MMS Math & Science Syllabus 6th Grade: Ms. Pham – Room 104


Ms. Pham

Math & Science TeacherEmail:

WELCOME!! This is going to be an amazing year!! My name is Ms. Pham and it is my pleasure to be your math and science teacher. This year I will challenge your minds and prepare you for success in your future math and science classes. YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL if you put forth your best effort.

> In MATH, we will cover all of the California Common Core State Standards for sixth grade mathematics.

In this course, you will learn concepts as guided by the California Common Core State Standards for 6th Grade Mathematics. We will learn about and explore the following 16 Modules over the course of the year:

Factors and Multiples
Rational Numbers
Operations with Fractions
Operations with Decimals
Representing Ratios & Rates
Applying Ratios & Rates
Percents / Generating Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Generating Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
Equations & Relationships
Relationships in Two Variables
Area and Polygons
Distance and Area in the Coordinate Plane
Surface Area and Volume of Solids
Displaying, Analyzing, and Summarizing Data

> In SCIENCE, we will be focusing on Earth Science, which covers all branches from Geology to Meteorology. Our goal is to work together so that by the end of the year, you have a complete working knowledge of the 6th grade standards and a better understanding of the planet we call home.


It would be AWESOME if you brought this to school everyday. If you cannot get these supplies, please come talk to me and we will figure something out.

●Pencils: Please have at least 2 or more wooden pencils. Homework and class work are to be done in PENCIL ONLY. If you have a mechanical pencil, be sure to heave extra lead and a wooden pencil just in case. Homework, class work, and tests and quizzes are to be done in pencil only— work done in pen will not be graded and will be given a score of zero.

Pencil Sharpener and/or Lead: Please have a hand held pencil sharpener with a cover. No battery powered pencil sharpeners allowed. If you have a mechanical pencil, be sure to have extra lead of the correct size or an additional wooden pencil.

●Red Pen: This will be used for grading homework and other work in class.

●3 Ring Binder: With a divider labeled MATH and another divider labeled SCIENCE. This will be used for homework, notes, handouts etc…

●Binder Paper: Standard size 8 ½ by 11 in. wide or college ruled paper.


Math homework is assigned on Monday and Wednesdays as we move through each module. Homework will be checked on Wednesdays and on Fridays. Most math homework will be assigned to online. If you do not have wifi connection at home, this not an excuse not to do your homework. I will have times available when you can come in the mornings or after school to complete your homework. If you do not complete you homework, you will have until the next day to get it done for full credit. (*Exceptions for absences as written below)

●There is little to no science homework.


●Tests are given at the end of each unit and quizzes are given at the end of each module. Daily lesson quizzes may be given on the lesson from the previous day.

●We will go through the solutions for each and every quiz and test problem after the test has been administered. Please take notes on any errors or mistakes so that you can improve your math knowledge.

●If you receive an undesirable grade on the unit exam, you will have the option to retake a different exam with the same concepts. You will receive the higher of the two scores. Practice, ask questions, and do well the first time around.


●It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and turn in any missed class work and/or homework. The student must arrange a time with me to make up any missed tests and/or quizzes. All missed work will be graded as a ZERO until it is made up. It is your responsibility to keep track of your work, but don’t hesitate to ask me questions about what you are missing. If you missed a lecture, please arrange a time to see me for help. I am here to provide you with any help I can so you can be successful in my class.


Academic Grade

●Tests and Quizzes: 50% of your grade; includes end-of-unit exams, benchmark tests, projects, mid-unit quizzes and lesson quizzes.

●Homework and Class-work: 50% of your grade; Homework is essential for you to be successful on the tests, quizzes and benchmark exams.

●Current grades will be posted every other week in class and progress reports will be issued approximately every 4 to 5 weeks (or any time a student or parent/guardian requests).

It is the student’s responsibility to stay on top of his/her own grades.

Effort Grade

●Your effort grade is based on the quality of your work in and out of class. You must come to class prepared every day, bring all of your materials, complete all of your in class assignments, homework assignments and any missed work. If you do not come to class prepared and complete all of your class work and homework, you can expect to receive a D or an F as an effort grade.

Citizenship Grade

●Your citizenship grade is based on your cooperation and compliance with school and class room policies.

●Always do your best and help others to be successful. Respect the school, the class room and each other. Follow all policies and procedures.

CODE OF CONDUCT: Students are expected to...

  1. Respect the property and rights of others.
  2. Follow the directions from any staff member.
  3. Know and where to their teachers' academic and behavioral expectations and procedures.
  4. Be respectful and use good manners and appropriate language.
  5. Walk to class, be in their seats and ready, with materials, when the bell rings.
  6. Not bring or chew gum on campus; no food, or drink is allowed in the building.

CONSEQUENCES: If the code of conduct is not followed, students will have consequences. Our goal as a team is to teach our students how to learn from their mistakes and to make better choices. When a rule is broken, the following process will be put into place:

1 Strike ~ Warning

2 Strikes ~ Check yourself/reflection time

3 Strikes ~ a logical consequence depending on the action

4 Strikes ~ Phone call home

5 Strikes ~ AP’s office

●Strikes will not carry over from the previous week. Students will start each week with a fresh start.

●Written notification of detentions over 10 minutes will be sent home up to one day prior to the detention date. A parent signature is required in order for a student to attend his/her after school detention. If the student does not return written notification by the scheduled detention, this will be considered a “No Show.”

●If students need extra behavioral support, other interventions or support to assist the student may include: lunch detention, parent conference, Saturday School, referral to the principal or vice principal, team meetings, etc.

Ms. Pham will be available for tutoring, schedule to be determined. I am here to help all of my students be successful. Please come and see me if you are having trouble. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. I am here to help.

Please e-mail me at you have any questions or concerns or just to check on your student’s progress. I am here to help my students become successful in school and in life.

Thank You!

~ Ms. Pham

I have read and understand the classroom policies for Ms. Pham’s math and science class. My first assignment is to return this page to Ms. Pham by Monday, August 24th for credit. I will keep the rest of the syllabus in my binder for reference.

●Student Name (Print): ______

●Student Signature: ______

●Parent Name (Print): ______

●Parent Signature: ______

●Parent E-mail Address: ______

●Parent’s Phone Number: ______