MOCK EXAM 3 (Brain & CNSEndocrine System)

1.All of the following senses must pass through the thalamus except:





E.None of the above

2.Regarding the cerebellum,______

A.It is highly associated with the vestibular apparatus of the ear

B.It works hand in hand with the postural muscles of the back

C.Its main functions are balance, posture, and coordination

D.It connects to the brainstem via cerebellar peduncles

E.Allare correct

3.Which of the following has centers for control of reflexes in response to visual and auditory stimuli?

A.Basal nuclei

B. Mesencephalon

C. Spinal chord

D.Medulla oblongata

E. Pons

4.Which area of the brain is responsible for patterns related to eating, drinking, autonomic, and sexual activity?



C.Medulla Oblongata


E.Basal nuclei

5.Which secondary brain vesicle forms the cerebrum?






6.In the sympathetic division of the ANS, ______.

A.The preganglionic fibers are short and the postganglionic fibers are relatively long

B.The preganglionic fibers are long and the postganglionic fibers are short

C.Both preganglionic and postganglionic fibers are short

D.Postganglionic fibers are absent

E.Both preganglionic and postganglionic fibers are long

7.Which of the following is a general function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

A.dilation of the respiratory passageway

B.Inhibition of sexual arousal

C.Increased smooth muscle activity along the digestive tract

D.Dilation of the pupils

E.Increased heart rate

7.Gustatory information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried to the gustatory cortex of the cerebrum via which cranial nerve?






8.What is the function of the auditory tube?

A.It provides directional sensitivity to the ear

B.It serves to equalize pressure in the middle ear cavity with the external, atmospheric pressure

C.It protects the external acoustic meatus

D.It converts arriving sound waves into mechanical movements

9.Which of the following is a function of the vascular tunic of the eye?

A.Secretion and reabsorption of the aqueous humor

B.Contains visual receptors and associated neurons

C.Serves as an attachment site for the extra-ocular muscles

D.Provides mechanical support and some degree of physical protection

E.Contains structures that assist in the focusing process

10.Which muscles of the eye are under parasympathetic innervation via CN III?

A.Ciliary muscles

B.Medial rectus muscles

C.Pupillary dilator muscles

D.Lateral Rectus

E.Pupillary sphincter muscles

11.Swelling of the jugular vein as it leaves the skull could compress which of the following cranial nerves?






12.Prominentcommisural bundles linking the cerebral hemispheres include the______.

A.Projection fibers

B.Longitudinal fasciculi

C.Arcuate fibers

D.Corpus callosum

E.Internal capsule

13.What structure is the primary connection point between the nervous and endocrine systems?


B.Pineal Gland

C.Pituitary Gland


E. None of the above

14. Through which two holes of the skull does the blood supply to the brain enter?

A. Foramen ovale and jugular foramen

B. Foramen magnum and jugular foramen

C. Foramen magnum and carotid canal

D. Carotid canal and jugular foramen

E. Carotid canal and foramen ovale

15. The lobe of the brain associated with olfaction is the ______

A.Frontal lobe

B.Temporal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D.Parietal lobe

E. Insula

16. Which of the following is incorrect?

A. Thyroid hormones are actively involved in metabolism

B. Aldosterone and ADH both have a similar function of water conservation

C. TSH acts on the suprarenal cortex

D. The endocrine system releases its hormones directly into blood vessels.

E. All are correct

17. The space through which CSF flows in the brain and spinal cord is called ______

A.Subarachnoid space

B.Subdural space

C.Subpial space

D.Epidural space

E. Sublingual space

18. Which of the following is true?

A. CN V has only 1 function; visceral motor

B. CN II is not a true peripheral nerve, rather an extension of the brain

C. CN III innervates the lateral rectus muscle

D. CN X provides sympathetic innervation to visceral organs of the abdomen

E. CN IV innervates the superior rectus muscle

19. The pharynx plays an important role in which of the following two systems?

A.Digestive and Cardiovascular

B. Digestive and Respiratory

C. Respiratory and lymphatic

D. Respiratory and cardiovascular

E. Lymphatic and Cardiovascular

20. Which of the following is paired correctly?

A.cochleabalance and coordination

B.Eustachian tubehearing

C.Utricle and sacculegravity and linear acceleration

D. semicircular ductsgravity and linear acceleration

E.None of the above

21. Which of the following is incorrect?

A.Cerebrospinal production begins in the third ventricle

B.Cerebrospinal fluid helps remove waste and absorb shock

C.Cerebrospinal fluid flows through the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord

D. Cerebrospinal fluid flows from the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct

E. All are correct

Use the following image to answer questions 22-29

22. This nerve has a visceral motor function that gives parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland.

23.Branches of this nerve include Ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular

24.Injury to this nerve can affect the muscles of the tongue

25. This nerve bypasses the thalamus and goes straight to the brain for processing

26. This nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to viscera

27. A branch of this nerve is what dentist numb when you have a cavity filled

28. This nerve innervates the lateral rectus muscle

29. The decussation of this nerve forms the optic chiasm

30. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the autonomic nervous system?

A.Each autonomic nerve has a preganglionic and postganglionic part

B.Parasympathetic nerves synapse at their effector organ or very closely to the effector organ

C.Sympathetic nerves only act on one gland, sweat glands

D. The origin of the parasympathetic nervous system is lumbar and thoracic nerves

E. The sympathetic nervous system involves a “fight or flight” response

31. Which of the following are targets for the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

B. Salivary glands

C.Lacrimal glands

D.Abdominal viscera

E. All of the above

32.What is the name of the tissue that is continuous from crown to root in a tooth?





E.Periodontal ligament

33.The human dental formula includes ______per quadrant

A. 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars

B. 1 incisor, 2 canines, 2 premolars, 2 molars

C. 2 incisors, 2 canines, 1 premolar, 3 molars

D. 2 incisors, 1 canine, 3 premolars, 2 molars

E. 1 incisor, 2 canines, 3 premolars, 2 molars

Use the following image to answer questions 34-40

34.Point at which no rods or cones are present

35.Contributes to the nourishment of the retina

36.Collagenous structure to which extraocular muscles attach to

37.Structure in charge of releasing aqueous humor

38.Structure with high degree of elasticity; changes shape to adjust light coming in

39.Part of the nervous tunic of the eye

40.Cranial Nerve II

41.What happens when a person has the condition called glaucoma?

A. Rods and cones of the retina have no degree of sensitivity and the person cannot differentiate colors

B.Aqueous humor is not reabsorbed through the canal of schlemm thus creating high pressure in the eye

C.Optic Nerve is damaged because of a lot of bright light penetrating the eye

D.Bacteria entering the conjunctiva are transported to the optic nerve

E.None of the abofe

42.Which of the following is false?

A.An example of collateral ganglion is the celiac ganglion

B.The lesser splanchnic nerve synapses at the superior mesenteric ganglion

C.Sympathetic innervation decreases hr, bp, and breathing rate

D.Preganglionic fibers of CN III synapse at the ciliary ganglion

E.Allare correct

43. Hair cells found in the vestibular complex detect information about which of the following?

A. Head position


C. Pressure change

D.Temperature change

E.None of the above

44. In terms of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear

A.Endolymph is present

B. Epilymph is present

C.Perilymph is present

D.Endolymph and perilymph are present

E.Epilymph and Perilymph are present

45. What would happen if there was no oval window in the structures of the inner ear?

A. Sound waves would not displace the fluid inside the bony and membranous labyrinth

B.Hair cells in the organ of corti would not be able to be stimulated and initiate a signal toward the brain

C.Sound would not be detected

D.Linear acceleration would not be detected

E.All of the above

46.Autonomic centers for cardiovascular and respiratory systems can be found at ______

A.The lateral geniculate body

B.Theglobus pallidus

C.The medulla oblongata

D.The basilar pons

E.The thalamus

47.Preganglionic sympathetic fibers heading to the head and neck must first synapse where?

A.Celiac ganglion

B.Collateral ganglia

C.Inferior mesenteric ganglion

D.Sympathetic chain ganglia

E.All of the above

48. All of the following nerves have visceral motor function except:






49.Branches of which of the following nerves synapse at intramural ganglia?


B.spinal nerves S2-S4




50.The neurotransmitter released at target organs by sympathetic postganglionic fibers is______and is ______

A.Acetylcholine, always excitatory

B.Acetylcholine, usually inhibitory

C.Norepinephrine, always excitatory

D.Norepinephrine, usually inhibitory

E.Norepinephrine, usually excitatory

51. Release of Norepinephrine from the suprarenal medulla will cause

A.An increase in cardiac activity

B.An increase in blood pressure

C.Anincreae of glycogen breakdown

D.All of the above

E.None of the above

52.Which of the following hormones opposes the action of calcitonin?



C.Parathyroid hormone

D.Thyroid stimulating hormone

E.Growth hormone

53. The master gland of the human body is known as______

A.The pineal gland

B.The pituitary gland

C.The thyroid gland

D.The suprarenal gland

E. The gonads

54. After CSF is reabsorbed into the dural venous sinuses, where is it then dumped back into venous circulation?

A.Internal carotid artery

B.Cerebral vein

C.External carotid vein

D.Jugular vein

E. Jugular artery

55. What function do the arachnoid granulations play in the reabsorption of CSF into venous circulation.

A.These extensions of the arachnoid mater help the CSF go from the subarachnoid space into the dural venous sinuses

B.Arachnoid granulations filter CSF and return it to the lateral ventricles of the brain to continue CSF flow

C.Arachnoid granulations help CSF go from the subarachnoid space to the subdural space

D.These extensions of the subarachnoid space help drain CSF directly into the jugular veins

E.None of the above