MOCC minutes for February 11, 2005
Present: Ranny Jones, Don Ticknor, Rosie Jamison, Bill Jones, Sandy Anderson, Veronica Paulson, Rick Davis, Mark Lee and Rose Hansen
- 1. BOR Policy 5:5 and 5:7, MCR 4, MCR 4 Definitions, Common Business Practices – Refer to attachments sent on February 7.
To ensure that MCR 4, the Data Definitions for MCR 4, and the Draft Common Business Practices Chapter 3 are in-line with the finalized BOR Policy 5:5 and BOR Policy 5:7, MOCC will need to:
- A.Make any changes to MCR 4 and the Data Definitions for MCR 4 that are required by the Finalization of BOR 5:7 and BOR 5:5 (attached).
- a.Please note the yellow highlighted section of 5:5 (B. Due and Payable – students with at least one standard term course vs. students enrolled in only non-standard term courses) that requires changes be made to MCR 4 and the Data Definitions for MCR 4:
(1) Note the red print in the MCR 4 and Data Definitions for MCR 4 documents attached (recommended changes required).
(2)(2)How will the “Common Message to Students to be Included with Initial Billing” be changed so that every student has no question as to when his/her bill is due? Or
(3)(3)Do we run two sets of bills – one for “Students with at least one standard term course” and one for “Students enrolled in only non-standard term courses”?
(4)(4)Since Colleague cannot identify different due dates on the same statement – is an enhancement request required?
(5)(5)How do we define and identify non-standard term courses?
(6)(6)How will E-commerce affect the final decision made (due date reflected based on start date)?
- b.In all other areas the final BOR 5:7 and BOR 5:5 and MCR 4 and Data Definitions for MCR 4 documents reflect the same policies and procedures.
BOR policy 5:5 and 5:7 have been approved. The main focus of discussions pertain to those students who are taking only non-standard courses. MOCC discussions are to center on clearing up the procedures and how to communicate those to students. Two approaches were suggested:
1. Include a common message on the student’s statement which would include a disclaimer that if your courses are all non-standard in nature, please contact us for payment instructions.
- Define a specific due date and notify the student.
Because of the possible few number of students who would be affected, discussions centered on taking the simpler approach outlined in #1 above.
Questions to be considered by university constituencies include :
- How do we in SD define a non-standard course for billing purposes?
- Do we use different rules for aid recipients versus non-aid recipients?
- How do we communicate both the definition and procedures for payment (due dates) to students?
- Regarding policy 5:5B2 – consider non-standard courses as those starting after census date
- Consider the possibilities within the realm of WebAdvisor and e-commerce
- Consider terminology used to communicate with students – they do not understand what a non-standard course means.
- .Provide a draft of an updated Chapter 3 of the Common Business Practices to BAC (at Monte Kramer’s request) for finalization. This document should incorporate the final BOR Policy 5:5 and 5:7 and the Procedures outlined in MCR 4 and the Data Definitions that accompanied MCR #4.
- a.I have created a draft of the new Common Business Practices for “All Students” (combining the previous Chapter 3:1 and Chapter 3:2) for Module Group and MOCC discussions.
- b.I have included the 8/26/04 Common Business Practices Draft which had separate sections for (Chapter 3:1)Distance Education/Off-Campus/Multi-Campus Students and (Chapter 3:2) On-Campus Students. This document incorporated MOCC discussions up to 8/26/04.
Review the Chapter 3 draft in which Ranny incorporated both chapters into one to include ALL students. Send recommendations or questions to Veronica.
Status of MCR 22, 23, 24 – These three MCR documents have been approved by Dr. Turchen. The final MCR documents and Official Procedures will be distributed later.
MCRs 22, 23 and 24 have been approved by Dr. Turchen and Dr. Alley. Carla is writing final procedures and those will be distributed next week when available.
MCR #26 – Certifications/Certificates – three attachments – initial discussion by MOCC
Adding degree type of CERTN for certifications – This MCR needs to be sent to university constituencies for discussion and should include degree auditors at each university. FA will discuss and respond regarding any issues on teacher certification compared to a degree in education as outlined in #8 coding. Initial discussions will take place at the next MOCC meeting.
MCR #20 – Immunization Subcommittee – Update
Ranny is working with university staff to organize a subcommittee chaired by Laura Crosley (USD/SiouxValley) to address immunization procedures (specifically the development of an on-line immunization request form and adding comments to note where the immunization records are held) among universities. Ranny and Laura will outline the charge to the group and have this charge reviewed by MOCC and universities will have the opportunity to nominate membership.
MCR 25 – Program Coding – the Double Major section of this MCR has been removed and will be addressed in an upcoming MCR 27. The remaining items agreed to in MCR 25 (Specializations and Minors) have been sent to the Senior Board Staff for approval.
Due to the need for campuses to start building degree audit, MCR 25 as modified to remove the double major section has been submitted to Dr. Turchen for approval. After the MCR is approved, the universities that need programs built to include specializations will need to contact Carla. The PROG screen is secured.
Tech/UDA Update
1. Placement testing and tracking of students procedures discussed.
2. Discussions on how to automate the importing of information for literacy exam scores into Colleague similar to the process to import the proficiency exam.
- Investigation ongoing regarding automating the UG/GR combined GPA for the dean’s list. That currently is a manual process.
- The campuses are in the process of cleaning up the class rank for BOR institutions and having them removed from Colleague. Those records were incorrectly marked.
- Enhancements for WebAdvisor are coming – students and advisors will be able to view their restrictions. Don will investigate whether an office contact person can also be identified in order for the student to know who to call regarding their restrictions
- AAI project timeline appears to be on schedule for testing March 1st
- Copy from prod to test has been postponed until the end of February.
Ranny informed the group that the completion eligibility enhancement was being worked on by Suzanne, ASCC and Darcy.
Bill gave an update on the work completed by the commitment subcommittee. The first meeting was held on February 10th. As a general overview, everyone thought the process worked well – better in the spring than in the fall because campus contacts had an opportunity to work with the process and get used to the procedures during fall term.
A couple of changes were agreed upon for this fall:
- To begin the process earlier. Letters will start going out May 10th as opposed to June 1st last year.
- The intervals between letters will be altered from 20, 10 to 21, 14. For example, the first letter will go out immediately upon identifying the student. The second will be sent 21days after that and the third to follow in 14 days after that.
The group decided to keep separate tracks running for first-time freshmen and for transfers. The message to each group needs to be a little different.
It was determined from the reports generated from last year’s process that a large number of students who decided not to attend any SD university, did not respond to the request to contact ESC with that information. In an attempt to see if we could get more of that group of students to contact us and tell us they were attending elsewhere, we would include that contact paragraph in the cover letter that goes to the student as well as leaving it in the form the student is requested to return.
Continued discussions will occur next week with a final recommendation to MOCC for discussion during the February 25th call.
The next MOCC call will be held from 10:00 to 12:00 CT on Friday, February 25. The number to call is 605-773-614