2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Forms Checklist

We request that you send all forms to:

Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen Scholarship Pageant

Donna M. Klamkin, Co-Executive Director

571 Nichols Street

Fall River, MA02720

** All forms MUST be returned in HARD COPY to the above address. Please DO NOT SUBMIT ELECTRONICALLY. When your packet is received, you will receive a confirmation email and/or phone call. If you have any questions, please contact the Co-Executive Director at:


We must have the following information returned to us to be considered entered in the pageant:

  • 7 Copies of Official Resume {1 page document}* all copies must be signed
  • 7 Copies of Community Service Platform Statement {1 page document}
  • Contestant Release & Indemnity Agreement{In Forms Checklist & must be notarized by a Notary Public}
  • Talent Form {In Forms Checklist packet}
  • Supplemental Information Sheet
  • Talent Lyrics/Dialogue Form {In Forms Checklist packet}
  • Address and Phone Number Information Sheet {In Forms Checklist packet}
  • Contestant Contract {separate PDF File and must be notarized by a Notary Public}
  • Attachment C Form
  • Head Shot (Color Only, Please) {this should be in jpeg format and submitted on a CD}
  • 1 Talent CD (please bring a back-up copy to the pageant on March 31st )
  • Copy of Birth Certificate (Please do not send original!)
  • Official Copy of School Transcript {must be in a sealed envelope from the Guidance Office}
  • State Scholastic Achievement Information Application form {3 page document}
  • T-Shirt Order Form {with $15.00 payment by check or money order only}
  • Program Book Advertising Form (with paymentby check or money order only)
  • Ticket Order Form (with paymentwith check or money order only )
  • Official Entry Fee - Check or Money order by February 15thEarly Discount - $200.00 or March 1st Regular Fee - $225.00) made payable to: Miss Massachusetts Scholarship Foundation

** Please Note: At this time, we are only able to accept checks/money orders. Credit/Debit cards are not accepted. Thank you for your understanding.


2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Competition Rules


  1. Contestant must be at least 13 by the first day of the local/state competition.
  1. Contestant must not be older than 17 onJuly 31, 2012.
  1. Contestant may not have graduated from high school before the start of theNational Finals, except for 16 year-olds (or younger) whograduated early.
  1. Contestant is not eligible to compete in the Miss America Pageant. (See Section 2.2.2, Miss America Contract.)
  1. Contestant must be a citizen of the United States.
  1. Contestant must be a young lady of the highest moral character, integrity, and standards.
  1. Contestant must execute the Contestant Contract and abide by all the agreements and representations contained therein.
  1. Official Entry Fee $200.00 (by 2/15/12) or $225.00 and all paperworkreturned by deadline of March 1st. * PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NEW PRICE REDUCTION OF $100.00 AS OF 1/29/12


  1. Contestants must be able to do their own hair and make-up. The pageant committee will make every attempt to provide hairstylists again this year. Parents, personal make-up artists/hair stylists, etc. will not be allowed backstage or in the interview waiting rooms.
  1. Hostesses will be available to assist the contestants with their clothing, etc. backstage and in the interview waiting rooms.

Presentation in Interview (35%)

  1. Interviews at the state level will be a total of 8minutes. This will be with a panel of at least five judges. There will be no opening or closing comments - just questions and answers.
  1. Questions will come from a variety of areas, including but not limited to the contestant’s application and fact sheet, moral/ethical issues, current events, etc. Contestants should be prepared to answer any type of question asked.
  1. Contestant’s wardrobe should be age appropriate. Since the 2008 National Finals, suits are not permitted as interview apparel. We are requesting that the contestant wear a dress, skirt and top, or pants and top, or anything that is young, fresh, and teen.

On-Stage Question (5%)

1. Contestant will be asked one question on stage. Questions can be about any topic.

Artistic Expression in Talent (35%)

  1. Contestant’s talent must not be longer than 2 minutes. Only CD accompaniment is acceptable. Make sure the contestant’s name and title are on both the CD and the CD case. Please make sure only one track is on the CD.
  1. “Live” accompaniment is not permitted. Only the contestant is permitted on-stage. No other person may be a part of her presentation though background vocals will be allowed as long as they don’t overpower the contestant.
  1. Talent must be performed live; pantomime and lip-sync are not permitted.
  1. Tap dancers may not have accompaniment CDs with pre-recorded taps or tap sounds.
  1. The sound engineer will not stop and re-start an accompaniment CD as a part of the Contestant’s performance. If Contestant needs a ten second delay in her performance, then the CD should include a ten second silent spot.
  1. No other tracks may be included on the accompaniment CD.
  1. Background tracks will be approved by the Pageant.
  1. Fire (fire ropes, fire batons, etc.), pyrotechnics, swords, knives or machetes, bow and arrow acts, and the use of live animals are strictly prohibited.

Presence and Poise in Evening Wear (15%)

  1. Contestant should wear age appropriate attire that makes her feel beautiful and special.
  1. Age appropriate full-length gowns are appropriate. Evening gowns should be in good taste. Extremely high slits are not allowed. Shorter attire may be worn, but must be age appropriate and non-revealing when worn on a stage.

Lifestyle and Fitness in Sportswear (10%)

  1. The Contestant will wear an official MMOT shirt (see separate order form), black shorts, and white sneakers for this competition. Contestants will model in front of the judges and do a very brief physical fitness routine (which will be taught at Orientation) for this competition.

Top Five Finalists

  1. The Judges will be given the name of the top five finalists and rank them from 1st to 5th. A first place vote will receive 10 points, 2nd -5, 3rd – 3, 4th -2, and 5th – 1. The total of this scoring will result in the overall winner.

2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Contestant Release and Indemnity Agreement

I, a contestant in THE 2012MISS MASSACHUSETTS’ OUTSTANDING TEEN PAGEANT do hereby knowingly and voluntarily release The Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen, Inc., their Officers, Directors, Trustees, Judges and Employees and any others person, firm, individual or corporation charged or chargeable with responsibility or liability, their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, lawsuits, demands, damages, loss of service, actions and causes of action based upon, arising out of, or in any way related to any honors, rights, or awards sought by me as a contestant in the 2012 MISS MASSACHUSETTS’ OUTSTANDING TEEN PAGEANT, the conduct of business there at, the ownership and possession of any honors, rights, or awards thereby, any negligent act, act of misfeasance or nonfeasance by the referenced pageant, or any of their agents, contractors, servants, employees or licensees, in conjunction with any honors or awards bestowed at said listed above from any and all claims that exonerate, hold harmless and indemnify such pageant listed above from any and all claims that I or my representative may have against such honors, rights and awards. Such indemnification to include any or all fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees), costs and other expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the above actions or causes of action. I have had a full and adequate opportunity to be thoroughly advised of the terms and conditions of this release and indemnity agreement by counsel of my own choosing. I have also been afforded the opportunity to ask any and all questions that I have concerning this document and its execution by me. I do fully understand if selected Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen, I will agree to enter into a Management Contract. I do fully understand the terms of this agreement and do intentionally and voluntarily agree to same.

Signature (Contestant)Signature(s) (Parent[s] of Contestant)




Sworn to, Subscribed and Acknowledged before me on day of ______, 20, by

who is/are personally known to me or who has/have produced valid identification. Personally Known or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced



Notary Print Name

My Commission Expires

2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Instructions for Completing the Contestant’s Resume

  • Please remember this is your opportunity to demonstrate to the judges why they should consider

you for the job of Miss Massachusetts’ and ultimately, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen.

  • This application, combined with the Community Service Platform Statement, will compriseyour entire application for this job.
  • The judges will receive exactly what is submitted.
  • Please make sure that the application is typed. Handwritten copies WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Proofread and check for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting. (It is a good idea to have someone else proofread your packet as well).
  • All forms (except the Contract) are in Microsoft Word format and may be typed directly into the document.
  • The font size is set at 10. Do not make any smaller and do not change any margins.
  • DO NOT attach any additional sheets(if attached, they will NOT be given to the judges)
  • To see an example of what your finished Resume must look like, see the Sample: Miss State’s Outstanding Teen 2012 Contestant Resume PDF document in your application electronic folder.

See the Sample Resume enclosed in your paperwork.

2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Community Service Platform Statement


Please remember. This ONE (1) page, document combined with theContestant’s Resume, will comprise your entire application for this job. The judges will receiveexactly what is submitted. Any items that do not meet the criteria or are submitted afterthe deadline will not be given to the judges. If your Community Service Platform Statement arrives on theday of the deadline, but does not meet the criteria, it will not be given to the judges. The contestant may explain the lack of judging

materials during her interview, if she so chooses.

Contestants - Talk about your personal platform issue. You may also explain how you will

further the Miss America Outstanding Teen program “brand” to the public throughout the state of Massachusetts.

See the Sample Platform Statement enclosed in your paperwork.

2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Talent Introduction Form

This form is used to prepare the contestant’s Talent introduction. The introductions should “set the stage” for your presentation. DO NOT discuss background, training, or anything else that does not apply directly to your routine. This introduction should be no longer than 25-30 words and must end with your name. (For example: “There are two lasting gifts we give our children…roots and wings. Here with her interpretation of ‘A Piece of Sky’ from the motion picture ‘Yentl’ is Janie Doe.”)

Contestant Name:

Talent Type (pop vocal, opera, ballet, tap dance, etc):

Talent Selection:

Please type your suggested Talent Introduction here:

To eliminate the possibility of more than one contestant using the same song or piece, there will be no duplication of music or dramatic reading in the Talent presentations. The same music may be sung by one contestant and danced to, twirled to, played on a musical instrument by, etc. another contestant. However, if one contestant is using a given song in its entirety, another contestant may use a portion of that song as part of a medley as long as it is not the dominant song in that medley. The contestant who turns in the paperwork first will be given first priority.


2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Talent Lyrics and/or Dialogue Form

Contestant Name:

Talent Type:

Talent Selection:

In the space below, please submit any lyrics and/or dialogue for your talent presentation. We do not want the sheet music, just the lyrics. This is for all types of talent presentations – vocal; dancers (if background music includes lyrics; and dramatic/comedic presentations. Instrumentalists do not need to complete the bottom of this form, just the top..

2012 Miss Massachusetts’ Outstanding Teen

Phone Number and Address Information Sheet

The information contained on this sheet is confidential and for the use of the Miss Massachusetts Outstanding Teen Pageant and its authorized committees only. (This form must be typewritten or printed with black ink)

Your Full Legal Name:

Social Security #: (needed if you are awarded US Savings Bonds)

Your Permanent Home Address:


City, State & Zip

Telephone # Cell (if applicable):

E-mail address:

Your School Name and Address:Name of School:

Current Grade in School (as of date of State Pageant):

Street City, State & Zip

Telephone # Principal’s Name:

Mother’s Full Name:

StreetCity, State & Zip

Home Phone # Cell Work

E-mail address

Father’s Full Name:

Street City, State & Zip

Home Phone # Cell Work

E-mail address

If one or both parents are deceased, or if parents are separated, please indicate that information here.

I certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Contestant Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Endorsed by and Affiliated with the Miss Massachusetts Scholarship Pageant Updated 1/29/2012