MLA Bibliographic Format for Works Cited

MLA Bibliographic Format for Works Cited

MLA Bibliographic Format for Works Cited

Based on Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2003.

Procedure for a final copy of a WORD CITED page or bibliography:

1)The list of works cited appears at the end of your paper. Begin it on a new page. Number each page of your works cited, continuing from the last page number of your paper.

2)Center the words Work Cited one inch from the top of the page.

3)Double space within and between entries.

4)Alphabetize entries by author or first word of citation.

5)Place first line of entry at left margin. Indent second and all other lines ½ inch.

6)If creating an annotated bibliography begin the annotation at the end of the citation (not a new line) and then double space & indent all lines of citation.

I. Books and Reference Works

For each example below, you are given the basic format and an example. Pay attention to punctuation, quotations, and underlining. For publisher, use the short form.

Book with one Author

Author’s name. Title of book. City: Publisher, copyright date.

Joyce, Jamie. Bullet Proof!. New York: Scholastic, 2007.

Book with Editor as Author

For translator, use trans; for compilers, use comp.

Ewan, David, comp. & ed. Composers Since 1900: A Biographical and Critical Guide. New York: Wilson, 1969.

Book with Two or Three Authors

For editors, translators, or compilers adhere to the same rule, but follow the name with the appropriate abbreviation: ed, trans, or comp.

Jacobson, Morris K. and Pang, Rosemary K. Wonders of Sponges. New York: Dodd, 1976.

Two or More Books by the Same Author

Give the name in the first entry only. Thereafter, in place of the name, type three hyphens, followed by a period and the title. For editors, translators, or compilers adhere to the same rule, but follow the name with the appropriate abbreviation: ed, trans, or comp.

Denega, Danielle. Skulls and Skeletons. New York: Scholastic, 2007.

---Gut-Eating Bugs. New York: Scholastic, 2007.

An Anthology or Compilation

Levithan, David. How They Met: And Other Stories. New York: Knopf, 2008.

A Translation

Cite author, title, translator preceded by Trans., then publication info.

Kafka, Franz. The Penal Colony. Trans. Willia Muir and Edward Muir. New York: Schocken, 1971.

Esssay, Short Story, or Poem within an Anthology

Begin with the author and title of the piece, enclosing the title in quotation marks. Then state the title of the anthology underlined, name of editor preceded by Ed., publishing information, and then give the pages of the individual entry.

Milk, Harvey. “A City of Neighborhoods.” The American Reader. Ed. Diane Ravitch. New York: Harper Collins, 1991.

A Multivolume Work

Ziegler, Alan. The Writing Workshop. Vol. 2. New York: Teachers and Writers, 1984.

If you use two or more volumes, cite the total number of vols in the set, written as: 5 vols.

II. Periodicals and Newspapers

Generally start with the information on the article you used, then give the information from the periodical in which you found it, along with publication information as indicated below. Pay attention to punctuation. When pages are non-consecutive, list first page only and +.

Article from a Monthly Magazine

Villazon, Luis. “The Ultimate Guide to Home Networks.” MacLife March 2011: 38-46.

Article from a Weekly Magazine

Dokoupil, Tony. “The Last Company Town.” Newsweek 21 Feb. 2011: 28-33

Newspaper Article

Author. “Title of Article.” Name of Paper. City of publications in brackets (if not included in title), Date, Edition information: page numbers.

Strain, Ashley. “2012 Budget Proposal would Aid Local Hospitals.” TheJersey Journal. [Jersey City] 2 March. 2011: 4

III. Computer Sources

Basic Entry

Note: In cases where only one date is listed in the examples below, it is the date of access.

Brownlee, Christen. “Obesity-Mild or Severe-raises Kidney Stone Risk.” Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2 Feb. 2010. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 2 Mar. 2011 <

No Author

ADD / ADHD in Children. 2 Mar. 2011. <

Author, No Date

Giordano, Robert. 2 Mar. 2011 <

Online Book

Twain, Mark. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. 1884. World Book Advanced. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.

Online Periodical (Journal, magazine, newspaper)

McKinley, Jesse. “Police Departments Turn to Volunteers.” The New York Times. 1 March 2011. pp. 13. The New York Times Online. 2 Mar. 2011. 2 Mar. 2011. <

Online Government Documents

"The Constitution of the United States of America (1787)." 17 September 1787. The Constitution of the United States of America (1787). World Book Advanced. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.

Article in a Reference Database

Lindstrom, Naomi. "Marti, Jose Julian." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 2 Mar. 2011.