MNLGLL Meeting Minutes


Attendance taken at main table – Separate Sheet – (Added below)

Meeting called to order by Rob Hoxie at 8:35 pm

Notes taken by Michael Merchant – League Secretary

Open remarks to membership – Rob Hoxie

·  Next meeting on 2/27 at Elks Club

·  Evaluations will be on 3/25 or 3/26 LIKELY.

·  Manager sign ups on the main table for spring, please sign up if interested.

Presidents Report – Rob Hansen/Rob Hoxie

·  Baseball Operations – Hoxie

·  Need a safety officer, and some commissioners we will need help in volunteering.

§  Please let Rob know if you have any interest in helping at these levels.

§  Need commissioners at all 3 levels this year.

§  MERGER UPDATE – Mill did not get approval from their membership in time, combined with a slight delay in district we did not get this done in time for spring, but we are on schedule for this fall.

§  We will be doing some interleague in the Spring to start a transition

§  It is NOT official, so we need to start a basic email communication about the plan, and the likely merger will take place once the details are finalized and looked into.

Finances –Mark Deitelbaum

·  Not much to update, in a GREAT position cash wise.

·  Cash balance is strong, close to $40K

Secretary Report – Mike Merchant

·  Noting to report.

Fundraiser/Sponsorship – Paul Goglia

·  Paul had a full review of his 2017 sponsorship levels.

Player Agent – Kelly D.

·  They are coming in, up 33% over last year at this point. Active on checking PO Box and pay online.

Umpires - Joe Trapani

·  n/a

Marketing – Mark Kaminski

·  n/a

Equipment - Dan Maxwell

·  Submitted out for equipment for pricing. Waiting to hear back, we are in good shape but need some help on ordering balls, etc…

Fields – Carl DeProfio

·  Carl is meeting with Tarantino landscape for field maintenance, this is their specialty. Carl is meeting with them this week, going to walk through all fields. Also trying to incorporate more help during the season, to check fields out 1-2 times per week, bullpens, etc.. All of this is up for discussion however, Tarrantino is first in to provide some pricing. Waiting on meeting which is on 2/9.

Concession – Scott Wortzel

·  Plan is to still run with “the plate”, to run both stands, eliminates our need to staff the stands, and it seems to work out in the Fall, we will be doing it again this Spring. Gehrig will still be run by MNLGLL.

Commissioners Update: -

·  none tonight

Old business –

·  N/A

New business –

·  n/a

Motion to adjourn –

·  First Dan Maxwell, 2nd by Mark Kaminski. Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 pm

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