Missouri Learning Standards - Earth and Space Sciences 2 & 3TOPICS

ESS2 - Earth’s System / ESS3 - Earth and Human Activity
Earth Materials and Systems / ESS2B – Plate Tectonics / ESS2C –
Role of Water in Surface Processes / ESS2D – Weather and Climate / ESS2E –
Bio-geology / ESS3A – Natural Resources / ESS3B – Natural Hazards / ESS3C-
Human Impacts on Resources / ESS3D-
Earth and Human Activity
K / 1. local weather patterns over time / 1.how plants & animals change env to suit needs / 1. plant, animal needs and where they live / 1. soln to reduce human impacts
1 / 1.relation betw weather data & phenom
2 / 1. how to stop wind, water from changing shape of land / 1.model land, bodies of water in an area / 1. where water found & its state
3 / 1. typical seas weather
2. world climates / 1. soln to reduce weather hazards
4 / 1. natproc that shape surface / 1. maps of Earth features / 1.mult soln to natural hazards
5 / 1. interaction of bio/geo/
atmosphere / 1. fresh water in Earth res / 1. how communities can protect Earth res, env
6-8 / 1. plate tectonics; 2. geoproc impacts on surface / 1. evid of plate motions / 1. water cycle; 2. air masses and weather; 3. heating, rotation > regional climates / 1. cause of uneven distnat res / 1. forecast catastrophes, tech to mitigate effect / 1. effects of incr pop & per cap consump; 2. ways to minimize impact / 1. factors causing temp change in last century
9-12 / 1. impactint/surf proc on surf; 2 change in1 process affects others; 3. interior matter cycling; 4. earthsyst effects on climate / 1. water properties & effect on surf (eros, dep) / 1. carbon cycling in all cycles / 1. coevolution life & earth systems / 1. how humans impacted by nat res avail, nathaz, cc; 2. res use & econ, soc, envbenfits/costs / 1. compsimillusrel bet nat res mgmt., sust human pops, biodiv; 2 soln to reduce human impacts / 1. forecast cc rate & impacts; 2. pred +/- human impacts on earth syst relations
8 Science and Engineering Practices / 7 Cross Cutting Concepts / 5 E Model
1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
2. Developing and using models
3. Planning and carrying out investigations
4. Analyzing and Interpreting data
5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
7. Engaging in argument from evidence
8. Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information / 1. Patterns
2. Cause and Effect: Mechanism and explanation
3. Scale, Proportion and Quantity
4. Systems and System Models
5. Energy and Matter: Flows, cycles and conservation
6. Structure and Function
7. Stability and Change / 1. Engage
2. Explore
3. Explain
4. Elaborate
5. Evaluate