MO NAWGJ September, 2009 Newsletter
Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and used the opportunity to attend clinics and study with others to help prepare for the new season. We want to make sure everyone is aware of what is going on with MO NAWGJ. Please keep in mind that the majority of our communication is done via email, so please make sure you check your email often.
What is new this season for Missouri?
- At sanctioned Level 3 meets we will now provide scores to the gymnasts. In the past years we provide a color based upon the score the gymnasts received, but never provided or flashed the scores. This year, we will be giving scores to the Level 3’s.
- A new Prep-Optional level was introduced. This level has different rules and requirements than what is available through USAG. Information can be found on under the Prep Optional link. Please review this link and print off the requirements. You will be responsible for knowing the requirements and rules for this level if assigned to judge the meet. This information should be carried with your other judging materials.
Judges Cup
- The only fundraiser that MO NAWGJ does is the Judges Cup meet. This meet will be held at Flipz USA in Columbia November 13-15th. A request for volunteers was sent out to MO NAWGJ members, but if you have not responded, please email Amy Wasson your availability no later than October 2nd.
- The MO NAWGJ board has not yet decided if there will be any monetary compensation for those working the meet. This will be decided at a MO NAWGJ board meeting immediately before Judges Cup. If you have an opinion about this please contact a board member. However, it would be in your best interest to volunteer for Judges Cup as this might have a direct impact on your compensation or credit towards future educational events/materials.
- A special part of the meet is that the gymnasts receive bears as part of their awards. We ask that judges bring medium to large size bears to help this meet continue to be special for the gymnasts and to keep our expenses down. Be on the look out for bears you can purchase and donate to help support Judges Cup.
- All optional judges are required to re-certify to maintain their current rating by the end of the year. Robin Smith has already provided two testing dates in August and September. Amy Wasson just scheduled a testing date for October 23rdin St. Louisand will also be offering the test again at Judges Cup. These dates will shortly be added to the USA Gymnastics website.
- If you want to test up to a higher level, you must have held your current rating at least 11 months and be current with your CPE.
- There are many helpful testing aids on the MO NAWGJ website under the Testing Study Guides link.
- Please make sure you sign up for testing at least two weeks prior to the date if you need to re-certify or if you want to test up to a new level.
- Please make sure that as you renew your memberships you send updated copies of your cards (USA Gymnastics Professional Membership and NAWGJ Membership) to Rita Witt.
- You must have current memberships to judge a meet. Failure to not be current with your memberships could result in loss of the sanction. It is a good idea to keep a copy of your membership cards in your judging bag.
- MO NAWGJ Assignors (Lynne Collins, Julie Dumbacher & Edye Kendrick) are busy assigning meets. Please make sure that you regularly check your email and return your contracts to the assignor and meet director by the due date.
- New this year, is that once the meet is assigned, the assignor will also assign the event assignments. We are going to try to keep track of the assignments to help provide everyone with a variety of judging assignments.
- Once the assignments are made, the assignors will send the known information to Annie Alameda who is responsible for the MO NAWGJ website. We will try to provide each meet with the names of the assigned judges, meet schedule and event assignments. This information will be available under the MO Judges link. While we will do our best to keep the information current for you to use as a reference later, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure you have the most current information.
- NAWGJ Symposium will be held sometime in July (date still TBD) in Chicago, IL. As we learn more information, we will share.
- No decisions have been made about a MO NAWGJ summer clinic for next year.
- If you haven’t turned in your CPE, please do so ASAP or you will not be assigned a meet.
- The Rules & Policies book is now available online through USAG for delivery in October. Please order your book now, as it often takes several weeks to receive.
- During the MO NAWGJ summer clinic, many people expressed the need for more clinics that focused on lower level gymnastics and judging basics. Tracy Bradshaw and Robin Smith volunteered their time, organized and presented a Level 5/6 and Level 7/8 clinic for current and potential judges in Kansas City. We had several people interested in judging attend, but no current MO NAWGJ judges attended.
Financial Update
- Since June we have spent approximately $11,000, with the majority of this used to help judges attend various clinics, provide reimbursement for testing fees and reimbursement for books. We knew that this summer would involve a lot of expenses. Our current balance is approximately $3500. We need to be mindful of expenses this year as we grow our bank account again.
- During the MO NAWGJ board meeting prior to Judges Cup, the board will be discussing our current bank balance, upcoming expenses and the reimbursement process we currently have in place. If you have an opinion about this, please share with a board member.
- Please check out our website if you haven’t recently. Annie Alameda has added several pieces of new information.
- Remember that the MO Judges Link will require you to enter the following information to access the link: email: monawgj password: monawgj10 This information is for current MO judges only.
- If you would have any suggestions for the site, please contact Annie.
State Meet Judges
The MO USAG Board recently selected the following judges for the state meets. Gina will be sending out contracts soon.
FallState - Levels 3, 4 & Prep Optional / SpringState – Levels 5-10 / SpringState – Levels 3, 4 & Prep OptionalJudges / Cindy Beason / Annie Alameda / Annie Alameda
Julie Dumbacher / Tracy Bradshaw / Tracy Bradshaw
Lisa Horn / Julie Dumbacher / Gina Fuller
Edye Kendrick / Gina Fuller / Lisa Horn
Diane LeBlanc / Lisa Horn / Edye Kendrick
Robin Smith / Edye Kendrick / Kristen Kostner
Sherri Smith / Robin Smith / Beth Schultz
Amy Wasson / Amy Wasson / Robin Smith
Rita Witt / Rita Witt / Amy Wasson
Alternates / Kathryn Bartee / Lynne Collins / Julie Dumbacher
Edie Wasser / Carla Warden / Carla Warden
Carla Warden / Sherri Swaim / Emily Stuart
Kristen Kostner
We found this brief article from Nola Ayres (SJD from Washington), however, this holds true for all judges:
As officials, we need to pay attention to the following:
- Preparation. Review your rules and event assignments before each meet. Carefully pack your bag or briefcase to include all the sheets, books and supplies you need.
- Appearance. The NAWGJ uniform consists of a navy jacket, navy skirt or pants and white blouse.
- Behavior at Meets. Do no speak excessively to coaches during the competition. Keep conferences brief, and speak well of all gymnasts, coaches and other judges. Stay at your event until the session is completed. Eat or drink discreetly.
- Responsibilities. You are responsible for your own judging career – you must keep your required memberships and ratings current and take care of any required reporting (taxes, etc.). Be a responsible judge: Return contracts promptly, carpool when you can, be prepared for your assignments, and be on time!
Be prepared – Be professional – Enjoy judging – Have a great season!
Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Amy Wasson & Gina Fuller
MO co-SJDs