Model Pay Policy for Schools and Academies 2014 (Education HR Policy: Teaching Staff)

Model Pay Policy for Schools and Academies 2014 (Education HR Policy: Teaching Staff)





Approved for Issue: November 2014

Review annually in Autumn Term.

Cheshire East Borough Council

Education HR Consultancy

Model Pay Policy for Schools & Academies –

Teaching Staff

2014 – 2015



The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to assist schools in creating their own schools teachers’ pay policy to meet the statutory requirements in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.


A School Pay Policy should be:

a. / Drawn up in consultation with the staff of the school
It is the role of the Headteacher to formulate the policy for discussion by staff and agreement by the Governing Body (GB). This model is set out as a separate salaries policy, but it takes account of, and may be incorporated into the school teachers’ appraisal policy. The majority of the information in this model is derived from the statutory, national and local schemes of pay and conditions of employment for school teachers. Where the GB has discretion this will be indicated in brackets [ ] and where appropriate, options set out in italic text.
b. / Formally adopted by the Governing Body
It is the role of the GB to approve the pay policy statement. See Section 1.
c. / Made known to staff
See Section 4.
d. / Provided on demand and include in the policy publication scheme
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, copies of the policy must be available on demand. If the school has a publication scheme, the policy may be included in the scheme.
e. / Revised to reflect changes in the staffing structure
A copy of the school staffing structure should be attached to the pay policy.
a) / Comments in shaded boxes are for guidance only and are not intended for inclusion in the school’s own policy.
b) / If an Appendix or Annex is not relevant to your school, rather than removing it and upsetting the numbering, it may be simpler to amend it to read ‘not applicable’.
c) / Schools editing this document using MS Word can update the list of contents by placing the mouse arrow on it, right clicking and selecting ‘Field Update’.
d) / This document is available to download from the Schools HR Intranet Site.


Teachers’ Pay Policy
Section 1 – General Statement
Aims & Principles
Position Statement 2014– 2015
Roles and Responsibilities
Policies / Discretions
Application of the School Teachers’ Pay Policy
Section 2 – Performance Appraisal
Other Teachers
National Criteria
Section 3 – Finance
Section 4 – Consultation
Section 5 – Training for Governors
Section 6 – Freedom of Information
Appendix A – School Teachers’ Pay Policy
Pay Reviews
Pay Range for Headteachers
Determination of Temporary Payments to Headteachers
Pay Range for Other Leadership Group Members
Pay Range for Other Classroom Teachers
Pay of Appointment
Main Pay Range
Upper Pay Range
Pay Range for Unqualified Teachers
Movement to Upper Pay Range
Allowances and Payments for Classroom Teachers – TLRs/SENs
Other Payments to Teachers
Appeals by Teachers
Newly Qualified Teachers
Part-Time Teachers
Supply or Short Notice Teachers
Pay Increases Arising from Changes to the Document
Monitoring the Impact of the Pay Policy
Appendix B – Teachers’ Appeals Procedure
Appendix C – School Staffing Structure
Appendix D – Guidance – Salary Scales Reference Points
Pay Scales

Keys to Abbreviations

AST / Advanced Skills Teacher
CPD / Continuing Professional Development
DfE / The Department for Education
GB / Governing Body
INSET / In Service Training
ITT / Initial Teacher Training
LA / Local Authority
LG / Leadership Group
LTV / Light Touch Validation
NQT / Newly Qualified Teacher
PA / Performance Appraisal
PR / Pay Range
R&R / Recruitment and Retention
SEN / Special Education Needs
SPIBD / Schools Pay and Information Benchmarking Document
STRB / School Teachers’ Review Body
TLR / Teaching and Learning Responsibility
UPS / Classroom Teachers’ Upper Pay Scale


The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) has since 2004 placed a statutory dutyon maintained schools and local authorities to adopt policies which set out the basis on which they determine teachers’ pay, and to establish procedures for determining appeals. This should ensure fair and equitable treatment for all teachers and minimise the prospect of disputes and legal challenge of pay decisions.

This model is set out as a separate salaries policy covering teachers but it takes account of, and may be incorporated into the school’s teacher performance appraisal policy. The majority of the information in this model is derived from the statutory, national and local schemes of pay and conditions of employment. Where the GB has discretion this will be indicated and, where appropriate, options set out initalics. Guidance is provided in blue shadow boxes.

Headteachers and Governing Bodies should consult staff and unions within the school, on their pay policy and review it each year, when other significant changes to the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions occur or when the staffing structure is reviewed, to ensure that it reflects the latest legal position. For maintained schools the pay policy should comply with the current STPCD and the accompanying statutory guidance. It should be used in conjunction with them, but, in the event of any inadvertent contradictions, the Document and guidance take precedence.

In determining teacher pay levels in accordance with statutory pay and conditions of service under the terms of the STPCD, Governing Bodies should also ensure these are set in accordance with the school’s staffing structure (a copy of which should be appended to this policy).

School Teachers’ Pay Policy

Appendix A incorporates a model pay policy for teachers. It recommends a structure for schools to follow and covers all key areas that schools need to consider.

The main changes to teachers’ pay and conditions since2013are as follows (paragraph references are to paragraphs in the STPCD):

(a) / Revised framework for setting pay for leadership positions.
(b) / Simplified leadership pay arrangements.
(c) / Removal of prescribed differentials between allowances.
(d) / Removal of existing requirement for pay differentials between roles.
(e) / Streamlining of leadership allowances by bringing them into base pay, save for exceptional, time-bound payments e.g. for relocation and housing.
(f) / Closure of the Chartered London Teacher scheme, with proposed two-year transition period.
(g) / Consolidation of the existing safeguarding provisions.
(h) / Removal of the detailed list of 21 administrative / clerical tasks.
(i) / Removal of the non-statutory Section 4 guidance.
(j) / Section 3 is now significantly shorter than the 2013 version and only contains guidance that it is essential to retain in statutory form.
(k) / Amendments to give effect to the intention that unattached teachers should be treated in the same way as all other teachers in regard to non-portability of salary between schools.
(l) / Details of the September 2014 pay award.
(m) / A small number of revisions to reflect necessary updates which have arisen since the Document was last published, in September 2013.

Astbury St. Mary’s School Teachers’ Pay Policy

For 1September 2014 to 31August 2015

Section 1 – General Statement

The Governing Body (GB) will seek to ensure that all teaching staff are valued and receive proper recognition for their work and their contribution to the school.

Aims and Principles

to maintain and improve the quality of education provided for pupils in the school by having a school teachers’ pay policy which supports the school's development plan;

to have a staffing structure related to the school's development plan, bearing in mind workforce remodelling and, in particular, greater recognition of support staff;

to recruit, retain, motivate, develop and support staff;

to demonstrate to all staff that the GB is managing and applying its pay policies in a fair, sensitive and responsible way;

to meet the statutory requirements of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD);

to be consistent with the statutory requirements of The Race Relations Act 1976, The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986, The Equal Pay Act 1970, The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, The Employment Rights Act 1996, The Employment Relations Act 1999 and The Employment Act 2002, The Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, The Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations, The Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003, The Employment Act 2008 and The Equality Act 2010;

not to exercise pay discretions with the objective of increasing final salary for pension purposes.

The Governing Body should ensure that when implementing this policy, no employee will be disadvantaged on the basis of their gender, transgender, marital status or civil partnership, racial group, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, disability, pregnancy or maternity, social or economic status or caring responsibility. This means that the policy may need to be adjusted to cater for the specific needs of an individual including the provision of information in alternative formats where necessary.

Position Statement 2014 – 2015

The staffing structure of the school is set out in Appendix B

Roles and Responsibilities

The role of the GB will be to:

approve the pay policy statement, including procedures for addressing teachers’ grievances in relation to their pay;

establish a (Sub) Committee structure, with appropriate delegation, to implement the policies;

determine what amount should be set aside from the school’s budget for discretionary pay awards;

consider recommendations from the Headteacher about what awards should be given on the basis of the policy and budget;

appoint governors to determine the Pay Range of the Headteacher;

ensure that the maximum of the headteachers Pay Range and any additional payments made under paragraph 10 does not exceed the maximum of the headteacher group by more than 25% unless in exceptional circumstances. In such circumstances the Governing Bodymust seek external independent advice before providing such agreement and support its decisions with a business case. Excluded from the 25% limit are where residential duties are a requirement of the post or housing or relocation expenses are paid.

ensure that awards are made without discrimination;

monitor the overall distribution of awards and the impact of the policy on all staff;

inform all teaching staff of the policy adopted, including procedures for addressing grievances in relation to their pay.

The role of the Headteacher will be:

to formulate the policy for discussion by staff and agreement by the GB;

to recommend staffing structures for teaching and support staff.

with the help of other senior staff as appropriate, to review performance information for eligible teachers and make recommendations to the GB or Pay (Sub) Committee;

to monitor the impact of the arrangements on teachers, support staff and teaching and learning at the school, and to report to the GB.

Policies and Discretions

The GB recognises that the pay and conditions of service for teaching staff are set out in National and Local Agreements.

They also recognise that there is a requirement in the STPCD to review and assess each classroom teacher's pay and, where performance objectives have been set, each Leadership Group member's pay position/entitlement annually for implementation on 1 September each year. All decisions will be made by 31 October at the latest, except in the case of the Headteacher for whom the deadline is 31 December.

Each teacher is entitled to receive an annual pay statement setting out the basis on which their pay, including allowances, has been determined.

Where a review of the staffing structure has had or is likely to have an impact on the pay of any teacher, a revised pay statement will be issued as soon as possible (and in any event within one month of the GB’s determination). The GB will take particular care to notify teachers of likely changes to their pay at the earliest opportunity because teachers must be informed of any pay safeguarding implications resulting from the revisions. The GB will ensure that teachers are given full information about the safeguarding rules with the revised pay statement, to enable teachers to calculate the likely longer-term position in relation to their own pay.

Annual review statements are used to inform pay recommendations.

The Appendices to this document cover the main aspects of the pay schemes of school teachers. Each Appendix sets out the criteria under which these will be assessed and/or reviewed.

Application of the School Pay Policy

The GB delegates to the HR/Staffing/Pay Committee the power to apply the policies.

Governors will review the Headteacher’s performance under the arrangements set out in the school’s Performance Appraisal Policy and decide whether or not to make an incremental award. Different governors (i.e. those not involved in the review or quality assurance) will consider any subsequent complaints/ Appeals.

This policy, and the position of each member of staff, including the Headteacher, Deputy and Assistant Headteacher(s) (where objectives have been set), will be assessed/reviewed annually in the Summer or Autumn Term by the HR/Staffing/Pay Committee, as appropriate, for implementation on 1 September.

The GB requires the Headteacher to make recommendations regarding the annual assessment of each teacher’s pay (taking account of the school's Performance Appraisal Policy - see below).

In relation to any Review of the School Staffing Structure –

If the draft structure is considered by the full Governing Body, staff governors will be invited as usual to the meeting and may participate as usual in the debate. Any governor, staff or otherwise, with a pecuniary interest or other conflict of interest in the matters under discussion must disclose it and, if necessary, withdraw from the meeting in accordance with the School Governance (Procedures) (England) Regulations 2003.

That does not mean that governors who are also members of staff will automatically be excluded from the Governing Body’s consideration of the draft structure and implementation plan on the basis that they have a pecuniary interest in the matter. (The Procedures Regulations set out the circumstances in which a person will and will not be considered to have a pecuniary interest and provide, in particular, that: “a governor shall not be treated as having a pecuniary interest in any matter provided his interest in the matter is no greater than the interest of the generality of those paid to work at the school.”)

The policies will be applied in such a way that:-

they are consistent with the written criteria;

no employee will be disadvantaged on the basis of their gender, transgender, marital status or civil partnership, racial group, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, disability, pregnancy or maternity, social or economic status or caring responsibility. This means that the policy may need to be adjusted to cater for the specific needs of an individual including the provision of information in alternative formats where necessary.

they make information available to staff about vacant posts, allowances, enhancements, temporary and acting posts;

payments are awarded in a fair, equitable and consistent manner to ensure that there are proper pay relativities within the school;

they are based on the current Job Description of the member of staff involved;

Any member of staff who is dissatisfied with the application of this policy and/or any decision of the Committee is able to invoke the School's Appeals Procedure (which performs the function of the grievance procedure on pay matters), in the case of teachers. The decision of any person or committee charged with considering an appeal under these procedures will be final. Appeal decisions do not affect an employee’s statutory employment rights.

Section 2 – Performance Appraisal for Teachers

All teachers can expect to receive regular, constructive feedback on their performance and are subject to annual appraisal that recognises their strengths, informs plans for their future development, and helps to enhance their professional practice. The annual performance appraisal reports will also inform decision about the pay of teachers. The arrangements for teacher appraisal are set out in the school’s appraisal policy and can be obtained from the r drive on the server as well as the policies folder.
To be fair and transparent, assessments of performance will be properly rooted in evidence. In this school we will ensure fairness by following an appraisal model which sets out the teacher standards and the roles and responsibilities for each part of the pay scale. Performance management objectives are then set around this document. All staff have been using this document for twelve months and are very clear about how they are to gather their evidence.
The evidence we will use will include lesson observations, planning, professional development, pupil progress and attainment as well as the classroom environment, contributing to the wider life of the school and safeguarding procedures. Other measures can be found in the appraisal document.
Teachers’ appraisal reports will contain pay recommendations. Final decisions about whether or not to accept a pay recommendation will be made by the Governing Body or Pay (Sub) Committee, having regard to the appraisal report and taking into account advice from the senior leadership team. The Governing Body will consider its approach in the light of the school’s budget and ensure that appropriate funding is allocated for pay progression at all levels.


The Headteacher’s pay will be handled directly by the appointed governors dealing with pay, informed by performance review information.

Other Teachers

Recommendations will be made by the reviewer under the school’s Performance Appraisal Policy, for confirmation by the designated Pay (Sub) Committee or by other governors appointed for that purpose. (They cannot include staff employed by the school.)