In a small group (3 or 4) you and your partners will be presenting mitosis to the rest of the class in a creative way. You may present the information any way you choose, but you need to make sure that you have presented all the parts of mitosis and what they look like. Please use the attached rubric to help you prepare for this assignment. Some ideas for your assignment are a cartoon storyboard, a radio play, a science fair type display, a video, edible models and so on. You will still need to explain the process in your assignment no matter how you do it. DUE DATE:______

/40 / The project surpasses expectation in its detail of the aspects of mitosis. / The project is complete in its detail of mitosis.
The project has adequately and effectively represented all aspects discussed in class. / The project is incomplete in
its detail of the aspects of mitosis.
The project is clearly lacking
in one or more area(s),
however the depiction of the
overall process is represented
adequately despite this exclusion. / The project is incomplete in
its detail of the aspects of mitosis.
The project is clearly lacking
in one or more area(s) and
does not accurately depict the process with the aspects that have been included
/30 / The project has presented the information in a very original way that is engaging to students on their level. / The project has been presented in a different way, as prescribed by teacher examples or straight forward transfer of the information / The project has been presented in a slightly different way but demonstrates a lack of enthusiasm and/or effort in the material / The project is presented in a manner that is almost exactly the same as presented by the instructor and/or the presentation is incomplete in its form
Enthusiasm and Punctuality
/30 / All aspects of the presentation were enthusiastically completed by group members and the presentation was ready completely on time. / Most aspects of the presentation were enthusiastically completed by the group members and/or the bulk of the presentation was ready on time. / Few members of the group demonstrated a lack of enthusiasm for the project and/or the bulk of the presentation was not ready on time. / The group members were not enthusiastic about completing the presentation and/or the presentation was not ready on the due date, at all.
