM Multi-subject □ Math □
Foundations of Reading □
SPED 8963 Practicum: Moderate Disabilities / C / X / X
SPED 9004 Practicum and Research Application Seminar (must be taken concurrently with SPED 8963) / C / X / X
Letters denote recommended order of courses.
** This course is not intended for individuals in the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program. If you are considering the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program, it is imperative that you talk with you advisor prior to registering for this course.
Note: Speak to your advisor about the option of adding an Elementary Education License.
Adding the elementary license requires that candidates be in the role of the license sought.
Special Education Moderate Disabilities Initial Licensure (5-12)
All courses listed below are 3 credits. / * / SemestersOffered / Planned / Completed
F / S / SI / SII
EDUC/SPED 7023 Foundations of Education (REQUIRED Pre-Requisite for anyone without teacher licensure or coursework in education)
Required 15 hour prepracticum / Pre / X / X
SPED 7024 Understanding Disability and Diversity / A / X / X / X
SPED 8300 Language Development, Differences and Disorders (also offered in Winter) / A / X / X / X
SPED 8016 Curriculum, Strategies in Reading/LA PreK-8
Required 10 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8916 Curriculum, Strategies in Mathematics (5-12 only)
Required 10 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8011 Differentiating Content Instruction/Inclusive Class / B / X / X
SPED 8008 Emotional, Behavioral, and Autism Spectrum Disorders / B / X / X
SPED 8180 Positive Behavioral Supports for Students with Disabilities **
Required 25 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8918 Reading and Writing: Methods for Secondary School Students with Moderate Disabilities (to be taken concurrently with SPED 8917)
Required 15 hour prepracticum / B / X / X
SPED 8917 Assessment/Strategies for Students with Disabilities (to be taken with SPED 9130) / B / X / X
EDUC 9300 Educational Research / B / X / X / X
SPED 9200 Collaboration and Consultation / B / X / X / X
EDUC 7096 Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement course for teachers
Required 25 hour prepracticum / B / X / X / X
All of these must be completed prior to the Practicum: / MTEL GENERAL CURRICULUM Multi-subject □ Math □ or □ Content Area
Foundations of Reading □
SPED 8963 Practicum: Moderate Disabilities / C / X / X
SPED 9004 Practicum and Research Application Seminar (must be taken concurrently with SPED 8963) / C / X / X
Letters denote recommended order of courses.
** This course is not intended for individuals in the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program. If you are considering the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program, it is imperative that you talk with you advisor prior to registering for this course.
Link to on-line plans for the Moderate Programs
M.Ed. in Special Education: Severe Disabilities Initial Licensure (all levels)
All courses listed below are 3 credits. / * / SemestersOffered / Planned / Completed
F / S / SI / SII
EDUC/SPED 7023 Foundations of Education (REQUIRED Pre-Requisite for anyone without teacher licensure or coursework in education)
Required 20 hour pre-practicum. / Pre / X / X
SPED 7024 Understanding Disability and Diversity (This course is a prerequisite for SPED 8016.) / Pre / X / X / X
SPED 8300 Language Development, Differences and Disorders / A / X / X / X
SPED 8016 Curriculum, Strategies in Reading/LA PreK-8 .
Required 10 hour pre-practicum. / B / X / X
SPED 8915 Curriculum, Strategies in Mathematics (PreK-8)
Required 10 hour pre-practicum. / B / X / X
SPED 8917 Assessment/Strategies for Students with Disabilities (SPED 8016 is pre-requisite)
Required 15 hour pre-practicum. / B / X / X
SPED 7950 Physical and Medical Aspects of Working with Children with Disabilities
Required 20 hour pre-practicum. / B / X
SPED 8022 Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Required 20 hour pre-practicum. / B / X
SPED 8020 Behavior Analysis and Supports for Students with Severe Disabilities**
Required 25 hour pre-practicum. / B / X
SPED 8026 Program Development through the Life Span
Required 25 hour pre-practicum. / B / X
SPED 9200 Collaboration and Consultation ** / B / X / X / X
EDUC 9300 Educational Research / B / X / X / X
SPED 8008 Emotional, Behavioral, and Autism Spectrum Disorders / B / X / X / X
SPED 7076 Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement
Required 25 hour pre-practicum. / B / X / X / X
All of these must be completed prior to the Practicum: / MTEL GENERAL CURRICULUM Multi-subject □ Math □
SPED 8863 Practicum: Severe Disabilities / C / X / X
SPED 9004 Practicum and Research Application Seminar (must be taken concurrently with SPED 8863) / C / X / X
* Letters denote recommended order of courses.
** This course is not intended for intended for individuals in the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program. If you are considering the Behavior Analyst Certificate Program, it is imperative that you talk with your advisor prior to registering for this course.
Link to on-line plan of study:
Course/Credit Information
Incomplete Course
An incomplete (IN) may be awarded with the recommendation of the instructor when the student has completed 80% of the coursework but cannot complete the rest due to illness or some other serious reason. A student who has received an Incomplete in lieu of a course grade must make up the missing part of their coursework during the first four weeks of the following semester. Failure to do so will result in an automatic 0.0 for the course.
In-Progress Course
A grade of IP (In-Progress) may be awarded for the practicum experience at the end of a given semester. Practicums need to be completed within two semesters. If the practicum is not completed within the allotted time then the IP grade will be changed to either an incomplete (IN) or a grade of 0.0.
Transferring Credits
1) All candidates in a graduate program may be allowed to transfer up to 6 graduate credits from another institution. You must confirm this with your advisor.
2) Candidates are able to take up to 12 credits prior to being matriculated into the program. To ensure that these will count toward your degree, please check with your advisor prior to enrollment to ensure that the course will count toward your degree.
3) Graduate degree programs must be completed within six years of the date of the student’s first course in the program, including transfer credits.
Transfer form links
Form for use prior to acceptance into a program:
Form for use after acceptance into a program:
MTEL Requirements
For the Initial Licensure Programs in Moderate Disabilities and Severe Disabilities
Successful completion of all MTELs necessary for your license must be passed prior to applying for your practicum.
Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities / PreK-8 / General Curriculum (multi-subject + math subtest) and Foundations of Reading (90) or Reading (08). (Elementary Math (53), Middle School Math (47) or Mathematics (09) will also meet the math subtest requirement.)) + Foundations of Reading or Reading (08) / 03 + 09905-12 / General Curriculum (multi-subject + math subtest) OR one of the following MTEL subject matter tests at the 5-8 or 8-12 grade level: English, History, Mathematics (47 or 09 only), science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics), or Political Science/Political Philosophy. (Elementary Math (53), Middle School Math (47) or Mathematics (09) or Middle School Humanities and Math/Sci + Foundations of Reading Reading (90) or Reading (08) / 03 + 09 90 90 OR subject
matter test + 90
Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities / All / General Curriculum (multi-subject + math subtest (Elementary Math (53), Middle School Math (47) or Mathematics (09) / 03
Prepracticum and Practicum Requirements
Diversity Policy
1) Candidates who wish to conduct their practicum in a non-diverse setting must have completed at least 2/3 of the required pre-practicum hours in a diverse setting and have submitted documentation to the Dean of Education’s Office
a. * See required forms below.
2) A candidate who is employed at the school in which he or she wishes to complete the practicum (and it is a non-diverse setting) will be permitted to conduct the practicum in the school, provided the candidate is teaching in the role of the license sought. Additionally, the candidate will be required to document a minimum of 2 full days during which he/she observed and worked with children in a diverse setting during the practicum, unless the candidate can provide evidence of previous experience with diverse group(s) of children. Appropriate documentation is required and can be obtained from the chair of your program. The candidate submits the completed form with their licensure packet.
3) Candidates who are not employed must complete their practicum station in a diverse setting, unless 2/3 of the required pre-practicum hours were conducted in diverse settings.
For each pre-practicum experience, the appropriate forms below must be submitted immediately following the pre-practicum. These forms will be reviewed as part of your practicum application. All forms must be completed and submitted to the Dean of Education’s Office in order to be approved for your practicum even if you are the teacher-of-record. Please be sure to retain copies for your records.
Required forms:
· Documentation of Field Based Activities
· Pre-practicum Report form-Graduate
· Candidate Disposition
These forms can be found at the link below. >Graduate Student Resources >Forms Library
Practicum Requirements
Practicum is a field-based experience within an approved Massachusetts program in the role and at the level of the license sought, during which a candidate's performance is supervised jointly by the program supervisor and the supervising practitioner. The candidate is evaluated on a Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) for Initial License.
The Fitchburg State University approved program for initial licensure requires a semester long, full-day, and a two-full-week practicum experience. Additionally, candidates in the special education practicum must design and deliver core content instruction as appropriate (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science) to students with disabilities, as well as assess learning outcomes, administer and evaluate testing, make decisions on instruction based on the assessment results, and participate in Special Education and IEP meetings with teams including parents.