Moby Dick: Unit Test

ENG III Honors

Mr. Miles


Directions: Answer the following multiple choice questions on your scantron.

  1. Ishmael’s first words in Moby Dick are
  1. I am Ishmael C. There was once a whale….
  2. Call me Ishmael D. None of the above
  1. What does the name “Ishmael” symbolize in the bible?
  1. One who is alone C. Survivor
  2. The chosen one D. Social outcast
  1. What season is it when the story begins?
  1. Winter C. Spring
  2. Summer D. Fall
  1. Ishmael was formerly a
  1. Lawyer C. Bricklayer
  2. Teacher D. Fisherman
  1. Who owns The Pequod?
  1. Peleg C. Both A & B
  2. Bildad D. None of the above
  1. Why is Queequeg hired as a shipmate on The Pequod?
  1. His skill as a harpooner C. He pays to get on the boat
  2. He scares the people into hiring him D. Because Ishmael won’t go without him
  1. In the beginning of the story, the pastor’s pulpit
  1. Is on The Pequod C. Is the shape of the front of a boat
  2. Is on the beach D. Is made out of harpoons
  1. What biblical story is the topic of the preacher’s sermon?
  1. Sodom and Gomorrah C. Adam and Eve
  2. Jonah and the Whale D. Cane and Abel
  1. What is the first mate’s name?
  1. Captain Boomer C. Starbuck
  2. Captain Gardiner D. Peleg
  1. What reward does Ahab offer for catching Moby Dick?
  1. Spanish gold C. Spanish platinum
  2. Spanish silver D. None of the above
  1. The captain of The Pequod is
  1. Starbuck C. Bildad
  2. Ahab D. Peleg
  1. Which of the following does Queequeg not share with Ishmael?
  1. A bed C. Money
  2. A pipe D. Books
  1. The sailor who had his arm taken by Moby Dick was named
  1. Captain Boomer C. Captain Gardiner
  2. Captain Smith D. None of the above
  1. The sailor who asks Ahab for help in finding his son was named
  1. Captain Boomer C. Captain Gardiner
  2. Captain Smith D. None of the above
  1. Ahab claims he has a
  1. Boy C. A boy and a girl
  2. Girl D. None of the above

16. What type of whale is Moby Dick?

A. White whale C. Killer whale E. Both A & B

B. Sperm whale D. None of the above

17. As part of his “christening,” Ishmael is forced to drink what?

A. Mead C. Vodka

B. Grog D. Gin

18. What is the motto that Ahab spouts to the crew?

A. “Down with Moby Dick” C. “Death to Moby Dick”

B. “Death to the demon whale” D. “A gold piece for the killer!”

19. What does Boomer warn Ahab about?

A. The demon C. Saving his good leg E. None of the above

B. Rough weather D. Both A & B

20. The name of the boat that asks Ahab for help is the

A. Pequod C. Flask

B. Rachel D. Boomer

21. When a person or group puts all their problems and blame on another group, individual, or thing, this is called

A. Alienating C. Whaling

B. Exploiting D. Scapegoating

22. How many crewmembers were aboard the Pequod?

A. 25 C. 35

B. 50 D. 30

23. What happens to Pip when he is stranded in the ocean?

A. He is bitten by Moby Dick C. He floats on a coffin

B. He is almost attacked by a shark D. He prays to God

24. Ahab endangers the men’s lives by

A. Not providing enough food C. Sailing into icy waters

B. Forcing them to compete with each other for gold D. Smoking by the oil barrels

25. How does Ahab threaten Starbuck?

A. Points a gun at him C. He sends one of his personal harpooners to scare Starbuck

B. Claims he will have Starbuck arrested D. He promised him he will never see his family again

26. What keeps Starbuck from killing Ahab during the storm?

A. Ahab is locked in his cabin C. Starbuck is afraid someone will see him kill Ahab

B. Pip is resting with Ahab D. He can’t find a weapon

27. Ahab has been working the seas for

A. 20 years C. 35 years

B. 25 years D. 40 years

28. Starbuck tells Ishmael to not do what regarding Ahab?

A. Help Ahab catch Moby Dick C. Disrespect Ahab

B. Kill Ahab D. Give in to Ahab

29. Which of the following is not a theme of Moby Dick?

A. Revenge C. Alienation

B. Spirituality D. Exploitation

30.. What does Ahab do during the story that is savage and ritualistic?

A. He sleeps with his harpoon C. He bathes himself with whale blood

B. He makes the men drink his blood D. He wears whale teeth around his neck

31. What do the sailors do to free the boat from the ice?

A. Use gunpowder C. Shoot the ice until it cracks

B. Use dynamite D. Use their harpoons

32. How is Ahab injured during a whale hunt?

A. His wooden leg breaks C. He breaks his forearm

B. He gets accidentally harpooned D. He is stabbed by Starbuck

33. Who wrote Moby Dick?

A. Arthur Miller C. Washington Irving

B. Herman Melville D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

34. How is Ahab actually killed?

A. Eaten by Moby Dick C. He drowns tied to Moby Dick

B. Accidentally harpooned D. He has a heart attack


Directions:If the answer is true, fill in “A” on your scantron. If the answer is false, fill in “B” on your scantron.

35. _____ Moby Dick is told on two different levels

36. _____ In the bible, Ahab was a character who worshipped a pagan god.

37. _____ Starbuck tries to control nature.

38. _____Moby Dick was written in the early 1900’s.

39. _____ The first whale hunt is successful.

40. _____ Ahab insists reading at the sailor’s funeral.

41. _____Queequeg shares his food with Ishmael.

42. _____ Starbuck is the narrator of the story.

43. _____The story begins in Nantucket.

44. _____Ishmael feels guilty for allowing Pip on the whale hunt when Pip gets thrown overboard.

45. _____The Pequod catches fire from a lit cigar left near the oil barrels.

46. _____Queequeg does not represent the idea that his people are savages.

47. _____Ahab compares himself to Prometheus.

48. _____Ishmael misses his wife and children.

49. _____ Starbuck is pressured by his crew to take control of the Pequod from Ahab.

50. _____Ahab has a coffin built for himself.

Short Answer Essays

Directions: Answer the three following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure to provide specific examples where they are asked for.

  1. Identify three themes from Moby Dick. Discuss these themes in detail and provide specific evidence from the story to support each of your arguments.
  1. Compare and contrast Starbuck and Ahab. Identify three similarities and three differences between the two men.
  1. What can Moby Dick teach us about modern life? How is the story still relevant to today’s culture? Provide specific examples.