mnsc 341 Answers to homework 4 (Excel project 5)
1. a (11Excl-5-13) To move from field to field in a data form, use the TABkey or hold down the ______key and press the key that corresponds to the underlined letter in the name of the desired field.
2. a (11Excl-5-15) The VLOOKUP function searches the leftmost column of a table, called the ______, which in the accompanying figure is the % of Quota column in the Grade Table.
3. c (11Excl-5-15) After searching the leftmost column of a table, the VLOOKUP function returns the corresponding value from the specified column, called the ______, which in the accompanying figure is the Grade column in the Grade Table.
4. d (11Excl-5-21) All of the following are guidelines to follow when creating a database except ______.
5. a (11Excl-5-21) Each time the ______in a data form is clicked, Excel advances to the subsequent record in the database.
6. a (11Excl-5-22) When using a data form, use the ______to confirm or enter field changes.
7. a (11Excl-5-25) When a database is sorted by quota within education within gender, then ______.
8. c (11Excl-5-27) To sort on four fields, sort on the three ______.
9. c (11Excl-5-35) If the Lname field is queried with ______, the name Jones will pass the test.
10. c (11Excl-5-38) The ______option, which is available in all of the AutoFilter lists, allows particular criteria to be selected, such as multiple options or ranges of numbers.
11. c (11Excl-5-45) If comparison criteria in the criteria range are changed and the Extract command is invoked a second time, Excel ______.
12. a (11Excl-5-47) The general form of the DAVERAGE function is: ______, where criteria range is the comparison criteria or test to pass, database is the name of the database, and field name is the name of the field in the database.
13. a - true (11Excl-5-4) A computational field displays results based on other fields in the database.
14. a - true (11Excl-5-7) Setting up a database involves entering field names in a row in the worksheet and changing the column widths so the data will fit in the columns.
15. a - true (11Excl-5-9) The range assigned the name Database includes the column titles and one blank row below the column titles for expansion of the database.
16. b - false (11Excl-5-15) The HLOOKUP function is used when a table direction is vertical or down the worksheet.
17. a - true (11Excl-5-21) When a data form is opened initially, Excel displays the first record in the database.
18. a - true (11Excl-5-22) When a record is deleted, Excel automatically moves all records below the deleted record up one row and appropriately redefines the range of the name Database.
19. a - true (11Excl-5-22) Data is in descending sequence if it is sorted from highest to lowest, most recent to earliest, or alphabetically from Z to A.
20. a - true (11Excl-5-24) When designing a database, it is good practice to include a field that allows the database to be returned to its original order.
21. b - false (11Excl-5-27) Because Excel sorts a database using the current order of records, a database can be sorted on multiple fields by sorting on one field at a time using the Sort buttons on the Standard toolbar, beginning with the major sort key.
22. a - true (11Excl-5-31) In a subtotaled database, if the hide detail (-) symbol is clicked, Excel hides detail records within the row level bar.
23. a - true (11Excl-5-34) After comparison criteria are entered, each time the Find Next button is clicked in a data form Excel displays the next record that passes the test.
24. b - false (11Excl-5-34) Excel is case sensitive; that is, Excel considers uppercase and lowercase characters in a comparison criteria to be different.
25. b - false (11Excl-5-35) When querying on text fields, the asterisk (*) represents any single character in the same position as the asterisk.
26. b - false (11Excl-5-39) The AND operator indicates that only one of the two parts of the criteria must be true.
27. a - true (11Excl-5-41) The Advanced Filter command uses comparison criteria set up in a criteria range.
28. b - false (11Excl-5-43) Unlike the AutoFilter command, the Advanced Filter command does not display a subset of the database.
29. a - true (11Excl-5-46) If a criteria range contains a blank row, it means that no comparison criteria have been defined, and thus all records in the database pass the test.
30. b - false (11Excl-5-45) When an extract range is set up, all of the field names in the database must be copied to the proposed extract range.
31. b - false (11Excl-5-46) If the comparison criteria for field names are in different rows, records pass the test only if they pass all of the comparison criteria.
32. a - true (11Excl-5-47) The general form of the DCOUNT function is: =DCOUNT(database, "field name", criteria range).
33. field names (11Excl 5-4) In a worksheet database such as that shown in the accompanying figure, a row of column titles at the top of the worksheet can be used as ______that identify each field.
34. worksheet database or database or list (11Excl 5-4) A(n) ______, such as that shown in the accompanying figure, is an organized collection of data.
35. fields (11Excl 5-4) In a database such as that shown in the accompanying figure, the data items that make up a record are called ______.
36. data form (11Excl 5-9) A(n) ______is an Excel dialog box that lists the field names in the database and provides corresponding boxes in which to enter the field values.
37. Add button (11Excl 5-20) The ______in the Define Name dialog box can be used to define new names.
38. Sort command (11Excl 5-22) Data can be sorted by clicking the Sort Ascending button or Sort Descending button on the Standard toolbar or by clicking the ______on the Data menu.
39. Subtotals command (11Excl 5-27) To display automatic subtotals, sort the database only on the field on which the subtotals will be based, and then use the ______on the Data menu.
40. control field (11Excl 5-28) The field on which a database is sorted prior to invoking the Subtotals command is called the ______.
41. row level bar (11Excl 5-31) When using Excel's outlining features, the ______indicates which detail records will be hidden if the corresponding hide detail symbol is clicked.
42. outlining features (11Excl 5-31) By utilizing the ______of Excel, detail data quickly can be hidden and shown.
43. querying the database (11Excl 5-32) Displaying the records in a database that pass a test is called ______.
44. wildcard characters (11Excl 5-34) When querying on text fields, ______, such as the question mark and asterisk, can be used to find records that have certain characters in the field.
45. AutoFilter arrows (11Excl 5-35) ______are arrows added directly to the cells containing the field names at the top of a database that, when clicked, display a list of all the items in a field (column).
46. filter criterion (11Excl 5-35) When an AutoFilter arrow is clicked, the item selected from the list that displays is called the ______.
47. Advanced Filter command (11Excl 5-41) The ______on the Filter submenu is similar to the AutoFilter command, except that it does not filter records based on comparison criteria selected from a list.
48. toggle switch (11Excl 5-37) AutoFilter is like a(n) ______; that is, if clicked once, Excel adds AutoFilter arrows to the field names in a database and, if clicked again, Excel removes the arrows and displays all the records.
49. extracted (11Excl 5-43) Once the records that meet the comparison criteria in the criteria range are ______(copied to the extract range), they can be manipulated and printed as a group.
50. DCOUNT function (11Excl 5-47) The ______is an often used database function that will enumerate the number of numeric entries in a database that pass a test.