07-15-15 LEPC Mtg 7:30 PM

07-16-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

07-16-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

07-20-15 Michigan Northern Counties 9:45 AM

07-20-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

07-20-15 Special County Board Meeting* 4:00 PM

07-21-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

07-22-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

07-22-15 NMRE Mtg - Gaylord 10:00 AM

07-23-15 MTA Mtg - Courtroom 7:30 PM

07-31-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 9:30 AM

08-06-15 Gun Board 1:30 PM

08-06-15 Building & Grounds 3:30 PM

08-06-15 Finance Committee* 4:00 PM

08-11-15 County Board Meeting* 2:00 PM

08-13-15 Park Mtg 5:00 PM

08-17-15 Michigan Northern Counties 9:45 AM

08-17-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

08-18-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

08-18-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

08-20-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

08-20-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

08-20-15 Recycling Committee 4:00 PM

08-26-15 NMRE Mtg - Gaylord 10:00 AM

08-26-15 Planning Commission 5:00 PM

08-28-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 9:30 AM

09-03-15 Gun Board 1:30 PM

09-03-15 Building & Grounds 3:30 PM

09-03-15 Finance Committee* 4:00 PM

09-07-15 Labor Day - Courthouse Closed

09-08-15 County Board Meeting* 2:00 PM

09-15-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

09-15-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

09-17-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

09-17-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

09-17-15 Recycling Committee 4:00 PM

09-21-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

09-23-15 NMRE Mtg - Gaylord 10:00 AM

09-23-15 Planning Commission 5:00 PM

09-25-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 9:30 AM

10-01-15 Gun Board 1:30 PM

10-08-15 Building & Grounds 3:30 PM

10-08-15 Finance Committee* 4:00 PM

10-08-15 Park Mtg 5:00 PM

10-12-15 Columbus Day - Courthouse Closed

10-13-15 County Board Meeting* 2:00 PM

10-15-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

10-15-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

10-15-15 Recycling Committee 4:00 PM

10-19-15 Michigan Northern Counties 9:45 AM

10-19-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

10-20-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

10-20-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

10-28-15 NMRE Mtg - Gaylord 10:00 AM

10-28-15 Planning Commission 5:00 PM

10-30-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 9:30 AM

11-05-15 Gun Board 1:30 PM

11-05-15 Building & Grounds 3:30 PM

11-05-15 Finance Committee* 4:00 PM

11-10-15 County Board Meeting* 2:00 PM

11-11-15 Veterans Day - Courthouse Closed

11-16-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

11-17-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

11-17-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

11-18-15 Planning Commission 5:00 PM

11-19-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

11-19-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

11-19-15 Recycling Committee 4:00 PM

10-20-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 10:00 AM

11-26-15 Thanksgiving Day - Courthouse Closed

11-27-15 Courthouse Closed

12-03-15 Gun Board 1:30 PM

12-03-15 Building & Grounds 3:30 PM
12-03-15 Finance Committee* 4:00 PM

12-07-15 Michigan Northern Counties 9:45 AM

12-08-15 County Board Meeting* 2:00 PM

12-10-15 Park Mtg 5:00 PM

12-15-15 Conservation District Mtg 9:00 AM

12-15-15 MCCOA Board 10:00 AM

12-16-15 Planning Commission 5:00 PM

12-17-15 Personnel Committee 3:30 PM

12-17-15 Northern Lakes CMH 3:30 PM

12-17-15 Recycling Committee 4:00 PM

12-18-15 DHD #10 - Cadillac 10:00 AM

12-21-15 District Library Bd 4:00 PM

12-24-15 Christmas Eve - Courthouse Closed

12-25-15 Christmas Day - Courthouse Closed

Posted 07/15/15 by Carolyn Flore

*These meetings have the potential of a board quorum –All meetings subject to change.