MKT Performance Indicator 3.01 Note Guide

Product/Service Management

·  Defined: Product/Service Management is a marketing function that involves a product.

·  Factors affecting product/service management:

o  Customer Needs and Wants

o  Company and Strategies

o  Cost and Available

o  Product Itself

o  Government Regulation

o  Stages in Life Cycle

o  Business and Economic

·  Benefits to product/service management:

o  Offer products and company’s profits increase

o  When developing the right products, a company can gain new customers

o  When products are well managed there is

·  Role that product/service management plays in marketing:

o  Affects of product

§  What image do you want to create about the product in the minds of consumers?

o  Improves product success

o  Gives product an

§  What impressions do you have of certain brands?

·  People responsible for managing product/service management:

o  Several of a company, certain , 1 employee or just the .

o  Normally depends on of company.

·  Three main phases of product service management:

o  New Products

o  Existing Products

§  Sales, Profit, Market Share

o  Eliminate Products

Product Life Cycle

·  Defined: Represents the during its life.

·  There are 4 Stages of the Life Cycle:

o  1.

o  2.

o  3.

o  4.

·  Goals of the Introduction stage:

o  To increase product

o  Get the customer’s thru promotion

o  Lots of special promotion

·  During the Growth stage:

o  Customers are aware of product,

o  Companies focus on customer

o  starts from other companies

·  During the Maturity stage:

o  The product’s sales . More money is spent on competition during this stage.

o  . A company must decide to the product, , or discontinue product.

·  Product Life Cycle Model

Technology in Product/Service Management

·  Applications of technology in marketing:

§  Scanners at , touch screens, hand-held devices at checkout

o  Interactive Touch Screen Computer

§  Example:

o  Interactive TV

§  Where TV is like a - order movies, click on Ragu for recipes, order food

o  Customer Relationship Management

§  A customer can . The CRM or business can track customer satisfaction

o  Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

§  that allows all parts of the company’s management to be integrated

o  Internet

§  Wi-Fi, , , E-commerce

·  Use of Interactive TV

o  Interactive TV helps marketers to develop a of their uses

o  This database analysis helps see the customer’s to products

o  They are testing Interactive TV for promotion

Ethical Considerations in Packaging

·  Why do you think companies package and label their products?

o  Create a

o  Help product

o  Communicate

·  Concerns for Product Packaging

o  Product

§  Glass now

§  Tamper-resistant packages

§  containers for foods

§  Wasteful packaging

§  Switching for cans and

·  Product labeling must inform customers about a product’s contents and give directions for use.

o  Must have

o  Quantity of

o  Nutritional info

o  Health claims are the same on all products; light, fat free, etc.

o  on products like alcohol and cigarettes

o  How to clothes

·  In order for a product to say recycled it must show proof that it is retrieved a certain

·  For a food to be must meet certain standards

·  What happens when a company fails to inform customers about product risks?

o  Company can get

o  to customer

·  What is Planned Obsolescence?

o  Making products that are known to not last long, or change, so that people will them

§  Example: are always coming out with newer functions and it makes consumers want to purchase the new and improved cell phone