Miss Tampa Bay Softball
May 10, 2011 / 8:00 pm
Executive Committee / Board MembersX / Ryan Saurer, Interim President / X / Cristina Pante: Team Parent Coordinator
X / John DeMartinis, VP Registration / X / Jen Smith, co registration chair
Ryan Saurer, VP Operations / Donna Setrin, Concession Chair/Fundraising
Open, VP Facilities / Mike Charo, Umpire in Chief
X / Chris Cox, Treasurer / X / Denise Merrell, 8U Rep
X / Kim Smolen, Secretary / Kim Twigg, 10U Rep
Ray Kingery, 12U Rep
X / Also present Jim Bird / X / Ronnie Sims, 16U Rep
- Call to order, Roll call – Ryan Saurer
- Meeting was called to order at 8:37
- Motion to accept April meeting minutes-Minutes approved
- Treasurers Report - Chris Cox
- Balance is - ?
- Everything paid in full.
- We will be getting some money back from the All Star uniform vendors
- Registration Update - John DeMartinis/ Jen Smith
- 4th of July Parade-John motioned for MTBS to not participate, Cristina second. Motion passed
- Rays Day-Nobody has signed up yet - tickets can be purchased online
- Operations Update - Ryan Saurer
- Facilities Update - Vacant
- Steve Battershell resigned position
- Denise Merrell interested in position. John Motioned to accept Denise, Chris seconded, Approved
- Update of fencing in batting cages-Bid is $588. Denise will get it fixed.
- Also to be fixed is the lightning ground on Bella Garden, Denise will be taking care of this.
- We are out of 11 inch game balls, but there is only one game left so we will make do
- Equipment returns
- Ryan will get Denise a check list for equipment.
- John/Jen will send out an email blast for collecting the equipment.
- FYSA update - Ryan Saurer
- Signs in front of gate are broken
- Tournament Dates
- FBC tourney dates 5/27-5/30
- FSC tourney dates: 6/18-6/19, 7/16-7/17, 8/6-8-7, 8/27-8/28, 9/10-9/11, 10/1-10/2, 10/22-10/23, 11/19-11/20-
- All were approved except for 9/10-9/11 (Chris motioned, Cristina second, Passed) and 10/1-10/2 (Chris motioned, Cristina second, Passed)
- For the 10/22-10/23 tournament Chris motioned to allow the tournament, John second, Passed
- AED/CPR - Donna Setrin
- No update-Donna is still working on it but was unable to attend the meeting
- Team Mom Coordinator update – Cristina Pante
- Trophy costs-Estimated cost is $1700, trophies will be in May 26th
- All Star uniforms and parent shirts were ordered and will be in on Thursday, May 12 at 6:00
- Fundraising/Concession Chair Update:-Donna
- Spring Fling-Update-We broke even.
- The date for the “Fall Festival” next year is set for October 20-October 23.
- Sunset Bay has already approved this date.
- Concession issues
- A plug/outlet needs to be fixed. The cost will be incurred by MTBS and FYB but should be minimal.
- UIC-Mike Charo
- None
- Division Reps-Denise, Kim, Ray, Ronnie
- Nothing to report
- USF Softball Camp-
- Denise and Ryan will forward the info on camp actually held at USF.
- Ryan will put together information on possibly having a camp held this summer at our fields.
- All-Stars-
- We will add this to a long term agenda.
- Items that need to be discussed are
- the all star process,
- uniforms,
- and the pre-all star tournament.
- A great idea was to start a committee. Have someone to go to Miss Florida meeting, Also, the pre-all star tournament will be added to the schedule next year.
- Board of Directors Process for the new season-
- Ryan will form a committee for the process.
- John/Jen will send out an email blast through the website,
- Ryan will email Chris Scig so that he can post something in the Talon
- Please contact anyone that is interested in being a board member next year.
- Board members will be voted on at the next meeting.
- End of season celebration-Update
- June 4th will be our end of year celebration from 11-4.
- The players we will have a choice of hamburger or hot dog, chips and a drink for free.
- The food will be served from 12-3.
- Parents and family members will be able to purchase these items for $4.
- Other food items available are cotton candy, popcorn and snow cones.
- A full schedule of events will be on the website.
- Denise and Cristina will email the information to John D.
- There will be kickball, bouncy castles and a water slide.
- Also a magic show will be held from 2:45 to 3:30.
- Meeting adjourned
- The next Board meeting is June 14th.